Chapter Four

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Peter's POV 

This was it the most powerful people in one room waiting for me to speak after this I will never be left alone again. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I slowly walked towards the table the Avengers watching my every move like I was some science project. I sat down next to Tony never taking my eyes off him, he made me feel safe. Everybody stopped talking when Mr. Stark stood up. He looked down at me and announced to the group "I know you are all worried about Peter so I called you here to clear things up". He gave me a look that I knew was my cue to speak I took a breath and tried to seem more put together due to my bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks, but my voice was shaky and high pitched like the scared little kid I had been hiding for a long time. I looked at Tony and he grabbed my hand and turned me away I had never been more relieved. the only words I could manage were "you tell them". Tony understood and told me to go back to my room. I walked away without looking back. I fell onto the soft bed Tony had provided for me only one thought filled my mind as I drifted off into the relaxing darkness. Why am I such a burden? 

Tony's POV 

I walked back to where I had left the team they were looking at me more confused than before I left. Natasha was the first to speak "so what's up with the kid" for such a simple sentence she said it so sincerely it was almost shocking.  I was about ready to run out of the room I didn't want to tell them about Peter this way it felt so wrong for me to do it for him. I looked out at the people I have come to know as a family and said: "Peter got his scars from his aunt". Just saying those words made my heart drop to the floor

Natasha's POV 

The only thing that was running through my mind was to kill May Parker. I could hear the team yelling at each other but everything sounded muffled. I ran to the elevator and could hear my name being called but my mind was set on seeing May feeling the pain she put Peter through. I heard the sound that told me that I was on the ground floor the door slowly opened and I continued to sprint down the street to where I had begun to know as Peters Apartment. I liked to keep an eye on him (I wouldn't call it stalking, more like keeping tabs). I never slowed down as I Kicked the door open and was overcome with the smell of alcohol when I walked in what I saw was almost sad. If I hadn't known what she did I would have felt sorry for her. There was May on the couch her hair a disaster empty bottles surrounding her as she was passed out with a flask in her hand. I stood there for a while just looking at the broken woman in front of me. I decided not to kill her instead I walked to the kitchen and picked up the phone. 

Tony's POV

Natasha ran out of the tower about a half hour ago we all knew where she was going I had given Steve the address of May Parker I hoped he could stop Nat before she killed Peters aunt as much as he and I hate her, she shouldn't die. Incoming call from May Parker FRIDAY announced. I was hesitant but I picked up my phone but the person on the other line was not who I was expecting. "Tony, I need your help" Natasha hung up I was more confused than ever Peter was still in his room I told Thor to keep an eye on him. I went over to where I keep my suit and flew to the apartment building. 

Natasha's POV 

I'm waiting for Tony to get here. I have no idea what to do in the meantime I start walking around the house until I found what looks like Peter's room. I decided to start packing up his stuff considering he probably won't be coming back here for a while. I started going through drawers when I saw one had paint chipping off it. I opened it and was taken aback by what I saw tons of blood all over the inside, there was only one thing in the drawer a small medication bottle it had no label on it but I decided to put it in the box of things that looked important to take back to the tower. I heard the floorboards creaking hinting that there was somebody else here  I walked out of the boy's room and was shocked to see Steve he ran to the couch were May was out cold and checked her pulse The living American flag looked up at me and asked one of the many questions I was trying to avoid  "Why did you come here" I honestly had no clue how to answer that question so I just stood there and looked at him. The silence apparently told him everything, he just nodded and looked back at the unconscious lady who had been laying lifelessly for the past half hour. 

Tony's POV

The downside of being famous is when you need to go somewhere you literally can't without being swarmed by fans or the paparazzi but I eventually made it into the building  but when I got to the apartment I saw  Steve and Nat both were quiet and looking at Aunt May who I just realized was drunk and out cold . I looked at Nat and started walking forward I lifted May off the couch and walked out of the building. 

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while I just haven't had the motivation. 

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