Chapter Three

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Peter's POV

The room was dark I could hear Tony's voice somehow I knew I was going to have some explaining to do. When I opened my eyes I saw Tony in a chair at the foot of the bed staring lifelessly at the floor he looked up and saw me. He jumped out of the chair and ran to the side of the bed and grabbed my arm which I now realized was in a brace along with my upper thigh Tony looked at me with bags under his eyes he most likely has been awake since I called him. " how are you feeling kid". He was holding back trying to stay calm but you could hear the slight panic in his voice. I'm fine just worn out I assured him but clearly, he didn't believe me. You've got to talk to me Pete I found you in the rain almost dead in a pool of blood. I will never get that image out of my head. At this point I couldn't hold back the dry sobs I tried to cover my face but it hurt to move I looked down and realized the stitches on my arms and legs I had no Idea what I was going to do but I knew I was never going back to the living hell I had once known as home.

Tony was staring at me a crystal clear look of worry in his big brown eyes. He finally asked the question I have been dreading since I woke up "Peter what happened". I tried to take a breath but it felt like somebody was crushing my bones. But it only hurt more to keep this from the only person who feels like family. May was drunk and she took everything out on me even after I was knocked out I woke up with the deep cuts on my upper arms and legs. The look on the man's face was heart-wrenching. Tony has always put up walls people had seen him cry and show some emotion but not what I was witnessing. I could see a Terrified man filled with anger and sadness he was nothing like the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist I had known, he was quiet. But the silence was louder than words could be.

Tony's POV

I took Peter into one of the guest rooms so he could relax, he wanted to be by himself for a while. I hesitated to leave him alone after what he had told me but I needed time to think. I walked into the living room and I was not overly shocked to see Nat. " What are you going to do about the boy" she seemed concerned we all knew she had a soft side. I never told the team about where Peter got his scars, so they were as clueless as I left them at the pool. I had gotten so many messages asking about him but nobody ever got a response.  I knew what I had to do, to protect the kid. He needs help and I can give it. I looked at Natasha and said the few simple words that would change more than one life "I am going to adopt Peter Parker".

(Timeskip 12:00 pm)

I decided before I jump into anything I should get Peter to open up to the team I don't want to tell them anything without his consent. As if on cue FRIDAY said, "Peter is awake, he seems to be in distress should I alert Dr. Banner". "No Fri thank you." I ran to Peters bedroom realizing how stupid I was the kid had a torn hamstring from the fall and I forgot to tell him, for a genius I can be pretty dumb. I could hear the boy wincing from the pain. Due to his fast metabolism, the pain killers wear off quickly. When I walked into the room I saw something I wasn't expecting. Peter was standing up I looked at him in shock as he grabbed the crutches leaning against the wall and said: "I'm used to fighting through pain". I felt so bad for the kid. Peter sat down at the counter not saying a word just looking at the floor like it was on fire, fear coating his face like the tearstains I never see him without. I tried to start a conversation. "Hey, do you want some lunch?" Peter never looked up when he said "I'm not hungry" I was concerned about him not eating but he had been to hell and back in less than 24hours so I understood.

Peters POV 

I never felt more broken in my life, I am alone, the only person I have is tony and I feel like such a burden to him all I have done in the past few days is cause him pain. He doesn't deserve to be overwhelmed with all my issues. It's only a matter of time before he gets annoyed by me and I'm thrown out into the streets where I belong. 

Tony was looking at me weirdly "hey kid should we tell the Avengers about the scars, they're worried about you"  SHIT I forgot about the pool thing! I looked at the person I knew I could trust. "It's kinda unavoidable isn't it". 

(Timeskip 2:00)

Tony and I made a plan about how I was going to tell the team I am scared out of my mind. Telling the Avengers you are depressed and have been abused is no easy task. Mr. Stark arranged a meeting so I could have them all here at once I was dreading there arrival. Just then FRIDAY announced that the team was on there way up to the penthouse. I couldn't take it I ran to the bedroom that Tony was letting me use, trying to sprint past him my limp slowing me down. I caught a glimpse of his face it looked like he knew what was going on I slammed the door and was now in a fetal position on the floor trying to breathe but making no progress. The next thing I knew a familiar voice was whispering things I couldn't make out. I felt tears slowly falling down my face. Soon I was breathing again being held by Tony Stark.

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