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Apple and Marshmallow were laying in the wet grass coated with bright blue tulips. Apple's pencil moved rapidly as she was scribbling on her paper. "Look Marshmallow, I drew us!" Her arms extended, proudly showing the messily drawn picture of them two at the pale girl. Marshmallow's focused gaze turned to Apple's drawing. It was the two of them holding hands. They were both standing in the field they were doodling in, but the flowers were missing. Even though the drawing was overall sloppy, it managed to get a smile out of Marshmallow.

"That's nice, Apple," She places her pen down. "but you did spell everything wrong." Marshmallow points to the words on the paper. 'Mashmollow, Apel, and Bast Frends'. The red-haired girl eyed her drawing in frustration, then crumpled up the paper and tossed it onto a pile of several other wrinkled papers. "Oh, not again!" She squawked. She then eyed Marshmallow's scribble curiously.
"Anyways, what are you drawing?"
Apple couldn't remember the rest. It had been such a while ago. And to top that off, her mind wasn't very fresh, so she easily forgets things. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice a small figure walking towards her. Apple squints her eyes hard to realize it was Marshmallow. A warm feeling overtakes Apple as she smiles widely. "Hi, Marshmallow!" She waves her arm quickly. In fact, so quickly she could probably cut grass with it. Marshmallow glances at her in disgust, scowls, and then shoves past her.

Apple's heart sank for the fourth time this week. Not only did Marshmallow scowl at her, but she also shoved her in the process. She had never done that before to Apple. Why? Why did Marshmallow dislike her so much? What did she ever do wrong? Those thoughts deflated Apple. She didn't want to stand there, looking sad. So she waddled over to Lightbulb who was not very far from her.

Lightbulb grins as she sees Apple approaching her. "Yo! Vitamin C!" Apple groans in annoyance. "Don't call me that, whatever that means." Lightbulb frowns as she notices her upset expression. "Okay, what's up?" She kneels down to match her height, although she was still a bit taller than her kneeling. Apple closes her eyes and sighs. "Marshmallow hates me and I don't know why." The tall blondie scratched her chin before replying quickly. "Maybe she's playing hard to get! Ya know how she is."

Apple raises an eyebrow at her. "Hard to get?" "What does 'hard to get' mean?" Lightbulb glances to the side while trying to think of an easy explanation to say to her. It finally clicked after a while. "She probably likes you, but just doesn't wanna show it." Lightbulb states. Her arms were crossed with a smug expression written on her face. "Oh," Apple scratches her cheek, trying to process Lightbulb's lousy definition. "Okay, thanks Lightbulb!" She beams and hugs Lightbulb tightly before running off to god knows where. Lightbulb places her hands on her hips and watches Apple race for the fields. She finger guns at her and clicks her tongue. "I got ya."


Yay! First chapter! Sorry it's kinda short, I'll make longer ones in the future.

Word count: 524


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