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"Anyway, pumpkins go to Marshmallow, Test Tube, Apple, and Fan." Mephone4 pitches the heavy pumpkins at the four. One splatters on Fan, and the others catch theirs.

"Wow, Marsh! We're both safe!" Apple tightly squeezes Marshmallow into a hug. "We have so much in common! Haha!" Marshmallow tries to pry off Apple's hands. "Can you please...stop strangling me..." She was able to speak in between heavy breaths.


Apple dashed for the fields. For once she had an idea, and not a bad one. She skidded to a stop when she saw the tulips. Without thinking, she bends down to snatch a flower or two. But she winces in pain as she quickly pulls away from the tulip.

About four cuts were sliced on her hands. She trembles a bit, biting her lip. Instead of asking Paintbrush or anyone else if they had bandages, she squats down to examine the flower. It had a couple thorns on it.

Apple carefully picks up the blue flower and rips off the thorns one by one. Some of them cut her more, which gets a good grunt out of her. But she finally was able to hold up three tulips without getting cut. She beams proudly. Now all she had to do was give them to Marshmallow, but first, she had to tend her wounds.

"Maybe Test Tube would have some bandages..."
Apple pranced her way out of the field to find Test Tube. She finally found her chatting with Fan. She didn't know what about, but she was too focused to care. Test Tube's brown hair was tied into a high, yet tight, ponytail. It did look a little odd considering her hair was short. Her round glasses kept sliding down her nose every once in a while. When they did, she would just simply push them back up. Apple eyed her clothing next.
Test Tube's green turtleneck seemed itchy to Apple, but it surprisingly didn't bother Test Tube. Her outfit was pulled together with black leggings and dirty white sneakers.

Apple's eyes switched to Fan. His hair was similar to hers, except it was more of an orange-red and it wasn't as curly as Apple's. His dark brown eyes kept switching from his phone to Test Tube. He was probably writing on his blog or something along those lines. He was wearing a long red t-shirt that reached down to his knees. And ripped blue jeans reached his ankles. His black sneakers swinging back and fourth on top of the vending machine.

"Test Tube?" Apple got the two's attention. Test Tube jumped a bit. "Oh! You startled me! Hey Apple." She laughed nervously. Fan waved.
"Do you have any bandages? I cut my hands." She held out her hands, her palms facing Test Tube.

Test Tube grabbed Apple's right hand to examine it. Her cuts were still there, (no surprise) but they seemed a bit dried up. "Sure I do! Just let me get them. Wait one second." She hops off the vending machine. "Oh, and can you turn around?" She awkwardly puts her hands behind her back. Apple obediently turns her back to the vending machine. She taps her foot against the grass, making a crunching sound. Test Tube whips her head to her right, then her left. And she presses the buttons several times. She gestures for Fan to come with her. He groans and hops off the vending machine as well. A weird tube-shape sucks them both in. This catches curiosity out of Apple. She turns around quickly and gets sucked in as well.

Test Tube lands on her feet and so does Fan. "I'll look on this side, you look on the other." Fan nods and follows Test Tube's orders. They both come to a stop when they hear screaming. To their surprise, Apple came flying out and landed on her butt. "Ouch! Wait, am I in Heaven? Wait, what's a Heaven?" Fan facepalms, but Test Tube rushes over to Apple in panic. "Oh no no no no! First Yin-Yang, then Microphone, then Lightbulb, and now you?! No one else was supposed to find out! Why didn't you listen to me?!" She hollers.
"S-sorry..." Apple looks down.
"You should be!" The brown-haired girl huffs. "Fan, got the bandages?" He nods and hands them to her. "Yup, here." Test Tube sighs in frustration, then kneels down. Apple was pretty short. The only people she was taller than was Tissues and Marshmallow.

"Okay." She starts to wrap the bandages around Apple's left hand. Apple shuts her eyes tightly, dreading the fact Teat Tube would probably yell at her later. Test Tube finishes her left hand, and moves on to the right. It wasn't very long before Test Tube finished and handed the bandages back to Fan. "Put these back." She pushes up her glasses as Fan walks away from the two. "Goodbye, and don't tell anyone." Test Tube walks away, leaving Apple by herself.


Apple finds Marshmallow talking with Paintbrush near the Crappy Cliff. She hides the tulips behind her back and skips to them. "Hey Marshmallow!" She beams. Marshmallow deliberately ignores her, and Paintbrush casts an annoyed glare at her. Apple looks at them in confusion. It was more of an upset look than a confused but she continued to speak.

"Marshmallow please tell me, what did I do wrong?"

Marshmallow crosses her arms, looking away from her. "Hmph, well that's really reassuring coming from you." Apple frowns. Her eyebrows become furrowed. She wanted to ask what 'reassuring' meant, but she thought it wasn't the best time to ask Marshmallow questions when she was annoyed. Paintbrush, who was silently watching, trying not to lash out at Apple, stands up and brushes their jeans. "I'll leave you two alone." They walk past the two girls and give Apple an ireful look before walking over to Lightbulb.

Marshmallow's posture becomes more tense. "What do you want?" Apple chuckles nervously. "Well I got these for you." She hands her the three tulips. They seemed to be dying. Marshmallow looks at the tulips in disgust. "Does she just think she can betray me and act like nothing ever happened?" Anger was boiling up inside her. Apple was getting on her last nerve. "It took me a lot of work and I cut my hands too so I hope you like the—." Marshmallow throws the flowers at Apple. "What is wrong with you!? First, you act like you're my friend and everything! Then, you hurt me! And now, you're pretending like nothing ever happened!" Marshmallow shoves Apple to the ground. "You know what? In fact..." She grabs the flowers from Apple and throw them onto the grass. She stomps on them without hesitation. And then she spits of them. "I don't want your gift, now leave me alone!" Marshmallow walks away from Apple with her teeth gritted. Apple sniffs silently. "Wait Marshmallow wrong wa—!" Marshmallow screamed and shut her eyes. She knew she was was to die, just like the way Bow did. She thought about everything else she could do with her life. She could possibly win the show, grow up and get a job, a wife, a family. But all her worries come to a stop when she doesn't fall off the cliff. But her left leg was swinging completely off the cliff. The only thing that helped her was her right arm, which was grabbed by the hand of Apple's. Marshmallow breathed heavily as Apple pulled her back up.
"Marshmallow are you oka—?"
Apple held her right cheek in shock. Tears pierced her bright green eyes. "How dare you try to push me off! You tried to k-kill me!" She points at Apple, violently shaking. Apple widens her eyes. She knew for a fact she wasn't trying to do that.
"No I wasn't! I swear!"
"Get away from me! Murderer!" She shoves Apple once more and sprints away from the cliff. And just like that, Apple was left alone again. She silently cried to herself.

Is it just me or when Apple gives Marshmallow the flowers it sounds familiar...


Whohoo! Second chapter done! Took me much more time. And I told ya it'll be longer.

Word count: 1,346


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