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"Mephone4, for the crime of unlawful detention, imprisonment, and a freaky portal that the defense claims just randomly opened one day, you are sentenced to...one hour in jail."

"THAT'S BANANA BONKERS! BLEH!" Toilet spat in Judge Gavel's face, leaving toilet water everywhere.

Judge Gavel wiped his face in disgust. "Make that...one day." he added.

"I-I...I hate you, Toilet." and just like that, Mephone left the room with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was rambling some other stuff that no one paid attention to. Probably some excuses to get out of jail.

"And in Mephone4's absence, OJ will take over hosting duties. Case dismissed." he banged his gavel against the wooden table.

                Toilet whined. Tears were visible.

                     "No! It should've been me!"


Apple could barely stand without squirming. She was so excited. She was currently standing somewhere near the elimination area.

Apple had gotten Marshmallow's note from yesterday and she'd never been happier. Apple took the crumpled note out of her pocket to read it again. She smiled.

She probably read it several times before she even got here. All Apple knew was she was just excited to see Marshmallow again.

Meanwhile, Marshmallow had the flower crown on her head and was currently checking herself in the mirror. She grinned, but then she frowned.

  "She's just using you. Remember last episode? She only wanted to be your friend to get farther in the game."

Marshmallow bowed her head down and shut her eyes.

"She doesn't really care about you, I bet that letter was FAKE."

Marshmallow felt a tear roll down her cheek, but she wiped it off and took off the flower crown. She stared at it in anger.

"She is just using me! She's just trying to butter me up so I can be her friend again!" Marshmallow retorted.

She threw the crown back on her bed and stormed out the cabin door.


When she arrived she saw OJ with some of the other constants. She decided to stand next to Balloon.
"Okay everyone! I'm the new host now!" OJ announced. Marshmallow crossed her arms.

"But trust me, I'm totally on top of things." he took out a scroll and read it.

Marshmallow groaned. She didn't pay attention to anyone else speaking at the moment but she had an idea. And idea to just ignore Apple. Maybe she'll leave her alone then.

The Elimination Ceremony was first, so OJ asked which time lost last time. Baseball claimed it first, but Paintbrush argued.

"Don't say anything, and we can all stay in!" Paintbrush whispered.

"Ah!" Marshmallow sighed, followed by Lightbulb saying, "I gotcha." Apple took her thumb out of her mouth. "Okay." she replied. Marshmallow glared at her. She was ready to smack her.

OJ eventually forced Suitcase out of the game, and the challenge went on. They had to clean OJ's hotel.


Marshmallow couldn't take this torment. She still couldn't decide if Apple was trying to be her friend or not. They had so many wonderful memories together. In fact, Marshmallow even started to develop feelings for Apple, but now they're long gone. Apple betrayed her. She doesn't really care about Marshmallow. And/or her feelings.

"Probably all those things she said were fake..."

Marshmallow gazed at Apple. She reddened. "How could someone so insolent be so cute?" Marshmallow thought and furrowed her eyebrows.

Apple noticed her and waved at her with a toothy grin. Marshmallow rolled her eyes in return. The red-haired girl looked at her in confusion. She decided to go up to her.

"Hey Marsh! Why aren't you wearing the flower crown I gave yo—,"


   Marshmallow held the mop close to her chest.

"I trusted you, Apple! I trusted you! I really did! Now I know it's all fake so stop using me!" Marshmallow shoved the dizzy red-haired girl, causing her to stumble back and trip. Apple was confused. She wiped tears from her eyes. Marshmallow stomped away near Paintbrush. She too, was also tearing up.

The challenge went on. Surprisingly The Bright Lights won because off some dumb coin toss, but Marshmallow didn't mind it.

OJ was interrupted when the contestants heard tires screeching loudly. It was a pitch black van with visible scratch marks on it. It looked old and a bit rusty.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw none other but MePhone hop out of the van. Marshmallow couldn't really tell if she should be shocked or annoyed when she saw Mephone's face.

Mephone let Suitcase back in. The brown haired-girl happily skipped next to Baseball and Nickel as her long dutch braids bounced up and down. It was time for the real elimination. Marshmallow put her head down and bit her lower lip. Hoping she wouldn't be eliminated.

The votes tallied up and showed up on Mepad's screen. She peeped up and saw her figure with 673 votes. She smiled knowing she was safe. Then her eyes scrolled to Apple's. 2,045. Marshmallow's smile grew wider. Her eyes landed on Apple. She was frowning and scratching her head in disbelief. Marshmallow was so excited she didn't realize a broken shard of glass fly at her and shatter when it hit her face. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. Marsh went up to Apple. Her arms folded.

"Guess your little strategy ends here. Karma is a beautiful thing, isn't it?"

"But I thought we were buddies! Pals! Friends for life?"

Apple tried to put an arm around Marshmallow. Marsh roughly grabbed Apple by the arm and threw it away from her. The ginger felt her arm as if ached.

"Not to you we weren't!"

Mephone dragged Apple to the portal. Apple trotted next to him and stood in front of it. She turned around and her gloomy eyes met Marshmallow's. Her heart shattered when she saw Marsh with a smug smile.

"Goodbye." She grinned.

Apple's eyes widened when she got shoved into the portal. Looks like her friendship with Marshmallow isn't coming back anytime soon.


Yes, a surprise chapter! I'm off of school and finally on summer vacation. (My last day was June 12th) The first few days I had to do ixl and we were giving my room a whole new makeover but I'll be more active with this story now!

word count: 996

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