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                            "You can't catch me!"
Apple and Marshmallow were playing a game of tag. And of course, Marshmallow was it. Apple was ahead of her by six feet. To Marshmallow's surprise, she runs fast. "Wait up!" Marshmallow would stop every now and then to take a breather. She would take in at least two inhales and exhales, and then chase after Apple again.
               "Apple, you're going to fast! You'll—,"
Too late. Apple had tripped over her left heel and fell frontwards. Luckily, her arms saved her from hitting her head. But her knee was scraped. She sat up weakly, and clutched her knee in pain. "Ow! Marshmallow, it hurts!" She shut her eyes tightly.

Marshmallow bent over next to her and held out a hand for her. Apple took her hand and Marshmallow pulled her up. She pushed her cream colored hair out of her face and put an arm around Apple. "See? I told you you'd get hurt. Now let's go ask Mephone if he has bandages." They walked away from the fields.


Marshmallow's eyes fluttered open. She sat up lazily and yawned. She shifted to get into a more comfortable position but then heard a crumpling sound. Marshmallow scrambled off the bed and saw a wrinkled note with a flower crown next to it. Puzzled, she picked up the note and squinted her eyes to read it.

Dear Mashmellow,

I still dont know what I did, but I just wanna say Im sorrey. So I made a flouer crown for you. I hope you remenber that time we made flouer crowns togeher.

Luv, Apple

Marshmallow scoffed. She crumpled up the paper, and tossed it into the small garbage can next to her. She then delicately picked up the crown to examine it. There were pretty Bluebells all along the rim covered in leaves. Marshmallow teared up a bit, smiling.
                           "She remembered?"
The small girl stared the the crown for a while, pointing out it's every flaw and perfection. She then put a hand to her chin.
"Should I wear it?"
Marshmallow bit her lip, then shook her head.
"No, she betrayed you. Remember?"
Marshmallow sat the flower crown on the nightstand beside her. She sat down in her bed and tried to avoid contact with the crown. Marshmallow decided to read so she took out the fifth Harry Potter book and began to read. But she wasn't really paying attention to the words. She was watching the crown. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her eyes off of it. So, her decision was to wear it.

She tumbled off the bed and picked up the flower crown while waddling to the mirror. She placed the crown on top of her head. She loved how it looked. Marshmallow grinned and grabbed a sweater. She put it on along with her earbuds and headed out the door.

Today was a hazy day. Fog was everywhere. Marshmallow took out her phone and played Breezeblocks by alt-J.

  "She may contain the urge to run away but hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks."

She strolled to the Crappy Cliff and sat there. She thought about Apple. She was quite 

"Citrezene your fever's gripped me again,"

Apple gave her mixed emotions. And she didn't understand it.
"If  Apple is really that sorry, then does she really                want me to be her friend?"

"Never kisses, all you ever send are fullstops, la la la la,"

That thought stumped Marshmallow so much that her head started to ache. So she stood up, brushed the dirt of her pants, and jogged back to the cabin.

"Do you know where the wilds things go?
They go along to take your honey, la la la la,"

Marshmallow gladly collapsed on her bed. She took out her earbuds and took her flower crown off and this time hid it in one of the drawers in the cabinet. She didn't want any 'Sorry's' from anyone who could've broke the flower crown. She looked over at Apple. She was sleeping so peacefully with a huge smile on her face. This warmed her heart. Marshmallow ripped off a sheet of paper from a notebook she found and scribbled something down.

                             Thank you, Apple.


This one is pretty short so I'll make up for it later. Also I wanted to make a chapter just about Marshmallow.


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