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Marshmallow sat on the old yellow couch. Focused. She rested her chin on her right palm. Her thoughts were locked on Apple, and she couldn't get them off of her.

"She's eliminated now. It doesn't matter anymore."

That's what she thought, but she was wrong. Dead wrong. She tilted her head to her right and let out a huge sigh.


Marshmallow shook her head and grabbed the arm of the couch. She looked up to see Paintbrush standing right in front of her. They looked annoyed, but not really at her. Maybe from all the challenges putting pressure on their team.

"Wash the dishes. I've asked you to several times."

Marshmallow turned pink. "Right. Sorry." She scuffed against the plank flooring to the sink. She tied her hair up into a messy bun. Then she took a sponge and picked up a dirty plate and stared. Her eyebrows furrowed. She frowned.

"Hey...I'll do them instead." Paintbrush walked up behind Marshmallow. Marsh handed them the sponge and plate. She walked to the marble counter and hopped onto it. She watched Paintbrush.

"Is this about Apple again?"

Marshmallow perked up. Her eyes opened up a bit.

"How'd you know?" she asked.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but it's kinda obvious." Fan walked in the kitchen, with his egg clutched to his chest, to the edge of the counter. TestTube followed behind him.

"Yeah, Marshmallow. It's actually starting to interfere with the challenges." TestTube pushed up her glasses to the bridge of her nose.

Marshmallow scoffed. "Well I'm sorry that someone I actually trusted just used me to get farther in the game!"

"Sheesh, obsessed much?"

"I am not obsessed!" She crossed her arms and looked away from Fan, her nose facing the ceiling. Her face turned red.

"You know what, I'm going to my room. Bye."

Marsh rubbed her forehead and marched out the room. Fan cupped his hands over his mouth.

"We share the same room!"

                                        ✿ ✿ ✿

Marshmallow fluttered her eyes open. A blurred figure was the only thing she saw. She shut her eyes and opened them again. She saw blonde hair tied up into a messy bun. The blurred picture focused to a grinning Lightbulb.

"Lightbulb! Oh my God are you trying to scare me?" Marsh sat up from her laying position.

Lightbulb laughed. "Hey roomie! Jesus, it's just me."

"How long were you even watching me sleep? Why didn't you just wait until I actually woke up?"

"You were sleeping for four hours. I think that's enough." Lightbulb crossed her arms and smiled. Marshmallow groaned.

"Fine, what do you want?" She rubbed her eyes. Lightbulb scratched her chin. She looked up.

"Nothing! Painty told me to wake you up! We're having a team meeting." She skipped out the room.

Marshmallow rolled off the bed. She was about to go find of change of clothes but looked back at her bed. Her eyes widened.

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