Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" My gynecologist asked.

"I'm sure." I said, nervous as to whether this would even work or not.

Within seconds the procedure was done.

"Okay, I'm going to make an appointment for two weeks out to see if you're pregnant." She stated and began typing on her computer.

After my appointment I went over to my friend's house to break the news. My body feels electric with nerves even though the appointment was over an hour ago. I got to her house and walked in without knocking. She was sitting on the couch and immediately looked suspicious and concerned.

"I did it!" I said and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Bitch no way!" She stated getting excited.

"How are you going to do this? With this whole job opportunity and stuff?" Emily questioned.

"Who knows if I'll even get it. I've only been an athletic trainer for 3 years at a D2 university."

"Girl you know your shit and if they don't want you they're dumb." Emily told me.

We hung out for a while, looking at baby names and just about anything having to do with babies online. This is exciting because she is the only person who knows I got an IUI. I didn't want to tell a bunch of people in case I had a miscarriage or didn't get pregnant at all. The idea of both made me shudder. I've been wanting kids for years but I couldn't find anyone who was genuine and felt the same. So I went with a donor and used IUI.

• 2 weeks later•

I woke up stupid early for my 8:00 appointment with the OBGYN. I barely made it on time and I felt like I was going to throw up all my organs. I was so nervous and I was terrified.

"Taylor Miller?" The nurse came out and called my name.

I got up out of the uncomfortable plastic chair and followed her down the hall to a room.

"Dr. Alvarez should be in with you soon." He smiles and shut the door behind him.

I sat there and stared at the walls. Charts and pictures of women's health plastered the walls. I couldn't help but think about how this one appointment could change my life. I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door and it opening.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" Dr. Alvarez asked me.

"Good, pretty nervous." I admitted.

"Well hopefully we can calm those nerves today. I'm going to start by taking your vitals and then I'll take a blood sample to test whether you are pregnant or not."

"Okay." I said quietly.

Everything felt like a blur up until the point where she took my blood. I'm not scared of needles but it felt like it all happened in slow motion. She tied my upper arm so my veins would pop out, then she sterilized the area with alcohol, and finally she drew the blood with a sharp needle.

"Okay, we should have the results in a few hours. Can I have you verify your phone number?"

"It's xxx-xxx-xxxx." I told her.

"Okay you will get a call as soon as we get the results back." She said and left the room.

I left soon after and drove around town. I couldn't stay in one place, I had to distract myself. I sat by the lake to try and calm myself down, of course it didn't work so I had to sit there in agony for two hours.

I was staring at three ducks swimming to the dock when my phone started to ring.

Alvarez and Kerr OBGYN Clinic
Answer / Decline

I picked up the phone and said hello.

"Hi is this Taylor Miller?" The person on the phone said.


"Can I confirm that with your birth date?"

"10/07/93" I told them.

"Okay great. We have your test results back and they came back positive."

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Really?!" I asked, as if they lied to me.

"Yes, congratulations."

"Thank you so much!" I said in tears.

"You're welcome, bye."


I hung up the phone and wiped my eyes. My mind raced with what everyone would think once I told them.

My first stop was my parents house.

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