Chapter 4

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My office itself was small and very private, but the training room was huge and equipped with everything an athletic trainer could think of. It had countless tables, rehab equipment, and a small heated pool. As I was admiring the room a group of the players walked in. It was Stanton, Judge, Hicks, and Didi.

"Hi guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey, Taylor right?" Didi said.

"Yep!" I answered. "So what brings you guys here?"

"We gotta get taped up before practice." Judge said, and I was taken aback by his deep voice.

"Okay who's first?"

Stanton sat down on a table and I began with him. He needed an ankle wrapped, Didi needed his shoulder done, Hicks needed his elbow stabilized, and Judge needed his wrist wrapped that he injured last season.

I finally got to Judge and I was slightly nervous. For some reason big men intimidate me. I mean, I know Aaron wouldn't hurt a fly but I still couldn't get past it.

I took out the tape to wrap his wrist and was unwinding it when I felt a kick in my rib cage. I gasped, dropping the tape.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked concerned, picking up the tape.

"Yeah, I just got kicked in the ribs." I laughed.

"Speaking of that, is it a boy or girl?"

"It's a girl." I told him wrapping his wrist up.

"And she's already a Yankees fan." He said looking at the white NY logo on my stomach.

"She better be."

Aaron headed off to batting practice and I went to my desk and looked through the players' charts. There were quite a few minor injuries, but no one was injured enough to be off the field.

•After practice•

I could tell practice was over by the sound of cleats hitting the cement floor in the hallway and the boys being loud and boisterous. All of a sudden Gardner walks in limping.

"What happened?" I asked walking over to him.

"I slid into home and landed on my ankle." He said wincing.

"Okay, I'll have you sit down on a table and we'll see what you did."

He sat down at the closest table and I carefully took his cleat and sock off. There was no bruising.

"Can you move it?" I asked.

"Yeah but it hurts like hell."

I noticed some of the guys were hanging by the door.

"Okay well then it's not broken and it's probably just a sprain. I'll tape you up, but I'm referring you to Dr. Anderson for an MRI."

I taped his ankle and sent him out with some ice.

"You guys good?" I asked the 7 players near the door.

"Yeah we just came to ice and stretch." Hicks said.

"Okay well come on in and find a spot and I'll get some ice." I told them.

"Do you want any help?" Judge asked.

"No it's fine, I pre-bagged the ice." I said opening the cooler.

I handed out the ice to those who needed it and kept an eye on everyone. I was sitting on one of the empty tables when I felt her move, a lot.

"Ooh" I said holding my belly.

"You good?" Stanton asked.

I made eye contact with Judge and he looked concerned.

"Yeah. She just thinks she's Gabby Douglas in there."

That made some of them laugh.

"Oh it's a girl? When is she due?" Stanton questioned.

"She looks like she's about overdue, but she should be her in June."

"Who's the lucky dad?" Torres asked.

"Funny story, there isn't one. I did IUI with a donor."

We kept talking until they had to go home. Tomorrow we travel to LA to play against the Dodgers so I packed my bag for three days and went to bed early because being pregnant wears me out.

I woke up at 9 and we had to be at the airport for 11 so I got my bag and headed out. Security was surprisingly quick and I found our gate with most of the guys already there.

"Hey Taylor." Didi greeted me.

"Hey Di." I said slowly taking a seat.

After about thirty minutes they called our gate and let us board. I sat towards the middle of the plane by myself, until Torres and Stanton sat across from me and Judge sat next to me. I knew this was going to be a long flight so I got my blanket out from my bag and curled up. It was actually my daughter's blanket but it's super soft so I took it with me.

We were in the air for a few hours when Clint's son started fussing. He's 1 and sitting still on a plane for hours isn't fun for a kid his age.

After a few minutes of Clint trying to get him to sleep, I asked if I could hold him.

"Yeah, sure!" Clint said.

I held Chase and put on PJ Mask on my phone. He cuddled into me under the blanket and was entertained by the show. After a few minutes I looked down to see that he was passed out.

"You were meant to have kids." Stanton said.

I smiled at Stanton and then felt someone looking at me. Aaron was looking at me smiling. We were looking at each other for a bit too long and it got weird. I adverted my eyes and looked out the window. I got this weird feeling in my stomach, and I knew it wasn't because of the baby.

A few hours later we arrived at LAX and got off the plane. The hotel we were staying at was the Millennium Biltmore, and to say that it was nice is an understatement. We got checked in, and went up to our rooms. I got my own room seeing as I'm a) the athletic trainer and b) pregnant. Once I stepped into the room I was shook.

I took it all in, and eventually made my way to bed and fell asleep

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I took it all in, and eventually made my way to bed and fell asleep.

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