Chapter 10

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I had been sleeping for a few hours when I woke up to Alaina crying. I sat up and picked her up from her little crib that looked more like a plastic bin, and held her.

"What's the matter love?" I cooed.

I looked over to see G and Aaron waking up from the noise.

"Will one of you be an angel and get me a diaper and the wipes?" I asked.

G got up and I had to tell him where they were. Once he found them he brought them over and I changed Alaina at the foot of the bed.

"Is that better?" I asked her once I was done.

She stopped crying, so I picked her up and held her on my shoulder. She was as still as a rock and all I could hear was her quiet breathing. After a few minutes of holding my perfect child, I realized G has yet to hold her.

"Hey G, you wanna hold her?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He said.

I handed her off to him and motioned for Aaron to come lay in bed with me. He came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"You did great babe." He said kissing my forehead.

I hummed in response, looking over at G interacting with Alaina. She began to fuss and five seconds later my alarm to feed her went off.

"Right on time." I said sitting up.

G handed her back to me and I began to feed her.

"I'm going to go grab something to eat, you two want anything?" G asked Aaron and I.

"Yes!" I replied before he even finished his sentence.

"Okay what do you want? I'll probably just go to McDonald's."

"A McDouble, medium fry, a 6 piece, and a coke." I recited my typical order when I was hungry.

G raised his eyebrows at my large order.

"I just pushed out a baby and I haven eaten since last night!" I defended myself.

"Alright T." He said and then took Aaron's order and left.

After Alaina was done eating I burped her and changed her clothes since she makes a huge mess when she eats. I still can't get over how little she is. Her tiny arms and legs are curled up which made it hard to change her but I did it nonetheless. I took a picture of her because you can never have too many pictures of your kids. I decided to post it on Instagram.


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t.miller.trains: my lil peanut

user1: AAH SHE'S SO CUTE!❤️

Giancarlo818: looks just like her mama👌🏽😜

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I put down my phone and looked up to see Aaron staring in awe at Alaina. He let her hold his finger in her teeny little hand and it was adorable to watch. His gap showed as he smiled at her.

The door opened and it was G with the food. I was so fucking excited to eat. He brought my food over to me and I devoured it in minutes. After we were all done eating we began to talk.

"So when are they letting you go home?" G asked.

"I have to wait 24 hours since she was born, so early tomorrow morning."

"We can bring you home." Aaron offered.

"You guys have a game tomorrow."

"Taylor, you just had a kid, we're bringing you home." G said.

I finally gave in, and Alaina started crying again. I picked her up, swaddled her, and held her.

"I know, it's a rough life." I told her.

Eventually she calmed down and just stared at me. I talked to her in a baby voice until she grew bored and fell back asleep. Apparently I fell asleep too because I woke up to the nurse walking in.

"Hi Taylor, I'm just here to see how you're doing and to take you on a walk."

"Okay." I said handing off the baby to Aaron.

The nurse took me out into the hallway to see if I could walk properly after the epidural and went over my chart with me. Once she was done she let me walk back to my room alone. I walked back into my room to see G and Alaina asleep, and Aaron was barely awake. Aaron perked up once he saw that I was back in the room and got up.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" He asked wrapping his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Fine, I'm still in pain, but it's not unbearable." I replied.

We spent the rest of the night sleeping and cuddling Alaina. G had to leave to go deal with one of the guys drunk at a club.

•5:30 the next morning•

I just finished signing the discharge papers and it feels so surreal that I'm going home with an extra person. Aaron carried her in her car seat out to the car and we made our way back to my apartment.

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