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Nakahara Chuuya, finally reached the Warehouse district. Gloved hands casually placed within his coat pockets, and shawl around his neck, and if the situation weren't so damn confusing he'd be tempted to whistle a good tune, despite the cold and the snow.

He strolled along, because it wasn't like he was obligated to save that Dazai. If in the end, it was a corpse he got, he was fine with that too. However, it would be a shame if he didn't know why Dazai had called him instead of his Agency members.

It simply couldn't be helped. Dazai invoked the feeling of curiosity in almost everyone he came into contact, and Chuuya being his former partner and all, found it quite insulting that while that dog knew all the right nerves to hit, his mind drew a total blank when it came to Dazai. The dude was a living personification  of the word Enigma.

So he set about to solve at least one mystery in the long list of enigmatic actions. And for that Dazai needed to at least have his final breath saved.

        In warehouse no. 23, a mighty good distance away from where Chuuya stood, it's occupant was reliving painfully the location's significance. Dazai didn't want to admit it, but the day he lost Odasaku, was the day he lost someone who understood him. Someone who gave him a smack on his forehead when he did or said something stupid. Which most of the time was intentional ofcourse just to cite an annoyance out of the other.

Now looking at his friend who sat there, with a nonchalant look in his eyes, Dazai said "What ? Wanna smack me ? Well, you gotta get to the land of the living. Oh, wait, you're dead you can't do that." And then he laughed as if he had made the joke of the century.

He figured the reason Oda, was so nonchalant was because he already knew, he had gotten a ticket to where his dear friend was, and he being the poster boy of patience was content in waiting for Dazai to get there, whenever he wanted and then give the younger man, a earful when he did get there.

"Gee, clever aren't you ?" Dazai grinned, and then winced immediately when the side of his face, and his rib hurt badly.


"A double suicide, can't be done alone. It has to be double.." He hummed quietly.

Wait, were those the right words ? It seemed a bit off the original for him. But then again everything was.

His huge captor, who had the gift of creating any object as long as it was in his memory out of anything, was preparing a master plan. The plan was this-

Avenge Odasaku. And of course Dazai being his close friend, agreed to help. Which landed in his current situation. Did he regret it ? Nope. Not one bit.

However, his plan didn't end there. Make one of Dazai's friends feel the same pain, Mr. Captor did when Oda died.

Now, this little part Dazai couldn't do. Few years ago he didn't have friends, that is unless of course you didn't count the human form of the phantom that he seemed to see.

Ango would probably visit his grave five years once, and place a bouquet of his least favourite flower, and Chuuya would probably arrive there to topple his coffin and pour '89 wine on his headstone, as a celebratory measure. The boss, would come there with his little girl, and then say a dull 'May your soul rest in peace.' , and he, Osamu Dazai,  unbothered by any of this, would be enjoying his decked out stay in hell, by playing tag, with underworld's mascot, the three headed dog.

Now, things were different. If Atsushi, or Kunikida, or anyone from the Agency were to see him dying he had no doubt they would drag hell from above and create chaos. He didn't want that for Oda's friend.

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