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Doppo Kunikida, was determined to finish his work today. But then came a good question, When was he not ?

If it weren't for the tall brunette, currently kicking at his table, singing a stupid song, not because he had nothing else to do; In fact this man had three stacks of paper work, the size of the Eiffel tower to finish. But, for the simple reason, he was Dazai, the most exasperating human being in the entire planet.

Kunikida's diary of ideals could attest to that. There was a clean record that stated he had wasted 525,600 precious ticks of his heart on lecturing Dazai, or dragging Dazai or slamming Dazai.

"Kunikiiiida -kun," Dazai sang, "Kuni-kiiiiida -kuuun,"

He sounded like a dying walrus, every note, bringing a twitch to the long haired, blonde's eyebrows. But Kunikida knew if he gave in to provocation, his meticulously planned schedule would go down the drain.

So he shut his mouth, and pretended to ignore him.

"Kunikiiiida -kun, you're no fun today. I feel bored ! I waaant to haaave fun today !! " this man sang.

Kunikida simply couldn't bear it. The fingers which speedily hit the keys on his laptop, seem to hover a second, because truly, he was tempted to take his diary, and slam it on that man's head.

If only that brat would hurry and get things done, Kunikida thought.

Said brat, Atsushi was shopping with the Agency's doctor. Their list was a sight of attraction, for it trailed two feet on the ground, as impossible as it may sound.

But hey, 10,000 years ago,they said it was impossible to go to the moon.

So, not only did Atsushi have to tame this list, but also had to catch whatever Yosano-sensei was throwing at him, blindly.  Their cart was full, and till Atsushi received a short respite, he could not hurry to get another one. 

Yosano- sensei oblivious to this, walked ahead saying, "Atsushi-kun what else is on the list ? Keep reciting. We have to finish this quick, and get ready for our raid."

Of course, there was that too. The raid that they had been planning for over a year. This raid was the raid of the century. If they couldn't accomplish this raid, then the reputation of the Armed Detective Agency was at stake.

Today before sunset, they were going to raid the Port Mafia.

Shouting a yes, the poor kid,  juggled all his stuff, and the list, and kept reciting it . How he managed to do this utterly non-describable feat was beyond the people that happened to watch him.

Finally, when Yosano was distracted by some hairpins, he scampered off to find another cart, and heaved a sigh when he managed to get back in time, for her next round of throwing.

When Kunikida heard  that Atsushi won't be coming back any time soon, his heart sank to the bottom of  anguish. So he had to suffer for a few more hours, in the hands of this bandage- squandering, suicidal maniac ?

Oh, what a woe !

Ironically, the Port Mafia were doing their own preparations for a raid. Their target was the Armed Detective Agency.

Now it seemed like, it was a matter of who raided who first.

The Port Mafia Boss, Ougai Mori, sat at the head of the table, his elbows on the table, and fingers entwined together, resting against his chin.

"I suppose, I don't have to reveal the importance of today's raid or the implications that come with it's failure." he said, with a calculating smile, and gaze.

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