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The Agency's doctor, finally made her appearance, at long last. It was only ten minutes, and considering the distance it was a record time, but for Chuuya it seemed like a millennium.

"About time." he growled to the doctor and a frantic Atsushi who was trailing behind her.

"Dazai-san !" the boy cried at Dazai's condition.

"Quick, Atsushi-kun, check his pulse and tell me."

Chuuya who had already done all that cut through, just as Dazai was removed from his arms to the hard concrete, where the Doctor began working the magic he had only heard about. "It's terrible, but it's there. He also has a bullet lodged in his right lung I think. "

"What happened to Dazai-san ?" Atsushi cried, his eyes almost accusingly looking at Chuuya.

"I'll gouge your eyes out kid, I saved that stupid maniac." Chuuya informed. "Oh, and ask your friends to come, and take out the douche at the back. He's the one that did this to your precious Dazai-san."

"Atsushi-kun, get me the tweezers." Yosano-san ordered, and Atsushi scampered to get working, while Chuuya looked on at the painfully slow rise and fall of Dazai's chest.
In a few minutes, Chuuya had to entertain the questions of all the Agency members who arrived there, including their President.

"For the hundredth time, that bloody bastard called me. You think I don't have anything else to do than waltz around the city on a winter night." Chuuya defended himself from Kunikida's interrogation.

In Kunikida's defense, calling a Port Mafia executive member for help, didn't make sense. Why not call him ? or Atsushi-kun ?

The man responsible, who was a beaten pulp, all credit to Chuuya, didn't do much to alleviate his current suspect status. When Dazai woke up, he'd better thank Chuuya. But then again, Chuuya didn't think Dazai would thank him for ruining his plans for a peaceful death.

Finally, when Kunikida decided that Dazai alone had answers to these questions, Chuuya was left alone. Soon, the Agency's special ambulance arrived to carry Dazai away, and Chuuya watched with satisfaction that his heart was beating stronger than before.


When Chuuya dragged himself to bed, it was 5:00 a.m. He woke up to his phone ringing at 6:00 a.m. Cursing all the Gods again, he bit out a venomous "Speak, you rotten moron." without even looking at the caller ID.

"What happened to Dazai-san ?" came a gruff voice, which held uncharacteristic concern. Chuuya scoffed. Only one person cared about Dazai in the mafia.

"He's dead." he groaned, and cut the phone. He'd have might as well kicked Akutagawa out of the Mafia calling him a useless toad.

Of course, about 3 hours later, he got a call from the boss himself "My, my, Chuuya, what did you tell Akutagawa ?"

"Nothing he didn't want to know." Chuuya flatly stated.

"Well, you better clean up this mess, because President Fukuzawa is threatening to send Akutagawa in a matchbox."

"Like that's gonna happen."

"Well, he said we'd have to pay for the damages. I'm taking that out of your pay cheque."

That had Chuuya up and out of his door, in the direction of the stupid Akutagawa, and that bloody Agency. He could imagine the boss chuckling now, as he sipped expensive Earl Grey.

When he did get there, Akutagawa whose eyes were red, no doubt from crying, which that punk didn't even try to deny, looked at Chuuya as if he had murdered Akutagawa's pet dog.

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