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Oda Sakunosuke. He was a weird fellow in Port Mafia. Refused to kill anyone with his gun. Spent friday nights at the Lupin bar, along with Dazai and Ango, the traitor. It was a renown fact that if he hadn't been the obsessive non-killer that he was, he could have risen to the ranks of an executive, as if it was child's play.

Dazai left the mafia after he died. In the middle of a mission. One moment he was there leading it , and the next moment he was gone. Done with the mafia way of life. And it was for that person he always held high regard for. Someone, Dazai regarded a friend. And that bastard didn't have that word in his dictionary back then. Someone whom he called Odasaku.

Guess after this, he knew the real reason why he was here. He knew the reason why Dazai finally smiled.

"You bastard, who are you doing this for ?" Chuuya muttered, a feral rage possessing him the more he thought of what happened to Dazai.

Odasaku died, but it was definitely not because of Dazai.

And may hell and heaven all be damned, if he was going to let Dazai die this way.


"Yes. I am going to kill him." the man in front of him said, his eyes holding lust for blood, grinning joyously at what he was about to achieve.

"Didn't you hear me, you bastard, I said No." Chuuya declared determinedly. The other man, stopped grinning, no doubt his human survival instincts, rather than his sixth sense, picking up something infernal on it's radar.

"Let me tell you something. If you choose to believe it, you are safe, if not, you can rot in hell." venom seeping into every word, he spoke "Dazai did not betray Oda."

Silence weighed heavily on the two parties, before a scream of "NO !" sliced the heavy air.

"Do you take me for a fool ? Do you think you can save your friend's life, with a lie as lame as that ? Die !" the man yelled, madness clearly outlined in his actions, as he rapidly fired using his toy in the direction of Dazai.

When he stopped to take a look at his masterpiece, he saw all the bullets stunted in the air, engulfed by a red aura.  The bullets fell, clinking to the floor, revealing the stone cold face of the person who had taken this thing as a joke mere minutes ago.
With eyes cold enough to freeze even the centre of the earth, and with a voice of steel

" I, Nakahara Chuuya, won't let Dazai die, shouldering the responsibility for the death of Oda Sakunosuke. If I do, then may heaven and hell damn me to the grantors of dark disgrace for eternity."

And finally the look, that the man wanted was on Chuuya's face. The catch was he didn't realize it meant utter disaster. Chuuya's power of gravity manipulation had all metal bars in the warehouse head for the man. The man whose ability was to create anything he had in my made those metal bars into smoke grenades to escape Chuuya's line of vision.

"Tch !" annoyed Chuuya looked around through the smoke, before realising what this meant. Sure enough, when the smoke cleared, The man was now crouched, and held, an immensely bleeding, unconscious Dazai in front of him, with the gun aimed at Dazai's head. The rough movement was enough to disturb  Dazai from his peaceful sleep, and he ended up coughing blood.

Chuuya looked aghast, and honestly he was surprised he managed to last this long. This raised another suspicion in Chuuya. Had this jerk been waiting for this epic moment ?Did he blame himself that bad, that he wanted to die with a replica of Oda's gun ? The same way he had died.

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