Part 10

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YN Pov

Drew was super mad and he had his fist balled up so I reached over the table and held his hands.

Yn- Calm down.

Drew- She lied to me!

I honestly didn't know what to tell him.

Yn-......It's gonna be alright.

Drew-*snatches his hands away* yea sure yn. *looks away*

Yn- I honestly don't know what to say....

Drew-How about nothing at all.

Yn-Andrew you're really pissing me off. I'm Tryna help you but no pout like a big baby. *stands up and storms out*

When I opened my car door, about to get in, somebodies arm appeared and slammed my door shut and pinned me up against it.

Yn- Andrew let me go now.

Drew- Why are you mad..

Yn-Because your ugly ahh pissed me off now let go so I can get home to my baby!

Drew- Our baby! *yells*

Drew get heated when I said "My baby". Why though.

Yn- Why can't I say my child. She's more mine then yours!?

Drew- Yea but she was inside me first.

I couldn't help but to laugh at that!

Yn-*Laughing* What?

Drew- She was inside me then I put her in you-GCO.

Yn-*Shakes head* Don't even keep going. Answer my question.

Drew sighed and let me go. He then leaned on the car beside me.

Drew- When you say "My baby" it makes me feel like I'm not apart of her life. "Our" is just a reminder that Lo is both of ours a family.

Yn- Drew this *points between us* is not a family.

Drew- We're a family...we just need help.. It's like a puzzle piece. He connect someway, Lourdes is our way of connecting, put the pieces just don't fit. Like we're missing a piece. *Looks down at you*

Yn-*Looks up at him and smiles* I like it when your corny. *Hits him playful*


(A/N it's kinda short but I have other books too lol)

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