Part 89

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I slowly walked down the aisle.. My feet pacing with the soft sound of the piano. I felt some soft wet tears fall as I looked around at all the smiling faces. I was in no rush to get to the alter honestly. Walking down that aisle was my last taste of being free. Then I'm lock down forever. I saw my mom sitting front row. She touched my hand before I walked up to Drew. When I turned to face him I gave him a smile. I could tell he was nervous.

Preacher- We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

I was shaking so Drew grabbed my hands and held them in his. He kept rubbing his thumbs across them.

Preacher- The Bride & Groom have chosen to write their own vows.

The preacher stepped back.

Drew- Yn, I've always known at some point in my life that you were going to be the one....the one I settled down with. I know I've may not shown you that in the past but it has always been on my mind. I am crazy in love with you. More than I think you will ever know.

A tear slipped from my eyes.

Drew- You and Lourdes complete me. Without you two I would be lost. I wish I could kiss you right now but I have to wait to the end. *Chuckles*

The crowd and myself chuckled along with him.

Drew- I love you. *Smiles*

Yn- I love you too. *Smiles*

I took a deep breath before I started.

Yn- Drew, I know at times it gets a little rough but every relationship has rocky roads. We've been through so much. So so much. But we are still here..together. That's a goal I think we have accomplished.. I know it's not easy being with me. I'm always working from city to city and you have Lo so thank you... For being there when I need you most. I think you've proven yourself a lot to me. *Smiles*

I started crying.

Yn- We don't know what the future has in stores for us. But I hope every minute of it with you.

I smiled in between my sobs.

Preacher- If anyone knows a reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Me and Drew looked out at the crowd. Everyone was still.

Preacher- Ok, Drew, Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?

Drew-*Smiles* I Do.

Drew slid my wedding ring on my finger.

Preacher- Yn, Do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?

Yn-......*Smiles* I Do..

I slid Drew wedding band on his finger.

Preacher- Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You make kiss your bride. *Smiles*

I smiled as Drew wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mines around his neck and he leaned me back and gave me a kiss. Everyone started clapping.

Lo- Yay mommy and daddy! *Claps*

Paige- *Throws flowers in the air*

I started giggling in the kiss. Drew leaned me back up and we held hands as we walked down the aisle. Lo and Paige were behind us in the wagon.

I went to go change for the reception. Lo and Paige and everyone else went with Drew. My mom came and helped me.

Wow. I can't believe I ,Yn Hakeema , is married.

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