He Doesn't Love Me - Hopekook (Fluff/Sad)

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WARNING! : There will be suicide in this so if you're not comfortable with that skip this one.
We were practicing dancing fake love and I just couldn't seem to get this one part right. I was getting frustrated because I was trying so hard and I just couldn't get it. The song ended and I collapsed to the floor breathing heavily. I felt tears sting my eyes. I just wanna get it right, but I can't. I covered my face with my hands and 'wiped' my face in frustration. "Hey guys you should go i'll stay with Kook." I hear Hobi say. "Alright. Take care of him." Jin says as he leaves with the others. "Hey Kook." I hear Hobi's soft voice as he gently touches my shoulder. I look at him feeling a tear escape my eye and start to slowly roll towards my ear. Hoseok looks at me pity in his eyes. He wipes the tear and sits next to me on the floor. He stares at me with that familiar adoration that makes my heart flutter. "Can you help me?" I ask my voice sounding smaller then what I meant. "Awww. Of course Kookie. That's the reason why I stayed anyway." He explains. "Oh... thanks Hoseok." I say trying not to stutter as I feel blush creeping up to my cheeks. I sit up and get up on my feet as does Hoseok. He started the music and he helped me with dancing. It helped a lot. I had it perfect after a couple hours. We were sweaty, tired, and sitting on the floor resting. "H-Hoseok." I stutter. "Hm?" He hums in response. "T-Thanks for helping m-me." I say cursing at myself for stuttering again. "It's no problem Kookie. Besides it was nice to have some one on one time with you. We don't normally have time together alone." He says smiling. I saw something glisten in his eyes, but I couldn't quite make it out. "So what do you think Kooks. Wanna dance with me again sometime?" He asks. I smile and nod. "S-Sure." I answer looking down fidgeting with my hands. I know that these feelings for Hobi won't go away because they started two years ago. I just wish they would. He's my band mate, my brother, family. How could I have a crush on him? I sigh and fidget with the hem of my shirt. "Are you okay?" Hoseok asks. "You look nervous." I look at him and his eyes were sparkling. "I-I'm f-fine." I say. "You're also stuttering which isn't something you normally do around me. Are you sure everything's okay? Because you know you can come and talk to me about anything that's bothering you." He explains. "Yes everything's fine." I mumble. "Okay well i'm gonna go wait for you in the hallway." He says, but before he can leave I stop him. "Wait. There... there is something wrong." I say looking down. "I knew there was. Why did you lie to me and tell me there wasn't anything wrong when there was?" He asks sitting to next to me. "Because it's something personal and i'm really embarrassed about it." I explain. He hums in understanding before taking my hand in his. "It's okay I promise I won't judge you Kookie." He says softly. "Okay. I trust you." I say clearing my throat before looking away from him and saying, "I like one of the m-members." I say. "You what?" Hoseok asks. "I like one of the members okay?! I have for about two years now." I explain looking at him. "Who?" He asks. I was debating in my head whether I should tell him or not. "Y-you." I mumble, but he must've heard because I felt his hand pull out of mine. He hates me now. He must. I read his face expression. It was filled with shock, and surprise, but I swear I saw disgust in there somewhere. I got up and rushed out of the studio ignoring his calls for me to come back. I rushed back to the dorms and went inside tears pouring out of my eyes. I ignored all of the others worried calls and went straight to my room slamming the door shut and locking it. I jumped on my bed and curled into a ball with my blanket over me. I ruined everything. He hates me. I felt my heart shatter and I let it all out. I let out loud sobs not even trying to muffle them. "Jungkook please let me in!" I hear Hoseok's voice. I want to be in his arms so much, but... he has to hate me. Why else would he have looked at me like that? "Jungkook please." He begs. I try to ignore him, but eventually I can't take it anymore. I get up and rush over to the door, I unlock before ripping it open. I instantly pull him into a hug. "Please don't hate me! Please!" I cry out. "I don't care if you don't like me back just please don't hate me!" I plead my tears soaking his shirt. "Oh Jungkook. I could never hate you." He says rubbing my back. I couldn't let go of him even if I tried. "I was just shocked and confused. I didn't realize you were gonna say that you liked me. I was speechless. I'm sorry for making you like that Kookie." He explains. "Just kiss me." I say pulling back before smashing our lips together. I still had tears in my eyes, but I didn't care.

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