Dancing With The Devil Part 2 - Jikook (Fluff/Smut/Little Bit Sad)

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Top - Jungkook
Bottom - Jimin

"You must kill them Jimin. You must. They deserve it! They all deserve it! You will kill!" Jungkook says in my head. I was in a random house and I was so thrilled with the thought of killing someone. I quickly and quietly grabbed a knife from their kitchen. I hear footsteps and quietly sneak out of the kitchen. I hide behind the wall and hear little pitter patters from their feet. I carefully look and see a teenage boy getting water. I slowly walk over to him and then wrap my hand around his mouth and take my other hand and slice his throat blood covering my hands. I let the kid go before smiling at what I had done. He looks nice with all that blood on him. I smirk when I hear more footsteps. I was about to sneak up on the next person when...
I woke to the feeling of someone kissing me. I knew it was Jungkook and kissed him back. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His eyes had a bit of fear in them. "What's wrong?" I ask and he sits back in his seat. "Nothing it's just. You laughed in your sleep." He says. "Okay? I do that." I say. "Yeah I know, but this one was different. It wasn't like you. Your laugh is usually you know cheerful however this one was more of a dark laugh. It was strange." He explains. I thought back on my dream and felt this sudden rush to spill blood. I looked over at Jungkook. Everything seemed to be blurry and slowed down. I was breathing heavily and I felt my hands start to shake. "Jimin." I hear Jungkook call. "JIMIN!" He shouts, but I couldn't answer I felt like I needed to run. Right now. I open the car door and get out of the car running in a random direction. I run as fast as I can ignoring Jungkook's calls I snatched a sharp rock on the way and then slow down once I hear foot steps in front of me. I slowly walk forwards and see a drunk guy stumbling towards me. I have the rock hid behind me. "Hey." I say giving him a seductive look. He smirks and comes over to me. "Hey you're pretty~." He slurs. I ignore him and smirk pulling the rock out and smashing his head with it. He falls to the ground and I keep smashing his head until there's blood splattered all over me and my clothes, along with the ground and the wall nearby. I was breathing heavily, but I loved the thrill. Was this why Jungkook killed people? I then start giggling at what I had done and soon was laughing like a maniac. My mother will surely blame Jungkook, but who cares. My laughing slowly died down and I looked up to see Jungkook looking at me confused and worried. "Jimin what did you do?" He asks. "Isn't it obvious?" I ask and he shakes his head. "This isn't you. Where's my Jiminie." He asks obviously terrified. Maybe not of me, but for me. "J-Jungkook? It is me what are you talking about?" I ask tilting my head to the side. "No. My Jimin wouldn't hurt a fly!" He shouts. "Then you don't know me very well." I say looking at him. "Oh by the way we may want to hide his body." I say. "You know what. I might as well get used to this new you. You've changed like this before and I got used to it then so I can do it now." He says as I get up dragging the body over to him. "So.... what happened? Why did you all of a sudden just do that?" He asks. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to feel how you feel killing people. I guess I just wanted a thrill." I explain picking up the body and tossing it over my shoulder. "Anyway so there's a dumpster nearby i'll put the body in there." I say walking to it and I throw the body inside. "Let's go." I say grabbing his hand and dragging him back to the car. We get inside and I start it driving towards my home. About halfway there I heard a zipper unzip and saw Jungkook undoing his pants. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I ask. "What i'm horny! You look hot when you do stuff like that apparently and covered in blood." He groans pumping his cock and staring at me. "And you call me impatient." I snap. "Don't get cocky!" Jungkook warns. I sigh not wanting a punishment and I then look at him pumping his hard cock and staring at me, while biting his lip. I keep one hand on the steering wheel and reach over grabbing onto his cock. He removes his hand and I start moving my hand the way I know he loves. He gasps and was moaning softly. I tried my best to pay attention to the road, but he looked so hot. Luckily it was dark out. I pulled into an empty parking lot and went faster looking at how wrecked he looked. I wonder... I let go right when he was going cum. He looked at me and went to reach for his cock, but I snatched his arm and glared at him. "No." I say my voice deeper than usual. "Excuse me? Park Jimin what do you think you're doing?" He asks. "Just let me." I say calmly and get out of the car. I go over to side and open the door yanking him out. I shut his door and open the back door telling him to get in and lay down. He does as told and I get in shutting the door behind me. I then open his legs and his cheeks flushed a deep red. He covered his face and refused to look at me. I've never seen him so shy before. It was really cute. I pulled his pants off quickly and began kissing the insides of his thighs leaving small hickeys on them. I slowly move up to his underwear and pull them off next. He still had his face covered. I chuckle and pry his hands off his face. "What's wrong Kookie?" I ask and he whimpers. "J-Jimin." His voice came out all whiny and needy. "If you don't want to try switching we don't have to." I say and he looks at me before smiling softly. "Of course I'll try it it's just.... i'm embarrassed....." He says avoiding eye contact. "Hey it's okay. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." I say pecking his lips. "But-" "Shh. Just let me take care of you okay?" I say grabbing some lube from in the car. I went to put his legs on my shoulders, but he stopped me. "W-What are you doing?" He asks. "I'm just gonna put your legs on my shoulders okay. Just relax it'll be okay. I promise." I say trying to comfort him. His breathing was ragged and his cheeks were a rose red. I take his legs and put them on my shoulders before squirting some lube on three of my fingers. I touch his hole with one finger and he looks at me.
*Jk's POV*
Jimin has touched a finger to my hole and I felt so nervous. I've never bottomed before. He slowly pushed the finger in and it stung a bit, but when I saw that Jimin looked at me with nothing, but love filled eyes it calmed me. He moved it slowly and it felt strange and uncomfortable, but I promised to try it there for I will. Eventually I got used to the feeling and he pushed his finger in deeper than usual and it hit something that shot pleasure through me. I let out a loud, short, surprised moan. I wasn't expecting that. He then hit it again and I moaned again. "J-Jimin please." I whine trying not to moan as he kept hitting it. He then added a second finger moving them slowly and softly yet every time he hit that one spot it made me jolt and moan louder. I was slowly getting used to the stretch and when I was fully used to it I looked Jimin in the eyes and whined slightly. "Use your words Baby." He says smirking. "P-Please. F-Faster." I whine. He smiles kissing my forehead before moving them a bit faster than I thought he would. His fingers kept jabbing my prostate and I felt so close. I grabbed onto his arms and was panting. "J-Jimin i'm close." I warn. He starts moving his fingers faster and I gasp. I was moaning louder and louder until I came with a cry, cum spurting on my stomach. I whined as he kept going my legs shaking. "Jimin please." I whine and he stops moving his fingers before pulling them out gently. He kisses my lips and I kiss back.
*Jimin POV*
I pulled away and grabbed some baby wipes and cleaned him off. He got his clothes back on and huffed. "Never again." He says. "What you didn't like it?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No I liked it it's just not my style." He says. "Sorry Minnie." "No. No. It's okay." I say. "I don't care what we do as long as i'm with you." I say smiling. "Okay well we should get home now yeah?" He chuckles. "Yeah." I agree. We get back up front and we finally get home. I go inside and it's quiet. They must be sleeping. "Jungkook." I call. "Hm?" He hums in response. "I wanna do it again." I say. "What? No! Oh hell no! Park Jimin that is your family!" He says. "B-But they always call you evil and are rude to me!" I say. "Jimin please you'll regret it later trust me." He says. "I don't care I must-" He grabbed onto my hand and slammed me on the wall. "Jimin listen to me. You kill your family and it'll only hurt you in the long run! Now shut up about it and please try to control yourself." He says and I look to my side seeing my Mom standing there wide eyed and fear filling her eyes. "Mom." I say. "You want to kill us?" She asks. "No! No Mom it's not like that! I-" I tried to get close to her, but she backed away. "NO! YOUR A DEMON! JUST LIKE HIM! THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT YOU NEAR HIM! I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW!" She screams. I felt tears gather in my eyes and I couldn't help, but blame Jungkook. If he wouldn't have said anything. Jungkook went to touch me, but I tore away and ran out the door getting in our car. Jungkook comes out and does the same sitting in the drivers seat. My sobs filled the car as he pulled out and started driving. I felt like my heart had just shattered. My own Mother now knows i'm just like my boyfriend. A demon. A killer. A cold hearted killer. I just wanted space away from everyone. He eventually stopped the car in a random alleyway and I wiped my eyes along with my nose. "Jimin." "Just leave me alone." I say anger filling my voice. "Okay. You know what-" "No! JUST SHUT UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I shout getting out of the car and leaning against the wall. He gets out as well and stares me dead in the eyes. "THIS IS NOT ALL MY FAULT! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" He yells. "I WAS SCARED! I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT THEM! I NEEDED TO TELL YOU! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!" I explain. "YOU COULD'VE OF OH I DON'T KNOW TRIED TO CONTROL IT, BUT NO YOU JUST LET IT GO!" He screams. "IT'S NOT SOMETHING I KNOW HOW TO CONTROL!" I shout. "I'm scared Jungkook." I say my voice a lot quieter than before. Tears were pouring out of my eyes. "I'm scared i'm gonna either hurt you or someone else I love. I don't want to hurt you. I love you." I explain. His eyes were filled with pity and I just wanted to be in his arms, but I don't wanna hurt him. I slowly back away as he gets closer to me. I then take off running ignoring his calls. Why do I keep running from him? It's like I can't control my feet they just go. I kept running in the only directions I could when I ran into a dead end. The urge to kill was so strong I was even afraid of hurting myself. Why is this happening to me? Jungkook rounded the corner and ran up to me hugging me. "NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO PLEASE! I-" I was cut off by him kissing my lips. I instantly melted in his arms. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "It's okay Jimin." He says, but I was still fighting him a little. "Hey. Look at me. Look at me." He says and grabs my cheeks turning my head to look at him. "It's gonna be okay. You won't hurt me." He says. "But what if I do!" I cry. "You won't, you wanna know why? Because your a strong, and lovable person who I know would never hurt anyone he loves. At least not on purpose. Your an amazing person Jimin. And you may be strong, but even strong people need help, comfort, and need to feel secure. It's just normal." He says. I felt tears gather in my eyes and I hugged him tightly. "I'm just scared." I say. "I know, but we'll get through it together I promise. Besides I went through the same thing as you so I can teach you how to control it." He says. "Now let's get back to the car." He says. We get in the car and I sigh. "Why am I like this?" I ask. "Like what?" He asks buckling before starting the car. "Such a scaredy cat of everything." I explain buckling. "You're not a scared cat maybe a bit paranoid, but not a scaredy cat." He says driving off. We fell into silence when my students came to mind. I'm gonna miss them. I jumped when my phone started ringing. I didn't recognize the number. I answered and brought it to my ear. I heard crying and the person was saying, "WHY DID YOU QUIT?! JIMIN WHAT IS GOING ON! TELL US!" It was Taehyung. "Woah woah calm down. I had to quit. My Mom kicked me out of my house. I'm with Jungkook right now." I explain. "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY DID YOU GET KICKED OUT?!" Tae screams. "Oh um well. I got kicked out because.... J-Jungkook would always.... b-be there so yeah I got kicked out. I'm sorry Taehyung I need to go." I say before hanging up and muting my phone. I put my phone in my lap and sigh closing my eyes. "I'm gonna take a nap." I mumble. "Okay sweet dreams Baby." He says kissing my cheek. I sit here with my eyes closed and let sleep take over me.
I was in an alleyway with Jungkook. He was completely naked and so was I. His lips were attacking my neck and my dick was throbbing. "J-Jungkook..." I whine. "Please." I beg. He pulls back and smirks at me. "You want my dick that bad hm?" He says teasingly picking me up by my legs and putting my back on the wall. "Jungkook.... c-can I c-call you.... Daddy?" I ask, but mumble the last part. "Call me what Princess?" He asks looking in my eyes. "D-Daddy." I say a little louder. He smirks and pecks my lips. "I don't care what you call me Princess as long as your happy." He says putting his tip at my hole. He then slowly starts pushing in and I gasp at the slight stretch. He kept pushing inside me until he was all the way in his cock pressing into my prostate. He stopped all movements and looked at me. I was panting and waiting for most of the pain to subside. "Move. Please." I say. He starts to slowly thrust up and hits my prostate right on. I pull my head back and put it against the wall moaning every time he slowly, yet roughly slammed into my prostate. "Daddy please." I whine. "Fuck. Say that again." He says. "Daddy." I repeat. His movements quickened and I was a wreck under his touch. I was moaning uncontrollably as much as I tried not to moan at all. "Fuck Baby your so good for me. Such a good boy." He says thrusting faster. I was panting and moans were pouring out of my mouth. "You like that hm? You like my cock Baby?" He asks. "Yes Daddy! I love it!" I respond as he brings his lips to mine and kisses me. He puts our foreheads together and gets closer to me. "Fuck Baby i'm gonna cum." He says. I couldn't say anything as my orgasm interrupted me. I came on my stomach as he came inside me. He slows his thrusts and groans.
*Jungkook POV*
"I'm gonna take a nap." He mumbles. "Okay sweet dreams Baby." I say kissing his cheek quickly before looking back at the road. It was about five minutes when I heard him move around a bit. I looked over a couple times and noticed he was facing me, his cheeks were a bit pink and he seemed to have a erection. What is that boy dreaming about? More importantly is it about me? He let out a noise that sounded like a moan, but at the same time it was a bit whiny. He eventually started letting out little moans every now and then. Until he said this one word that me furious inside. "Daddy." The one word that I wish he would call me, but I don't know if he's into that so... yeah. But who the fuck is he dreaming about?! He hasn't said my name or anyone's for that matter! He's just been moaning and whining and saying Daddy. I'm getting so sick of this. I pull into a burger king parking lot and wait for him to wake.
*Jimin POV*
I open my eyes and see we had stopped. I rub my eyes and look over at Jungkook. He looked furious. Did I moan in my sleep? "Jungkook? What's wrong?" I ask. He says nothing and shakes his head. I sigh and look away. "Come on let's go in and get something to eat." Jungkook says getting out of the car. I get out and shut the door feeling like i've done something wrong. When we get inside I tell Jungkook that I just want chicken nuggets before saying I have to use the bathroom. I head to the bathroom and go inside, but as soon as I go inside there's a man that grabs my waist and slams me on the wall covering my mouth. "Be quiet and don't move." He snaps. I kept trying to fight him, but I couldn't. "What did I say slut?!" He growls. I stopped moving and making noises. I couldn't think straight. All I could think of was that i'm gonna be raped. He unzipped and unbuttoned my pants before instantly reaching inside and grabbing onto my dick. He then started to stroke my dick and I had tears pouring down my face. I have my phone I need to call Jungkook and get him to hear this. I knew my phone like the back of my hand. He let one of my hands go which was a mistake on his side. I blindly called Jungkook or at least I hope so. "Give me your hand now." He snaps. I give him my hand and he puts back up to where my other hand was. I starting fidgeting again to get the man angry so he would yell at me. "I said to stop fucking moving you goddamn slut!" He yells taking his hand off my cock, but he didn't yell loud enough for anyone else to hear except for whoever I called. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and I saw Jungkook standing there with his phone in hand and came over punching the guy. I fall to the floor crying my eyes out as Jungkook gets the man to leave. Once he left Jungkook gently touches my shoulder and I look up hugging him immediately. "I'm so sorry Baby. Why didn't you scream or anything?" He asks. "H-He told me n-not to and I was scared." I explain. Jungkook stays silent just hugging and comforting me. "He touched me." I cry and Jungkook's grip on me tightened. He pulled away and helped me fix my hair while I fixed my pants. He then looked me dead in the eyes. "He fucking touched you." He growls. "J-Jungkook I-" "YES OR NO!" He shouts. "Y-Yes." I stutter he storms out of the bathroom and I rush after him. "Jungkook please it's fine." I say, but he ignores me. I grab Jungkook's hand and turn him around. "Please just leave it be." I plead. "How can I when he touched my precious Baby?" He asks caressing my cheeks and looking at me eyes filled with love and adoration. "Just...." I thought for a moment before hugging him again. He hugs me back and I snuggle into his chest. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He replies kissing my forehead. "Come let's go." He says pulling away. I went to go back inside, but he pointed to the car. "What about food? I'm hungry." I complain. "I know, but I don't want you in there after what he did." He says grabbing my hand and dragging me to the car. He lets go when we're at the car and gets in the drivers seat. I get in the passenger seat and shift around. I wasn't going to buckle, but Jungkook gave this look I didn't like so I buckled. He started driving again, but realized we were low on gas and stopped to fill the tank. I was still hard though. "J-Jungkook." I stutter. "Hm?" He hums. "Um I...." I felt ashamed and embarrassed. "What is it?" He asks obviously getting annoyed. "I-I......." I couldn't say it. I looked out the window when I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh. "You want me to touch you?" He asks and I nod. He went to, but then he retracted his hand from my pants. I whined and he ignored me. "So I heard you moaning earlier in your sleep. Care to tell me why MY Baby was moaning Daddy?" He asks anger filling his voice. "J-Jungkook i-it's not what you think. I-" "It's not. Really? So it's not that you were having a dream about someone else other than me?" He asks. "N-No I would n-never." Why can't I stop stuttering it's making it look like i'm lying. "Okay if it's not than why are you stuttering?" He asks. "I-" He grabs onto my hair and pulls me towards him. "You know I don't like lying!" He growls. "Especially from you." He says his voice dangerously low. "Jungkook wait I-" He pulls on my hair again and I moan slightly. "Mm. Nice to know you like hair pulling." He says. "Your lucky I love you otherwise I would touch you right now. However with what happened at the restaurant I won't, even if you want me to. I'd feel too guilty." He says. "It's okay Kookie. I understand. Can I at least touch myself?" I ask. He sighs before nodding and getting out of the car after hearing the pump click indicating it was done filling. When he left I unzipped and unbuttoned my pants. I took my cock out and teased my tip slightly before slowly stroking it. I let out a shaky breath and moved my hand faster. I tried not to make it so obvious that I was masturbating in the car, but I couldn't help it. The pleasure felt so good. I was so close, but it wasn't Jungkook. It didn't feel like enough. I slowed my movements as my arm got tired from moving so fast. I was right on the edge, but since I slowed down it was just.... there. The feeling didn't go away, but it also didn't get better. Before I knew Jungkook was getting back in the car after paying for the gas. "For real?" He asks. "H-Help." I whine. "I told you I-" He stares in my eyes and I was pleading him with them. "Please. Kookie. I'm so close." I whine tears gathering in my eyes. He sighs before reaching over slapping my hand away. He grabs my cock and squeezes it slightly. "What the hell?" I ask. "You wanted me to touch you. You didn't tell me to make you cum." He says. "Jungkook please." I whine. "Tell me who you were dreaming about then maybe I will." He says. "I...." I was embarrassed enough about it. I looked away from him, but he jerks my head back to him. "Look me in the eyes and tell me." He snaps. "I....." His gaze was making me more nervous. "You." I say quickly before closing my eyes and wanting to hide. "Me?" He asks. I feel my cheeks heat up and I open my eyes seeing him smirking making me close them again. I nod. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He asks moving his hand at a fast pace. I was about to let out a moan, but he kissed me before I could. He was swallowing all of my moans when suddenly I moaned really loudly feeling cum spurt out of my dick. He slows his movements pulling away and looking down at my cock. He takes his hand off before bringing his hand to his mouth and licking my cum off his fingers. He then grabs a tissue drying his hand before getting some hand sanitizer that I had and used some. He then took a tissue and cleaned me up. I put my dick back in my pants and fixed them. I also fixed my hair and looked at him. I was still catching my breath when he asked, "So since you wanted something to eat I got you a sandwich from in there along with a pop." He says handing me the items. "Oh thanks." I mumble. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing. It's just never mind. Go." I say. He puts the car into drive and begins driving again slowly nibbling away at his sandwich. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Well we can't go to my house because turns out people actually found my house and by people I don't mean normal people. I mean people that could harm you, so i'm not taking any chances." He says.

*Two Hours Later*

He drove for about two hours when we arrived at this park. "Guess our new life starts here." He says. "Yep guess so." I say.

That's the end of Dancing With The Devil I know that the name is misleading, but I couldn't really think of anything else so sorry bout that. Anyway I was thinking of making a part 3 for it, but I don't know what do you guys think I should do? Make another part or just leave it as it is?

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