Best Birthday Ever - Yoongi x BTS (Fluff/Smut)

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Okay so...... I have no idea what the fuck this is. Lol. It's mostly smut and like I don't even know...... I have no idea what I was thinking, but here it is! 😂

Top - BTS
Bottom - Yoongi

I groan as I walk out of my bedroom and rub my eyes still feeling sleepy. "Morning hyung!" Jungkook says before I'm feeling lips on my own. I hum softly into the kiss before he's pulling away. "I love you!" He says before I sit down at the table and go to lay my head down when a plate of food along with a fork and coffee is being put out in front of me. "Huh?" I look up and see Jin smiling at me. "Morning baby." He says before pecking my lips. I hum in response before picking up the fork and looking at my plate. There was two heart shaped eggs and pancakes along with three pieces of bacon laid out nicely on the plate. I couldn't help, but smile at the fact that they were heart shaped. "Thank you hyung." I mutter softly before eating a small bite of pancake and smiling noticing that he made them with mini chocolate chips. Just like how I liked them. Why were they being so nice? I mean my birthday is tomorrow. Maybe that's why..? "Hyung!" Taehyung shouts before rushing over and pecking my cheek. He then hugs me from behind and hums softly. "I love you hyung!" He says making me smile from shyness and embarrassment. "Ah I... I love you too Taehyungie." I mutter feeling my cheeks flare up. He soon pulls away as I eat another bite of pancake. "Guys hurry up and come eat." Jin shouts before setting the table for everyone else. "Thanks hyung!" Hobi says as he rushes out of his room. He hops in a chair and immediately starts eating. Jungkook shyly comes over and sits down next to me before peeking over at me and smiling a bit. I smile a bit as well before reaching over and grabbing his hand. His cheeks turned bright red as he intertwined his fingers with mine. We all eat our food and for some reason Jungkook was being a lot clingy towards me lately. We decided to watch a movie and Jungkook was currently cuddled into my chest our hands intertwined. "Hyungie." He calls softly while looking up at me and smiling. "Yes Jungkookie?" I ask while looking in his eyes. He only gives me puppy eyes while his eyes seemed to be looking at my lips. He scoots you a bit and then looks up at me shyly before placing a soft and sweet kiss on my lips before he goes to shy away, but before he can I pull him back and kiss him once again. Once pulling away he looks at me with shy eyes and red cheeks. "Aww. You look so cute." I say softly making him blush so hard that his ears turn red. He quickly hides his face in the crook of my neck and I can't help, but chuckle at his action. I bring my hand to his head and begin to play with his hair as they go onto Netflix and find a scary movie. I think it was called Saw. It looked less scary and more gory and bloody than anything else. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but you know. It soon started playing and I honestly was getting into it. So into it that I didn't notice the fact that Jungkook was staring at me until I couldn't help, but look over at him. He was looking at me for intently and with the movie we were watching it was kind of creeping me out. He however seemed to completely blow me off and just starting leaving soft kisses on my neck which I ignored. They were nice soft kisses so I wasn't complaining to much. At least not until he started sucking on my neck right on my sweet spot. I try to move away, but he only pulls my head back now even closer than before. "Jungkookie stop." I whine slightly trying to wave him away, but he only moves up to my ear before nibbling on it a bit. "Can we go to the bedroom? Please? Kookie tired." He says and for some reason I believed him. Why? I have no idea. So I pick him up before saying we're going to my bedroom and then carrying him there. Once we get to the bed I carefully lay him down while I lay down with him. "Mm Jungkookie no. Go to sleep." I mutter feeling him kissing on my neck again. He pulls back for a second just to speak. "I'm not tired anymore." He says before going right back to kissing my neck. "Mm. No. Jungkook I'm serious. I'm tired." I whine and he pulls back before pouting, but letting it go. "Fine, but only because I love you." He says before turning the light off and cuddling up to me. "Goodnight Kookie!" "Goodnight Hyungie! Can't wait until morning."
I was jolted awake from feeling something touching my dick. I quickly feel a moan being ripped from my throat as I feel someone suddenly deep throat me. "What- What the fuck?" I ask before moaning softly and looking down seeing Jungkook's lips wrapped around my dick. I then try to tug on my wrists, but they were bound to the bed. I tug harder and moan even louder feeling a cold lubed finger being pushed inside me. "Mmm Jungkook-ah! Please." I whine tugging on the restraints. I thrust my hips upwards feeling him swallow around me. "Fuck! Please." He suddenly pulls off and holds my hips down. "Don't move. Let me pleasure you." He mumbles before he's moving his finger in and out of me. I had my eyes closed in pleasure as I feel him putting in a second finger. "Jungkookie." I groan in frustration while looking down at him through hooded eyes. "Shh. The others might hear you and it's early. They'll be mad at me for touching you so early." "What- What do you mean?" "Well we were all planning on giving you special care today along with fucking you til you cry, but I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry hyung." He says his fingers stopping while his face begins to have a guilty look. "Oh Jungkookie I'm sure it'll be fine. You're the maknae you're still growing you get hormonal I'm sure they'll understand." He starts thrusting his fingers again as he raises an eyebrow at me. "I'm not a teenager anymore hyung." "You're not?" He rolls his eyes before shaking his head and adding a third finger making me tense up a bit. "Relax hyung. It's okay." He says softly and I slowly feel my body relax, but he'd still hit some parts that would make me tense up. "Hyung." "Yes Kookie?" He seems embarrassed suddenly and looks elsewhere. "What's wrong baby?" I ask softly and he only bites his lip before asking shyly, "Can- Can I fuck- fuck you?" He asks as he lifts his head to look at me with puppy eyes. "Can you untie me first please?" I ask softly and he quickly removes his fingers before untying me eagerly. He then sits down inbetween my legs with a clear boner between his own. "Can- Can I? Please please please hyung?!" He asks desperately. "I've- I've been good- good for you! Please?" I could only smile fondly at him before nodding.
He's suddenly ripping both of our clothes off and then gently kissing me. "Can- Can I still do it?" He asks and I chuckle before pecking his lips. "Of course you can Jungkookie just try to be quiet otherwise they might catch us and I don't think you want that." I say and he shakes his head as I watch him grab lube and a condom. "No." I say pushing the hand that had the condom in it away. "What?" "I don't want it. I want to feel you." I say and he looked unsure. "Are- Are you sure hyung? The last time we did like this we-" "Yes." I say ignoring him grabbing and setting the condom down else where. "Please just fuck me." I mutter as he lubes up his dick before he's setting it down on the bed. It's probably gonna fall off later so I don't even know why he set it down. "Please Jungkook-ah." I mewl while hitting on his chest a bit making him smile a bit at me before I feel his tip at my hole making me bite my lip and wanting to just slam my hips down. "Jungkook!" I whine loudly causing him to put his hand on my mouth before looking at the door fear clear in his eyes. "Shh. Someone's up." He whispers before he looks me dead in the eyes. "I'm gonna push in okay? Try not to make any sounds." He says the fear still in his eyes as he slowly pushes in. I gasp and close my eyes shut tightly along with my mouth trying not to make any sounds. He's soon all the way in and stops before looking up at me mixed emotions hidden in his eyes. Excitement, frustration, adoration, fear, want, desperation. So many different emotions. Too many I couldn't read them all some more clear than others. He slowly starts moving his hips thrusting slow, but deep making me moan softly. "Have you guys seen Yoongi?" "Isn't he usually up by now? Especially on his birthday?" I hear Jimin and Namjoon speak. "Yeah, but he's probably just asleep so let's leave them be." Namjoon says before someone scoffs. "Yeah right! Jungkook probably already started fucking him like a rabbit." Hobi says before he laughs. "I swear to god if that little shit." Jimin says as I feel Jungkook move a bit faster. "Shh. Stay quiet." He whispers before removing his hand and then moving them to my waist as he goes a bit faster trying not to make any slapping sounds along with not moaning too loud. I quickly cover my mouth with my hand cause I feel him getting close to my prostate. I suddenly cry out when he hits the right spot and he doesn't even bother stopping. Even though he just told me to be quiet he doesn't really seem to mind now. He just rips my hand off of my mouth and goes harder. "Ahh! JUNGKOOK-AH!" I cry. "What?! That horny fucking bitch looking bunny!" I hear Jimin curse before the door is being slammed open. He doesn't stop though not even after the door was slammed open like he was in his own world. He just continues while leaning down and kissing me gently. "Fuck I love you hyung." He says while kissing me once again before pulling away. "I love you too! AH!" He slams into my prostate causing tears to come to my eyes. "Jungkook! You sack of shit!" Jimin shouts and he must've heard him because he stops and looks back at Jimin before cowering a little bit. "No no continue." He snaps only making Jungkook cower more and look back at me before looking down a bit. "You heard me! Fuck him!" Jimin growls Jungkook's face showing guilt and.... tears? "Jimin stop it!" I snap. I put my hands on his cheeks and pull him closer to me before leaving kisses all over his face. "No baby don't cry. It's okay. It's okay. You can't help it. You're still young." I whisper softly to him trying to calm him down, but he just ends up crying really hard. "Shh. Shh no baby. It's alright." I say to him before looking over at Jimin and glaring at him. He looked guilty now and you know what he should. "Hey hey look at me. It's alright Jungkookie. It's okay. You can't control yourself sometimes and that's okay. Don't listen to Jimin." I say sweetly before pecking his lips making calm down a bit. "I'm sorry." He says while I wipe his eyes. "No sweetie don't be sorry Jimin is just jealous that he couldn't fuck me first." I say making him laugh a bit. "Are you okay? Do you wanna continue or are you too upset?" He shakes his head before smiling at me. "No no it's okay. I'm alright." He says and I help, but still feel like pride. "You sure?" He only nods before slowly starting to thrust again as I watch Jimin walk over before looking over at Jungkook. Jungkook soon looks over and pretty much ignores him still continuing to thrust his hips. "I'm sorry Jungkookie. I just... I don't know why I said that to you. Please forgive me." He says and Jungkook only hums before Jimin pecks his lips. "No no wait." Jungkook says before he's pulling Jimin back in for a kiss. As soon as their lips touch Jungkook speeds up leaving me to moan freely. Jungkook soon pulls away from Jimin before looking at me and then fucking me harder if that was even possible. "AH FUCK! JUNGKOOK! I'M- I'M GONNA CUM!" I cry out feeling the build in my stomach and before I know it I'm cumming. Hard. "Ah fuck fuck fuck." I mutter as I shudder the cum shooting out of my dick and landing on Jungkook's face and chest. He doesn't seem to mind though he just starts fucking me again until he cums as well. He rides his high out as he kisses me passionately his hand shaking behind my neck. "Aww." I hear someone who I'm gonna guess is Jin coo. "You guys are so sweet together!" It is Jin. Of course it's Jin. Who else would it be? "I love you hyung so so much." Jungkook whispers and I smile before muttering, "I love you so so much too." He giggles softly before he carefully and slowly pulls out making me whimper slightly from being over sensitive right now. "Mmm hyung I wanna fuck you too." Jimin suddenly whines making me glare at him. "Need I remind you asshole! That you yelled at Jungkook earlier you can wait!" I snap and he knows for a fact that I'll make him wait no matter what. Besides he knows I like going from youngest to oldest. I just feel like it's nice and respectful in a way to do it like that. "But- But Yoongi hyung please! I'm really hard and it's starting to hurt! Please!" He begs, but I only ignore him and look to Taehyung who was trying to hide the fact that he was hard. It was an adorable sight to see and I couldn't help, but coo over it. "TaeTae come here." I call waving him over and he shyly gets up from the chair he was sitting in before slowly walking over with tinted cheeks. He then carefully sits down on the edge of the bed and then peeks up at me with shy eyes. "Hey no need to be shy sweetheart. It's alright." He only stares at me cheeks flushing even more. "Come on take your shirt off for me baby." He's hesitant, but slowly takes it off before letting it fall to the ground. "What do you want sweetheart huh? You want me to fuck you or do you wanna fuck me?" I ask softly and he bites his lip before mumbling a very small and quiet, "Want you to fuck me." I only smile softly before watching him slowly take his pants and underwear off. He looked so cute when he was shy. "Come here." He slowly crawls over to me and immediately gets on my lap before getting the lube and lubing up my dick more. He then presses my tip to his hole making me immediately stop him. "Wait don't you need prepped?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No I- I um did it last night and wore my plug for a few hours." He mutters making me smile. "Aww you made sure you all ready and prepped for me huh?" I ask and he nods frantically before slowly sinking down onto my dick. He lets out a small sigh looking like he was in pure bliss as he started to bounce slowly and softly. He always liked it nice and sweet before getting into it all the way. Then sometimes he just liked it sweet. "Mmm baby you feel so good and still so tight around me. Fuck. I'm not hurting you am I?" I ask and he shakes his head, but I still checked his facial expressions for any kind of discomfort as he continued with the slow boucing. "M'Fine. Hyung- Hyung's not hurt- hurting me." He says before moving faster several desperate and whiny moans leaving his throat. "TaeTae love- loves Yoongi hyun- hyung so much." He moans out going faster and I was debating wether I should thrust upwards or not. I decide to do it just to see his reaction. As soon as I did he suddenly moans super loudly and throws his head back, his back arching. "Fuck. Do it again! Do it again please!" He begs so I do and he moans loudly again. "Yes. Please hyung more!" He cries and so I thrust harder and faster as I watch Taehyung cry out while gripping harshly onto my thighs behind him. I reach up and grab onto his waist making him stop moving before I flip us over. "Wait hyung!" He shouts, but I ignore him and begin slamming into him harder than before and he cries even louder clearly becoming confused as to what to grab onto because his hands are just kind of moving aimlessly. He finally just grips onto the bedsheets crying and wiggling underneath me. "YOONGI-AH PLEASE! PLEASE! I'M- I'M GONNA CUM! AH FUCK!" Soon enough his dick shoots out cum from the tip and it lands on the bed beneath. I however ignored it mostly just wanting to cum myself. So I continued thrusting hard into him his crying soon turning into whining and pleading. "STOP STOP PLEASE! YOONGI!" I could tell by the look in his eyes he didn't want me to stop, but I couldn't help to ask. "Safe word?" He shakes his head and so I continue with no mercy or concern for him. "Fuck you feel so good Taehyung. So so good your pretty little hole taking my dick so well." I unexpectedly shoot my cum inside him slowing down, but still fucking into him hard. "Mmm Yoongi please please. Too much." He whines trying to pull away. "I know baby I know." I say softly before pulling out of him cum dripping out of his hole. I couldn't help myself so I lean down and immediately start licking and sucking gently to clean him off the cum. "Yoongi!" He says suddenly sounding annoyed so I only pull away before smiling a bit. He gets off the bed before quickly getting his clothing back on going back to being shy. "YOONGI PLEASE! I'M SORRY! I'M- I'M SORRY FOR YELLING AT JUNGKOOKIE! PLEASE IT HURTS!" Jimin suddenly cries and even though I looked at him and saw the state he was in it didn't make me budge. He had tears streaming down his face, puppy eyes, and just the most desperate look on his face. "PLEASE PLEASE!" He cries before whining loudly yet he know that I wasn't gonna acknowledged him. "Who's next? Namjoon?" I ask looking around noticing he wasn't in the room. "Where is Namjoon?" I ask and everyone shrugs. "I don't know I think he said something about going to get something. Do you wanna wait for him?" Hobi asks and I hum letting my body fall onto the bed feeling a bit tired.
A few minutes later Namjoon in coming in the room and I immediately noticed the vibrator. "Ah sorry I was trying to find his favorite toy, but I looked everything and couldn't find it. I mean I did now obviously. Anyway remind me to put it in a more obvious spot." He says before coming over to me and smiling softly. "Hyung you still good?" He asks and I nod getting on my hands and knees before putting my ass up in the air ready for him to put it in. "Aww look at our pretty little slut. All ready for me to fuck him." He says before a harsh smack is being planted on my ass. I moan softly feeling the after sting and loving it. I always loved the way he was so rough with me. "You need to be prepped more or you think you can take it?" He asks as he lubes up the toy. "I can take it." I mutter. There was a stall, but I soon felt the tip of the toy at my hole before he was pushing it in. I whimper feeling the slight stinging stretch, but not minding it. He keeps pushing it in until I can feel it touch my prostate. He's then backing away and flipping me over. "I want you to show us how pretty you look when you're getting pleasured. Understand?" He asks and I nod. I watch as he turns the toy onto the first setting heavy vibrations already moving through and causing me to moan loudly. "Aww look at that only the first setting and you can barely take it." He spreads my legs open more before smacking my inner thigh and then grabbing onto my dick and beginning to jerk me off quickly. I could feel myself already getting close. I was wiggling all around and trying to pull away knowing he wouldn't stop even after I cum. He'd just keep going not caring that your whole body is trembling from overstimulation. "No! No! Namjoon please!" I beg, but it was too late I was already cumming and he ignored it still jerking me off quickly and if anything he turns the vibrator up even more. My whole body was shaking violently as I moaned louder than ever. "NAMJOON OH FUCK! PLEASE! PLEASE!" I cry. "Please what use your words. "PLEASE DON'T STOP!" I say shocking them all, but it just felt so good. I didn't want it to stop and I loved how my legs shook from how good it felt. He shakes his head a bit before a smirk appears on it. He then turns the vibratory you even more cussing to scream out. I was gonna cum again! Fuck. Wait... was it cum? "WAIT WAIT NAMJOON STOP!" I cry, but he ignores me and soon enough when I felt it come out I knew it wasn't cum. Fuck no... I'm not... Oh my god. A very small yet long stream of urine comes the tip of my dick and I gasp loudly as Namjoon quickly turns the vibrator off and stops his hand in shock. "Fuck. I told you to stop." I snap slightly in embarrassment. "Did you just..." Jungkook goes to ask, but seemed to shocked to ask. "Fuck you just peed didn't you?" Jin asks and I nod embarrassment creeping in. "Is it weird that I found that hot?" He asks and I only chuckle before whimpering feeling Namjoon remove the vibrator. "Fuck hyung I'm sorry." "No no. It's okay Namjoon. I loved it." I say and he smiles a bit before kissing me on the lips softly. When he pulls away I couldn't help, but look at his hard on. "Ah do you want me to help you?" I ask and he only chuckles before rubbing the back of his neck. "Well I don't want to force you, but if you want to it's okay." "Good cause I wanna suck your dick get up here." I say situated him up near the headboard while I get on my hands and knees in between his legs. I then undo his pants before reaching inside his underwear and pulling his dick out. As I stared at it I couldn't help, but drool at how big he was. "Hyung! Please!" I hear Jimin whine once again. "If you whine one more time I swear to god I won't let you touch at me at all and I won't touch you! Understand?!" I snap while looking over at him and he nods before pouting. "Hobi come fuck me. Please?" I ask sweetly and he didn't even have to be told twice. He was already taking his clothes off and was naked by the time he was by the bed. He quickly gets on the bed and I excepted his dick to touch me, but instead I felt his tongue. I quickly deep throated Namjoon making him jump slightly from the sudden action. He groans loudly and his hips seem to a stutter a bit wanting to thrust into my mouth. I feel his tongue go deeper making me whine around Namjoon. "Fuck Yoongi hyung." He says his hand going to my hair and soon tugging harshly. I wince a bit, but it quickly subsided as I feel Hobi pull away. It then goes quiet except for the slurping like sounds every now and then that I would make trying my best to make Namjoon cum. "Hey Yoongs can You stop for a minute?" Hobi asks and I pull off before looking back at him. He looked... nervous? "Um.... I just- I just was wondering if like maybe Jin and I could um maybe- maybe duck you at the same time...?" He asks do I understood immediately the others looking a bit confused. "Can we- Can we do that? Please?" He asks softly and almost shy like. I hum in approval before wiggling my ass a bit. "Are you sure?" "Hobi." I say looking in his eyes. "Yes I'm sure. I trust you guys." I say and he smiles before motioning Jin over. I quickly get my mouth back on Namjoon's dick causing him to groan. "Fuck you have to warn me before you- Oh fuck!" I ignore him and deep throat him before swallowing around him. I could hear Hobi quietly explaining to Jin what it meant and what they needed to do to prep me beforehand. "Yoongi are you sure you can take it?" Jin asks and I nod a bit not wanting to leave his dick. I feel a soft hand touch my ass before I'm feeling  sick getting pushed in me moan around Namjoon. "Okay now just lube your fingers up and finger him like you normally would to stretch him even more." Hobi says and I could tell without looking at Jin that he was hesitant, but soon enough I can feel a finger being pushed in. I wince at the stinging pain it brought, but I knew it'd get better soon. I pull off Namjoon's dick needing to breathe so I use my hand instead stroking him slowly. "Fuck Jin." I moan out feeling him add a second finger the second finger stretching me even more. I whimper slightly and bite my lip. "Hyung are you okay?" Namjoon asks softly and I nod feeling Hobi move slightly causing me to whine. "Hurry up!" I whine as I feel a third finger being added the stretch hurting a bit and even though I knew it hurt I didn't care I just wanted to get fucked by both of them. "Just fucking out your dick in me already!" I snap to Jin who still seems hesitant. "I promise I can take it and that I'm fine! just please please fuck me!" I beg as Jin removes his fingers before I feel his tip at my hole as well. I feel him begin to push in and my eyes get tears in them, but I ignore it and deep throat Namjoon once again. I moan loudly feeling both of them start to thrust slowly. A seconds of sucking and Namjoon is gripping tightly onto my hair and tugging as he shoots his cum into my mouth. I quickly swallow it all making sure to milk him of it before pulling it off and gasping loudly. "Fuck oh god!" I moan out. "Oh yes! Yes! Fuck!" Namjoon soon leaves the bed leaving them to fuck me. Which they do. Really hard. "AH FUCK! GUYS OH SHIT! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!" I scream before feeling another orgasm rip through me. "AHHH! FUCK! YES!" They fuck me through my high, but sadly neither of them have cum yet. My legs begin trembling as they continue fucking me chasing their own highs. "AH FUCK! GUYS! GUYS PLEASE TOO MUCH!" I beg, but I knew that would get me no where. We all know that if we really truly need them to stop than we will use the safe word. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I moan loud while fisting at the sheets trying my best not to say the safe word because I wanted to them to cum inside me, but it was just too much. Way too much. Luckily both of cum just as I'm ready to say it and so it's no problem. They quickly pull out and soon apologize to me for being so rough and they both give me kisses all over my face. After they're done I look over to see a bawling Jimin sitting under the desk. I felt guilty honestly, but he yelled at Jungkookie for no reason. Yes I understand that maybe he should've waited for them, but I didn't mind it and he is still young and still growing. He can't help it sometimes. "Jiminie." I call softly and he looks at me before crying harder. He quickly climbs out and comes over to me before sitting on his knees in front of me. "I'm- I'm sorry. Hyung please hurts. Please Jiminie is sorry." He cries while staring down at his own crotch and whining slightly. "Please hyung. It hurts. It hurts so bad. Please. Touch me." He begs making me smile softly before pulling him up onto the bed. "Please." He whispers desperately. "Don't worry baby I got you." I say softly while bringing my head to his neck and leaving soft kisses. "What do you wanna do baby? Hm? You name it." I say and he sniffles before muttering, "Can we.... Can we just jerk each other off?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow. That's quite simple for Jimin. "Are you sure?" I ask and he looked unsure. "I can't think of anything else..." Liar. I knew he had something else in mind. It's just sometimes when they were crazy or weird he was scared to say anything. "Jiminie what do you want?" "I- I just. I don't know. I've been feeling weird lately... about a certain thing." He says and we all seemed curious, but concerned because he seemed super nervous and we hated it when he was nervous because he has no reason to be. "Jiminie whatever it is you know we won't make fun of you. You can tell us. It doesn't matter what it is we'll all try it at least once we've all made this agreement." I explain while gently and comfortingly playing with his hair watching him smile a bit. "I'm guessing this sort of thing or the thought of it anyway turns you on yes?" I ask and he nods a bit. "What is it sweetie?" "It's just..... I- I was masturbating one- one time and I- I sort of moved my hand wrong and I- I kind of hurt- hurt myself, but- but I liked it." He mutters with red cheeks. "So basically you like CBT?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "It's stands for com, ball torture. Basically you like it when someone hurts your dick or balls in anyway. Am I right?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't know. I think so. The thought of someone stepping on it and smacking it I like..." He whispers and I can't help, but smile a bit. "Jiminie. It's okay. Do you wanna try it?" I ask and he nods slightly. "How about we add some other things as well?" He nods again and so we gather the things needed before we start.
Now his wrists and ankles were bound so he couldn't move and his eyes were covered with a blindfold. "Are you ready Jiminie?" I ask and he nods. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I ask and he nods. "I trust you hyung." He says making me smile as I gently caress his cheek before pecking his lips. "Just let me know if you want me to stop okay?" I say and he nods once again before I immediately smack his dick making him jolt and let out a surprised little yelp. "You like that hm?" I ask smacking his dick again his body jumping up a bit. "You like it when I smack your pathetic little dick huh?" I smack it again before decided if to go to flicks. "Ah yes yes. Like it. Like it a lot." I smirk before flicking the side of it trying to nice at first. He jumps again and whines tugging on the restraints. "Please please do it again! Again!" I flick him again and he moans a bit before wiggling around tugging on the restraints again. "You like it when I flick your dick? Hm? Do you like it more when I flick it or smack it?" I ask playing with his dick a bit hitting it softly before smacking it harshly. He only whimpers and pouts before I'm smacking it really hard. "Answer me." I snap. "Like it like it! I like it! Like it more when you smack it. Please!" He whines tugging even harder on the restraints. "Stop pulling on those and maybe I'll do it again." He immediately freezes besides the slight shaking of his legs. "Do you want me to step on it? Huh? Want me to step on your dick?" I ask and he nods frantically so I do as he wants and gently move it down with my foot before starting off gently and pressing it down into the floor. "Ah! Ah! Yoongi!" He moans softly and starts wiggling around again. "Stop wiggling." I growl pulling my foot away. "NO! NO NO NO NO NO! PLEASE! YOONGI! I'M- I'M SORRY! PLEASE!" He seemed to be crying, but I couldn't tell because the blindfold on his was tight around his eyes and it was black so if he was the tears were probably soaking into the fabric. "Then stop moving." I snap. He desperately tries to stay still, but it was clear that he was struggling. I decided to have mercy on him and press down on his dick again making it press onto the ground. He whimpers slightly, but doesn't say anything so I press down a bit harder and he only moans slightly as a reaction. "Yoon- Yoonie." He whines. "What?" "Jiminie wanna cum. Please. Please make Jiminie cum." He begs. "Fine I'll have mercy on you, but only because I love you and I was being a prick earlier." I say before pulling my foot away. "How do you want to cum? From my dick, fingers? Or maybe you want me to suck your dick? Eat you out? Hm?" He goes silent before he's whimpering. "What? What's wrong?" I then see some precum come out of his dick and roll down past the tip going down the side. I lick my lips watching it kind of wanting to lick it off. "Want- Want your tongue." He says bouncing a bit and whining. "Where do you want it? Hm? In your ass? Maybe licking the head of your dick hm? Tell me." "Ass- Ass please." I smirk and undo his hands in the back before moving the to front and restraining them again. "Yoongi?" "I want you to keep them on along with the blindfold can you do that for me baby?" He nods quickly as I turn him around and push him down onto his hands and knees. I then smack his ass making him moan slightly. I chuckle softly before bringing my head down to his ass and licking over it teasingly. "Mmm. Yoongi please. Wanna cum so badly." I soon start eating him out trying my best since I don't normally do this. I prefer sucking dick over this, but once in a while I'll treat Jimin to it since he says I actually do it the best. Somehow... "Ah! Yoongi touch me touch me! Please touch me." He whines loudly moving his hips back. "Please." He begs pushing back some more. I comply with him and reach forwards wrapping my hand around his dick and stroking it along with my tongue. He moans loudly thrusting his hips clearly desperate to cum. I feel bad for him so I decide to use the method the seems to make him cum the fastest. I pull bad and smack his ass super hard making him jolt before I stop my hand movements around his dick. "Yoongi I'm so close please." He whines. "I know baby hang on. Can someone get me some lube?" Jungkook grabs it before tossing it to me and I pull my hand away before squirting enough on my hand to cover both of them and then setting the bottle down. I then grabbing his dick again with a lubed hand that way my movements are much more slick. I push a finger inside him and he gasps loudly. "Fuck. Yoongi." I slowly start up again stroking him along with my finger. I soon add a second finger and begin going faster making sure to aim for his prostate. I knew I hit it when he suddenly arches his back and lets out a loud moan before his legs start shaking. "Fuck! Fuck! Yoongi! Fuck! Oh god!" I watch as he pushes back meeting the thrusts of my fingers. "I'm so close! So so close! Fuck! Shit!" He just kept spitting out moans and curse words left and right until suddenly... "AH FUCK! YOONGI! I'M GONNA-" He can't even finish his sentence because he's moaning out louder than he ever has and cumming onto the ground. I slow my movements, but keep going slowly helping him come down from his high. After a few seconds of this though his legs start to tremble along his whole body. "Ah Yoongi please! Please stop! Too- Too much!" He pleads so I pull my hand off before carefully removing my fingers. "Are you okay baby?" I ask softly and he nods as I reach down down to remove the blindfold. When I do though that's when I realize he was sweating a bit. I place a soft kiss on his forehead before I remove the restraints. He goes limp and almost falls onto the ground. "Fuck. I don't think I've cum like that in a while." He says giggling. "Really?" "Yeah at least that I can remember." He says with a smile before he's frowning. "But hyung... with everyone else you came with them..... you didn't cum with me..." He says sadly. "Oh? Did you want me to?" "Well it's just... I feel bad. I can suck you off! Or I can eat you out as well or-" "Jiminie. It's okay." "No! I wanna make you cum! Please?" I couldn't help, but feel turned on at how badly he wanted to pleasure me. "I um..." "Jiminie maybe Yoongi-ah is tired." Taehyung suggests and I shake my head. "Actually surprisingly I'm not for having came six times now." I say and so Jimin whines and gives me puppy eyes. "Please hyung?" I sigh softly before nodding. "Alright if you want to that badly go ahead." He looked so excited as he quickly got me on the bed before kissing on my neck. "Mmm Jimin. What are you gonna do?" I ask and he only chuckles before pecking my cheek. "It's a surprise, but first can I put a blindfold on you?" I nod and so he does as he gets me on my hands and knees. My ass was up in the air and where everyone could see. Everyone was silent except for the sound of someone walking around.
I jolt and moan loudly at the sudden spank. "Fuck who did that?!" I snap. "Sorry couldn't help myself." Jin says making me sigh. "Really?" "What can I say you look good. Anyway Namjoon and I are tired along with the rest except Jimin obviously. So were all gonna go to sleep. Have fun." He says before I hear them all leave. "Did they really leave?" I ask as I hear someone walk up to me. "Yeah. All of them left. Pussies." "Hey! Be nice! Don't forget I can still punish you!" "Lips sealed." I hear something pop open. Must be lube. Right? "Hyung you trust me right?" I nod and soon enough I feel two fingers being pushed inside of me. "I know I've already come tonight hyung, but I really wanna fuck you. Please can I?" I think about it before nodding again. He thrusts his fingers slowly soon adding a third one. "Fuck how are you still tight?" I hear the door open and Jimin must've as well because he suddenly stops. "Jungkook-ah? Everything okay?" Jimin asks before I hear a small giggle come from Jimin. "Hey hyung." "Huh?" "Looks like baby boy has a little problem. Would you mind if he joined us?" I sigh softly and feel Jimin starts thrusting his fingers again. "No- No just hurry up and get in here." I say and soon enough the door is being shut and I feel someone else sit on the bed. I knew it was Jungkook he always did this. I never really minded it though since I know his hormones can get all crazy and he can't help himself. "Jungkookie do me a favor and get undressed." Jimin then flips me over onto my back and making sure the pillow under my head is in a good spot before he pulls his fingers out. "Hyung I want you to trust me okay? This might be a little crazy, but I wanna try this." He says before he's standing me up on my feet and ripping the blindfold off. I then see a very naked Jungkook standing in front of me. "Jungkook come here." I feel Jungkook get behind me before I'm feeling his dick getting pushed inside of me. He wraps his arms around me before thrusting a little bit and then stopping and moaning softly. "Ah. Jimin-ah. Are you sure this gonna work?" "Yes now just trust me."
"Ah fuck!" I hear Jungkook curse while his grip on me tightens. "Fuck Jimin I can't it's too much!" Jungkook whines while his head falls onto my shoulder. "Come on baby I know you can take it." "No no I can't."
*Jungkook's POV*
I literally felt like my balls were going to explode. I was currently having Jimin pushing inside of me while I was already inside of Yoongi and it was too much. There was so much pleasure shooting through me is was ridiculous. "Baby are you alright?" Yoongi asks and I nod my head still on his shoulder. "Jungkook just move and we'll all get pleasured at the same time." I do as told and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my throat. "Fuck. Yoongi. Jimin." I gasp and move slowly the combination of Jimin inside of me and me being inside Yoongi was amazing. I loved them both so much which only made this better. I keep moving my hips not sure what to focus on. Jimin getting buried deep inside me my ass sucking him in and hitting my prostate or Yoongi sucking me in and clenching around me or do I focus on their moans? I'm so confused and overwhelmed, but it was a good overwhelmed. "Fuck Jungkookie you're doing so good." Yoongi praises making me go faster. "Yea so so good Jungkookie keep going. Gonna make your hyungs cum so hard for you." Jimin says before he's moaning loudly and smacking my ass real quick. "Ah fuck. Hyungs feel so good. Jiminie fills me up so good. Yoongi hyung's so tight." I say as I try my best to go faster, but the pleasure was becoming so much I swear I'd cum soon. "Ah shit. Jungkookie I'm gonna cum!" Yoongi says before he groans and J see cum shoot out of his dick. "Ah oh god." I couldn't stop myself from fucking him into overstimulation hearing him moan loudly. Jimin soon cums as well, but for odd reason I just couldn't. I kept fucking myself on Jimin's dick and into Yoongi's ass both of them whining from being sensitive. I was so close, so so close. I was gonna cum. I was gonna. "AH HYUNG!" I moan out falling forwards a bit my dick getting shoved deep inside of Yoongi my cum shooting inside of him. "Ah fuck. God you guys are amazing." Yoongi mumbles. I feel my limbs wanting to go limp from hard I just came. Jimin slowly pulls out of me making me whimper slightly. I then carefully do the same Yoongi making him whimper as well.
*Yoongi's POV*
Soon all three of us were cuddling on the bed together. I got my boxers on, Jungkook just got a shirt and then Jimin got both. "I love you guys." "We love you two hyung!" Fuck that was tiring. "Can I just say something?" I ask and they both look at me before I continue. "Best birthday ever." They both start laughing at me and I couldn't help, but join them. When Jungkook calms down a bit he says, "Go to sleep hyung!"

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