Too Late - Yoonmin (Fluff/Sad)

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This is really short I know and it sucks so you probably don't want to read it, but yeah. Here it is. It also has suicide in it.
Another day of torture. I don't even like school. Why do I have to come here everyday to learn useless knowledge? Besides Yoongi won't stop bullying me. I go inside the school and walk down the hallway going straight to my locker. I felt someone turn me around and slam me against the locker. "Well look who it is. The school fag." He punches me in the side of my face and I feel shearing pain shoot through me as he throws me to the ground. I felt tears sting my eyes. No. I've never cried in front of anyone especially in front of Yoongi. "Your so useless. I bet you'd make a great slut for some rich asshole that would just use you for his own desires. You hear me? Your fucking worthless." I felt a pang to my heart and he kicks me in the stomach hard leaving me gasping for air. That's when the tears fall. That's when I let go. It's been years and I've never cried in front of anyone. As sobs left my lips I saw Yoongi's face change into one of disgust into one of softness and guilt. I get up quickly and grab my bag before rushing into the bathroom. I shut the bathroom stall door and feel the tears rush down my cheeks. I feel my heart ache and my throat hurt. I heard the door open and I cover my mouth trying to keep my sobs quiet. "That was great Yoongi!" Jackson Yoongi's friend comments. "Yeah. Yeah great." He says, but this time his voice was different when he celebrates beating me up and calling me a slut. It almost sounded like he regretted it. "What's up with you huh? Ever since that faggot cried you've been acting strange." Jackson says. I accidentally let out a whimper and it goes silent before the door is being banged on. "Open the door!" I hesitantly open it, however I don't really choice he won't let me go unless I do. "Oh it's the faggot!" Jackson scowls dragging me out and pushing me over the sink. I felt my pants get yanked down. "Jackson stop." Yoongi says, but Jackson ignores him yanking my underwear down next. I let out loud cries trying to fight back, but he always shoved me back down. "JACKSON!" Yoongi shouts. Jackson still doesn't listen and reaches out to touch me when Yoongi shoves him away. I quickly pull my pants and underwear up grabbing my bag and going to leave when Jackson stopped me by saying, "Don't you dare leave! I'll make sure to fuck you later if you do." He snaps. I turn around and stare at them. "That was too far!" I hear Yoongi growl darkly. "What he's a fucking slut i'm sure he would've loved having a dick in his ass." "No. Raping him is not a goddamn option! Okay?! I don't care if he fucking punch him and shit, but raping him is just sick!" Yoongi growls. I felt tears roll down my cheeks remembering what just almost happened. "What's gotten into you?" Yoongi looks back at me before looking at Jackson. "Oh I see. You've fallen for his ass haven't you?" "No!" "You didn't even hesitate to answer so you clearly have fallen for him." "Shut up. I don't love him." "Prove it." "How am I supposed to-" Jackson pulls Yoongi's head down before saying something in his ears. Yoongi looks at me and swallows. Jackson lets go of Yoongi's head and snickers. "Well what are you waiting for?" "No." "Then you love him." "I'm not doing that!" Yoongi says. While they go back to fighting I quickly leave the bathroom and see people stare at me, but I ignore them and rush to my class.
*At Lunch*
I was sitting at my normal table all alone when someone comes over. "Hey Jimin." I looked over to see Yoongi sitting there making me scared and also confused. "W-What do you want?" I ask fear filling every part of my body. "Well I just wanted to um... ask if you uh... were dating anyone?" "What? Why?" I ask. "No reason." "No i'm not because like you said i'm a worthless slut. Who would love me?" I ask while looking away. "I would." I hear him mumble, but I pretend not to hear him. "What?" "What? I didn't say anything? Bye Jimin." He says quickly before leaving. I raise an eyebrow and think about what just happened. Did I just have a normal conversation with Min Yoongi?
*After School*
"Jimin!" I hear Yoongi call while running to me. "What is wrong with you?" I ask and he sighs. "Nothing. Just.... are you.. doing anything?" "What?! Leave me alone Yoongi." I say walking faster. "Wait Jimin just are you doing anything?" "No! Because i'm a worthless slut that's only good for fucking okay?! Isn't that what you always say?! Now leave me alone!" I say walking off this time he doesn't follow me. I wipe my eyes quickly and feel my heart begin to break. I don't look both ways before stepping into the road and that's when I feel something hard hit my side. I took in a sharp breath as I land on the ground and I felt shearing pain in my side. I felt tears gather in my eyes and roll down towards my ears. "Oh my god!" I hear a woman cry before getting her phone. I hear her talking to the police as I see Yoongi crouch next to me and grab my hand. I grip onto his hand harshly and his eyes were filled with fear. "Am I gonna die?" I ask everyone surrounding us. "No. No don't say that! You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You..." "I'm worthless to you why are you even over here? Shouldn't you be living your life? Without me to ruin it?" I ask struggling to breathe. "Stop talking and just breathe." "But-" "SHUT UP JIMIN! Just stop!" He snaps tears of his own falling down.
*Yoongi POV*
I saw that Jimin wasn't moving or anything. "Jimin?" I call, but no answer. I saw blood gathering in his mouth and I let go of his hand getting up quickly. No. He can't be dead. I was gonna start over! I was gonna treat him better! I was going to love him! "Yoongi why are you over here for that slut?" Jackson asks making me pissed. I shoved people over and I gripped onto his collar harshly. "You! If you never would've made me do that stupid deal with you me and Jimin would've been together! Yeah my Mom would be dead, but me and him would be together!" "Guess your too late huh?" Jackson says teasingly and smiles at me. I punch him hard in the face several times unable to stop until someone finally pulls me off of him. I felt tears sting my eyes as Jackson smirks at me. The ambulance finally shows up and they get out going over to Jimin. I rush over and kneel down gripping onto his hand harshly. They check his heartbeat and the man looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry. He's gone." I felt my heart shatter right then and there. "No." I cry. "No." "No!" "He can't be." "No." "No." "There's gotta be something you can do! Please!" I cry shaking his arm. "No i'm sorry. There's nothing we can do." He says making me cry harder and pull Jimin's body close to me. I held him close me rocking back and forth my body shaking. "I love you." I mumble. "I love you so much. You were always everything to me. I didn't even get the chance to tell you how much you meant to me. You're my everything! You're not a slut! You're not! You're beautiful and amazing. Please just come back to me! Please!" I cry. Someone went to touch him, but cried out and pulled him closer. "No! Don't touch him!" I shout. "Don't. Please don't." I say kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you Jimin." I cry feeling my mind become lost. They suddenly forcefully took Jimin out of my arms. "NO!" "NO DON'T TOUCH HIM! NO! NO! No! Please! He's... He's so fragile! Please give him back!" I cry as someone holds me back. "Yoongi please let him go." I hear the person say. "Don't tell me what to do!" I snap ripping out of their grip. I quickly walk all the way home crying all the way there. I go inside my small house and slam the door shut. "Hey Yoongi." My Mother greets. "What's wrong?" She asks. I ignore her and go upstairs feeling this pain in my chest. I went to my room and shut my door before throwing my bag down and laying in my bed closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to take over me.
*A Week Later*
I can't do this anymore. He's been gone for what feels like forever. I can't do it. I look at the clock it reading 3:07am. I pull a chair over to where I had the rope hanging. I put the chair right under the noose before putting it around my neck and kicking the chair out from under me. I felt my air being cut off completely. I wasn't even trying to breathe. I wanted to die. Slowly ever so slowly or at least it felt like it was slowly. I felt my head begin to hurt and my eyes begin to shut when my little brother opens the door and his eyes widen before tears stream down his face. "EOMMA! APPA!" He screams. That's when everything ended. The last thing I heard was my little brothers screams. Which broke my heart even more, but I can't live without Jimin. I just can't. I was too late.

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