Chapter 5

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Mudpaw emerged from the apprentices' den, feeling well rested after a good nights sleep. He spotted Brightflame talking animatedly to Wolfspark by the fresh-kill pile. It looked like the pair had been sharing a catch from the fresh kill pile. They must be good friends, Mudpaw thought as he padded over to the fresh-kill pile himself. He picked himself a mouse and wandered carefully over to pair.

"Well hello there." Wolfspark smiled upon spotting Mudpaw's approach.
"Mudpaw!" Brightflame mewed cheerily. "How are you?"
"Good thanks." He replied taking a bite of his mouse.
"I thought you could head down to the training hollow with Duskpaw today. Halfmoon seems to think it's a good idea too." Brightflame informed him. Mudpaw nodded gulping down the rest of his prey. Wolfspark looked at the mid-morning sun before quickly flicking his gaze back to Brightflame.

"I should probably get going before my sister decides I've eaten by a badger." He joked making Brightflame chuckle. "I'll see you at the gathering?"
"Yeah. See you at the gathering, Wolf." Brightflame replied warmly. Mudpaw was surprised to see Wolfspark give her a quick lick on the ear running off to the Mistystar's den. Brightflame watched him go fondly before turning back to Mudpaw.

"You should probably go wake your brother."
"Good idea," Mudpaw replied a little awkwardly as he padded away.

Mudpaw walked to the apprentices' den prodding his brother awake.

"What?" He asked rolling over grumpily.
"We've got training." Mudpaw Replied. Duskpaw sighed heaving himself to his paws.
"Alright." The two apprentices walked out of the den. Duskpaw had just about enough time to have his own meal before Blackfoot and Halfmoon beckoned them forward. Mudpaw felt a mix excitement and nervousness as they headed to the training hollow. This would be his first time practising his fighting skills!

"Well, this is it!" Blackfoot announced as they headed a small clearing in the trees. "Remember, this type of fighting is nothing like having a scuffle with your littermates in the nursery. One day your life'll depend on these skills!"
"Don't scare them too much Blackfoot." Halfmoon chuckled. "We'll start of with some basic fighting moves," Blackfoot announced ignoring Halfmoon's comment.

Blackfoot and Halfmoon went into the middle of the small clearing. Halfmoon crouched down, into a similar position to the hunting crouch.
"A good way to knock your enemy off their feet is to pounce on them, similarly to how you would with your prey," Halfmoon told the apprentices. She flicked her tail and wiggled her haunches, and within seconds she had leapt at Blackfoot, pinning him to the ground.

"And," Blackfoot continued still under Halfmoon's grip, "if a warrior ever pins you down, you've got to make sure you can get away quickly. A good way to do this is by kicking them off. Watch." Halfmoon braced herself as Blackfoot sent out a powerful kick splaying Halfmoon away from him.

Halfmoon stood up letting out a huff. "Now, why don't you two try?"
"Duskpaw you attack Mudpaw first, and he can try and get you off."
"Don't go too rough on each other though!" Halfmoon added quickly, "Jayfeather would have me if I sent him another injured apprentice!"

The two warriors stepped back to give the apprentices room to practice. Mudpaw braced himself nervously waiting for Duskpaw to pounce. In a quick flurry of movement, Mudpaw was flat on his back.

"Good!" Blackfoot called, "now try and kick him off Mudpaw." Mudpaw turned to face his brother. He sucked in a breath and kicked out harshly. Duskpaw toppled over in the ground beside him.

"Good job you two." Halfmoon replied, "practice a little more, and then we can teach you how to dodge..."

By the time they where finished Mudpaw was exhausted, limbs sore from being thrown about by his brother. He couldn't wait to collapse in the apprentices' den when he returned, and that he did. He'd quickly said goodbye to his brother and mentor and then bounded of to his nest. Mudpaw had fallen asleep almost instantly.

When he awoke Mudpaw was in the forest, but as he looked around he quickly started to realise that this not his forest. Mudpaw looked around, a little more frantic, panic slowly creeping up on him. Where the Dark Forest was he?

"Don't be afraid, young one." A calm voice mewed making Mudpaw jump in surprise. He whipped round to be greeted by the starry figure of a silver she-cat... his mother...

"I-I don't understand-" Mudpaw stammered taken about. This can't be Starclan. Only medicine cats get dreams from Starclan!

"Shhh. Mudpaw it's okay. Five apprentices have been chosen to bring peace to clans, Mudpaw. You must help your clan mates for me."
"All will be clear soon." Silverwing stepped forward touching Mudpaw's nose. "Goodbye, my sweet Kit."
"Silverwing wait!" Mudpaw woke suddenly heaving for breath...

Wow, how am I already on chapter 8 of the original of this. The pacing is so bad and I somehow managed to mention completely irrelevant things but not important thing XD.

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