Chapter 7

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Mudpaw padded back into camp carrying a vole. The patrol over all, had been quite successful despite Mudpaw's mishaps. There was a large gathering of cats in the clearing, and Mudpaw looked up to Halfmoon a little confused.

"It looks like Mistystar's choosing the cats she wants to come to the gathering." She mewed. "I supposed you've missed your chance seeing as we were out so late, but don't worry, you'll definitely get to go next time." Mudpaw's ears shot up at a sudden thought.

"Will Jayfeather be going?" He asked sounding a little too urgent.
"Yes, Jayfeather and Brownpaw will both be going. Why do you ask?" She said sounding a little suspicious.
"O-oh It's just- Jayfeather got irritated when I went to see Lillypaw earlier. If I go now he can't get annoyed at me!" Mudpaw replied quickly. Again, it wasn't a total lie, but it wasn't totally true either.

"I supposed," Halfmoon chuckled, "Jayfeather gets like that, I'd just ignore him if I where you. Just make sure you leave before he gets back." Halfmoon dropped her prey in the fresh kill pile. Mudpaw nodded following suit.

Mudpaw waited quietly until the group for the gathering left, before he slipped into the medicine den.

"Lillypaw." He called pacing inside.
"Mudpaw!" She replied back. She pushed up her front paws, and Mudpaw gave her supporting nudge, knowing how mad Jayfeather would be if she fell and hurt herself again.

"I thought we could finish our conversation." Mudpaw told her quietly. "Jayfeather and Brownpaw won't be here for a while, so we'll have no interruptions!"
"Of course!" Lillypaw said, "why didn't I think of that?" The two chuckled for a minuet before going back to the topic at hand.

"Palmkit told me we would have to meet the other apprentices tonight." Lillypaw told him.
"Where?" Mudpaw pressed urgently.
"At Four Trees." Mudpaw nodded.
"Silverwing just told me we had to bring peace to the clan, but I don't understand. We haven't had a serious fight with any of the other clans for a while."
"Wolf said there where border issues in his clan, right? Maybe it's to do with that?" Lillypaw suggested. Mudpaw nodded only half convinced.

"So will you wake me up later?" Lillypaw told him after a few moments had passed.
"You'll have to help me though, I don't know how well I can walk on this leg." Mudpaw nodded a little concerned, but he knew there was no point in trying to convince Lillypaw not go.

"I'll see you later then, Mudpaw?" Mudpaw nodded.
"Yeah I'll see you later Lillypaw."

Mudpaw padded out the medicine den and quickly padded of the apprentices den. He hoped to at least get some sleep tonight. He stepped over Jetpaw cautiously, trying not to wake him up this time, and then settled down in his own nest. His mind was filled excitement and apprehensions as he drifted off,  not sure of what the rest of the night had to follow....

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