Part I - Prologue

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The Letter -  Year 2029

I watch the television screen and listen to President Terrin give her speech. I don't know the reason for her visits to each state, but this is the 9th she has visited on her journey across American. She speaks of the war sprawling on in Russia that's slowly growing.

World War III, which has already been named as The Final War. Everyone believes or knows that this war will cause our extinction. A man in a suit calmly walks to the president, and whispers in her ear. Panic flashes across her face.

"The first atomic bomb has exploded in Irkutsk, Russia," Announces the president, and gasps and cries flood through the speakers.

A knock comes at the door of the small apartment I share with my mother.

"I'll get it!" I yell as I get off of the couch. My mom doesn't even bother to give me a response. I open up the door and meet a muscular man in a suit with an earpiece in.

"Is this the residence of Aryah Winters?" The man says.

"That's me, sir," I grab my wallet out of the drawer of the table next to the door where we store our keys. I pull out my license and hand it to him.

"Well,  Ms. Winters it is imperative you let me inside. My name is Tyler Smith, but you can call me Agent Smith," He says casually.

"Pardon me, sir, but I don't know what you'd want from me exactly," I say, confused.

"Ms. Winters, the President sent me," He says and reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out a letter. "I can not give this to you unless you let me inside and swear to secrecy."

"Alright, you can come in. My mother is in the Kitchen," I move out of his way.

"It's alright," Agent Smith says as he looks around, "she should be part of this conversation."

I nod before quickly going into the kitchen. If I was not worried about what he had to say I would've admired her. Her curly blonde hair bouncing as she danced to the music coming from her headphones. The way the sunlight lit up her bright green eyes.

"Momma," I tap her shoulder. She gives me a look.

"What's with that look on your face, you look horrified," She says after pulling the earbud out of her ear.

"There's a man here, says the President sent him," I say. Another look flashes on her face before she bursts into laughter.

"There is no- way- that the President- sent someone here," She laughs. She glances past my face and it contorts with horror.

"I'm afraid it's no joke, Ms. Avery," He calls my mother by her maiden name. We are both convinced.

My mother and I sit on the couch, and Agent Smith pulls up a chair.

"My name is Agent Smith, I was sent here by the President go hand deliver this letter," He still hold the letter in his hand. "But I can not give it to you if you don't swear to never tell a soul of this letter and it's contents."

My mother and I both nod, and the letter is handed into my possession. I quickly rip the sealed envelope open and pull out the piece of paper. I unfold the paper and read it out loud.

Miss Aryah Winter,

It is my sincerest congratulations in these dark times, to welcome you to the 500 Select. This is a select groups of 500 gifted persons between the current age of 18 and 21, picked out for their mental abilities or their superior genetics. You my dear, have a little bit of both. You have the Alpha 1- Anti Trypsin gene, which makes you more prone to a variety of  different complications, as you will. You also have an IQ of  127, so you have a superior intelligence.
You see, Ms. Aryah, we aren't safe. There is a war waging on this planet, and if it continues as it does human life will cease as we know it. I don't know how far the war has grown to when you get this letter, but I know it has. We are no longer secure, Aryah.
I have had a bunker built in each state, which are able to withstand an atomic holocaust and support up to twenty people for 100 years. You are one of the ten that have been selected for your states bunker. You may be asking what about the other ten? There are 4 other girls that should be assigned to your bunker, and 5 males. If we want humanity to survive, the ability to procreate is imperative.  If there are ten of you, that leaves the ability to have up to 10 children
You all have something special about you. The ability to teach and fix, or the ability to give life to something more than what we are. All human life is precious, and I wish I could save everyone, but we must be honest and give ourselves the best chance.
The Agent I have sent to deliver this letter to you is holding a contract and a key into the North Carolina bunker. If you sign that contract you are promising me that you will not tell anyone about your key, or give it to anyone else. The United States government does not know about my little secret, and all of our lives will be in danger if the truth gets out. Until you sign the contract, the key will not work. Also if you sign the contract and anyone gains knowledge of your key or the bunkers, the key will be deactivated.
I'm trusting you, Aryah.

The United States President,
Leah F. Terrin

I look at my mom who has tears in her eyes. Agent Smith stares at me, waiting for me to accept or decline.

"She will do it. Aryah if anything happens, I need you safe," She grabs my hands after I drop the letter on my lap.

"Mom I'm not so sure, these people could be psychopaths!" I say strongly.

"All of the 500 Select have had a background check," Agent Smith says calmly.

"See, Aryah, sign the papers. Take the key. Give humanity, and yourself, a chance," My mom takes the contract from Agent Smiths hands and hands it to me, along with a pen. I sigh, not happy. I put the paper down and sign the paper anyway. My life is saved, and everyone else is left for dead.  Agent Smith pulls a red glowing key out of his coat. How much room is in there? He swipes it over his watch and it turns to a teal color.

"Why teal?" I ask.

"It's a mixed person, meaning that they are mentally and genetically superior," Agent Smith says as he stands up, "If you'll excuse me, I have another letter to deliver."

"What's their name?"

"That's classified, you will meet them when the bombs fall here."

I huff in annoyance, but I stand. I shake his hand and lead him to the door.

"Male or Female?" I ask.

"Male." He says before walking out the door and getting into his car.

He drives off, and I never see him again.

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