Part 3 - The Door Is Sealed

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*I drew up the blueprint for the bunker on AutoCad, and I completely forgot the bathrooms, so pretend they are there*

Eight minutes have passed, and there is nothing. No lights from cars. The outside lights have turned off. Two of the girls have left, along with one of the guys. The five of us still sitting by the door are waiting in silence. Down the hall, and down the stairs, you can hear the girls talking. The voice says that 2 minutes remain, and four of the five remaining leave the entrance way. Trin and I sit waiting.

"One minute remaining, please locate yourself behind the concrete door. For precautionary measures, this door will remained closed and sealed for ten days. Once the door is sealed I will introduce my self to you all in the living room," The voice says. Trin and I get up and move to behind where the concrete door will slide shut.

When we glance back we see a flash of light. A cry emerges from Trins' throat. The raining had stopped a minute or two ago. We can barely see the outline of the rising cloud. A rush of strong air shoots in our direction pushing up dust.

"We need to close this door, it won't close in time for the blast," Trin whispers to me. I nod sadly and press the red button next to the glass door. Two headlights begin to shine in our direction, but they are too late. The glass door has been sealed. I step back behind the concrete wall as the voice finishes the count down. As the door slowly closes we see the headlights fly in the air as the gust of atomic air hits the car. The concrete door closes, and there is nothing we can do but cry.

Trin and I walk to the living room where everyone else is situated. They sit there, confused by our sad faces.

"We saw their headlights, but they didn't make it in time," Trin says quietly. Sadness flashes across everyones face for the death of one of our bunker-mates death. A hologram appears on the middle table in the center of the living room.

"Hello, my name is Roxy. I am the virtual assistant linked between all fifty bunkers. Thirteen of the fifty bunkers did not have all of the inhabitant's check-in. The bunker in Maine had three of its inhabitants arrive out of the ten, two of which are females with one male. In your bunker, Bunker 9, nine of the inhabitants have arrived. Five of which are female, and Four of which are males. The latest bomb explosion has been near Booneville, North Carolina. Currently my number of deaths around the world is unable to calculate, but my current estimate is around 3,456,234,801 deaths across the world. This number is probably less than the correct amount of deaths by about at least a hundred thousand," Roxy says causing us to all sit in terror.

"Now, please take out each of your keys," Roxy demands, and we do as she says, "The key which lights up in the inhabitant in which I am speaking of. The first entrant, Trinity Valor Helemby."

Trin's key shines bright green.

"Please, Roxy call me Trin," Trin says.

"Alright, Trin. You are 5' 2", you weigh 129 pounds, you were born on April 21st, 2011. You were selected because you have an IQ of 159. Your hair is currently dyed, but you have dirty blonde hair. You have blue eyes. You are fertile. Second entrant, Jace Timothy Moore."

One of the males keys shines a bright blue.

"Jace you are 6' 3", you weigh 163 pounds, and you were born on August 9th, 2008. Your hair is black, and you have dark brown eyes. You are fertile. Third Entrant, Holland Benjamin Smith."

I look at the guy holding the blue glowing key, and I can feel my body swoon. He is probably one of the most attractive men I have ever seen.

"Holland you are 6' 6", you weigh 198 pounds,  you were born on January 26th, 2009. You have black hair and blue eyes. You are fertile. Fourth Entrant, Julia Elizabeth King."

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