Part 6 - More than a Kiss

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The sound of Vance's heart patters under my ear. Groggily, I sit up. I glance at the sleeping boy. His face is slack, but holds it's handsome physique. He looks so carefree. I slowly push myself off the couch and go to the kitchen.

"Roxy, what's the time?" I ask.

"Aryah, it is 2:56am," Roxy responds.

It's been a month since the door closed. I pull a water bottle out of the fridge before twisting it open. Holland walks in with a extremely tired face.

"Can't sleep?" I ask. He nods

"So are you and Vance a thing now?" He says, and jealousy tinges his voice.

"Kind of? Not exactly. I've expressed by want for courtship, and not just throwing myself at a man for impregnation," I take a sip from the bottle.

"You would wouldn't mind if I tried to court you too?" Holland take a step closer to me.

"I mean I can't say no," I raise my brow.

"Yea, you can," Vance walks in.

"Vance-" I start.

"No, I get your want for courtship but I've told you, you're my girl," Vance says with closed fists.

"You don't own her," Holland glares at Vance.

"Stop it!" I yell, "I am not a object! I'm a human, and I get to choose who I want to be with!"

I push past Vance and go to my room, and I realize I kinda miss swing doors. You can't really slam automated sliding doors. I would punch the wall for the satisfaction but I don't need to shatter my hand on the concrete.

My body shakes and I breathe through the silence. Why are men so fucking stupid?


A banging noise comes from the steel door, and I groan. I don't want to get up to let whoever it is in. I've been lying in been for maybe and hour or two.

"Roxy who is outside my door?" I ask.

"Trin, would you like me to open the door?"


I haven't completely gotten used to Roxy. I've seen some robots, but only the rich could typically afford them. Some of the other students at school had small ones that walked around and would sit on their shoulder. They were cute and smart. The richest girl in school paid off the principle to get her bring her full sized male robot to school. Who ever made him did good, but they could have done better even though he was more attractive then most boys at that school.

Trin plops down on my bed.

"I did a thing," Trin says rushed.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Um.... Julia," She says. My brains shoots in different directions, but I'm left confused.

"I... had sex with Julia," Trin blushes. I try to stop it but an excited shriek passes my lips. She looks horrified by my reaction, but a huge grin spreads across my face.

"I didn't know you were bisexual? Lesbian? What exactly are you?" I ask.

"Bisexual, I've known since I was twelve," She shrugs. My grin impossibly grows bigger.

"Fucking hell and you didn't bother to mention?"

"I didn't think it was important?"

"You mean the fact that I thought that I REALLY want you and Julia together but it won't happen because you're straight?"

"You wanted me to come out so you could ship me with the girl I just screwed?"

"Sí, Mamasita!"

"You're on drugs."

"Shh! They'll hear you!"

She bursts into laughter.

"No but in all serious, I knew that I was bisexual, but I had never been with a girl before. It was different. She was kind and gentle. If I did something that was 'wrong' she would tell me and show me how to do it,"

"Did you tear her up?" I laugh and point at her nails.

"No!" She shrieks before lightly punching me. "I know you are straight, but that girl is worth a go."

"Who said I was straight?" I say trying to give a convincing smirk.

"You're straight as hell babygirl," Trin gives a hearty laugh. I smile at her. I get the whole attraction to females thing, but not a single drop of anything in my body Uh says "girls are my thing."

"Let's talk about sex," I sing.
"What the hell are you singing," Trin asks.

"If you don't know you shouldn't," I reply.

Hey. If you don't wanna see authors note, then skip this.

I'm just saying I'm busy and I won't be able to update regularly.

Fun perks of being a 17 year old with a 30 year olds job.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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