So much for my happy ending

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Winter POV)

the two took off back to there home until the next December. As winter slumbered she dreamed about being back home. Her true home on Manny's ship she would assist him every night to protect the children's dreams and grew to love his work and what he did. But then she was forced by pitch to be his bride or else the people she loved will fall.

She awoke screaming breathing heavily as she looked around her underwater cavern home was Seeing and hearing nothing as it was quiet. She looked up at the ceiling to see the whole that allows her to see through the outside as she saw it was fall once again. She sighs as she sat there in her bed still Shaken from The Nightmare. A little later she decided to go up to the surface to see what everybody was up to.she saw that the river hasn't Frozen completely solid yet allowing her to face through easily, she flew up to the sky in her white and light blue dress with matching boots and gloves and her witches hat getting a good look at the scenery.

Loneliness filled her thoughts as she looked up at the sky and frown not seeing the moon. She took off flying in One direction watching and observing humans go among their daily tasks, then got an idea where she should go to see what the fellow guardians were up to she arrived at North's home and saw that it was busy as always with the elves and the abominable we're packing things in a rush.

"Oh winter, what are you doing at this season it's not December yet"

"I'm lonely"

She said as he only looked at her then looked away for a few minutes as in thinking .her eyes didn't show much of any emotion when she said this

"I'm sorry winter I would like to help you with that but I'm busy"

"May I help?"

"I couldn't ask you to do such things there is no need for a young lady quite like yourself to be put through so much..."

North was cut off when winter snaps her fingers making all of the toys and boxes fly into the air and box themselves as they were neatly wrapped in beautiful color papers and a bow placed on top as they were then stacked in the corner neatly.

"Or maybe you can help me"

He said scratching his beard as winter smiled happily at this

"But you can only work a little not a lot, my elves also need to work as well"

He said to her and she nodded and went off to a station to start working.

Jack POV)

When December finally rolled in Jack played around with Jamie and the others. they had plenty of snowball fights that lasted for hours until the kids had to go home but there is one question that Jamie asked before he left, he wanted to know where Winter was .he thought that Jack and her were a couple now, Just hearing that comment made Jack's face turn tomato red as he told Jamie that it was not like that but his little friend didn't believe him. Jack headed to North place and saw the factory not so busy like before.

"Hey, north it's very quiet in here are you taking a day off?"

"Nope I actually was able to catch up this year thanks to you're little girlfriend"

"Girlfriend!? Winter isn't my girlfriend!"

"Well she is a girl and she's a friend so clearly that means she is your girlfriend"

North said teasing Jack as he rolled his eyes

"Ok, so where is winter?"

Jack asked as north smirked and told him to follow. He opened the door to his room as Jack saw winter sleeping. She was snuggled into the sheets and blankets sleeping peacefully

"The little darling has worn herself out. She asked if she could help with the presents and I allowed her to but by the time things actually got done I found her passed out"

North said as he slowly closes the door

"I guess her using her power too much still drain her out"

Jack said he was a little bit concerned about winter using her powers as he remembered that when they both reunited, she used her powers to help Jack but she ended up passing out.

"She's still trying Jack you know that"

North said as Jack sigh

"What pitch did to her must-have....well, the good thing is that she's back"

"Yeah but for how long?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know why but I always get the feeling that one day winter will leave for good this time... And I'm not talking about being kidnapped either or her sacrificing herself as she did..."

jack said as he followed north to the nerve center to talk.

"I've always found her gazing up at the Moon lost in thought"

"Do you think he wants her to come home?"

North asked talking about Manny as Jack sigh not knowing how to answer

"Have you talk to her about this?"

"it wouldn't matter, she hates talking about it and she ignores it."

"Then there you go, she doesn't want to go so why are you so worried about it?"

North asked as he shook his head

"I just don't know what to do, I'm going to have to accept it when the day comes that winter will be gone"

He felt someone grab onto his shirt as they laid their head onto his back feeling the cold touch of None other than winter

"Jack don't send me away!"

She cries

"I would never send you away"

He said turning to her

"im Just scared that..."

"I wouldn't do that not unless you hated me or didn't want me anymore "

"Hey, I don't hate you and I wouldn't make you leave"

"Do you promise?"

"It's a jack and winter promise"

He said as they hooked there Pinky's together and smiled

"it's so nice to see you too love birds share your feeling "

north said Pretending to cry making jack blush

"north stop it!"

he shouted, a little later all of the Guardians arrive as they went on there daily tasks, winter was helping jack spread snow everywhere also getting a little fun and cheer with the kids to have fun in the snow. at night jack and winter sat together on a rooftop watching the falling snow

"winter i wanted to ask you something?"

he said as she looked to him

"I wanted to know what does me being your equal mean?"

jack asked as winter was quiet as if she was hiding something but it seem to jack like she didn't know the answer to that question either, she was never able to tell him what she meant by that an even when he knew what she meant it wasn't the case.

"winter I just have to know but if you can't tell me then it "

"We are one jack or have you forgotten the promise you made me 100 years ago?"

she said looking to jack as he was surprised by this

"what are you talking about?"

"you promised me and I promised you that day but... I can't do what i promised you "

"im, confuse winter"

he said as she stood up and smiled at him before she jumped off the room and vanished. jack didn't even bother to go after her knowing it wouldn't help.

Jack Frost: mistress of snowWhere stories live. Discover now