Part 1 Into the Woods We Go

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Life was going great for Will since the wedding; she had just turned 15, her husband was kind and warm to her, the people adored their new Queen, the rebel group is pleased, the economy is on a steady increase, and the tensions between Morovia and Ero have decreased to a low rumble; it couldn't be more perfect. Furthermore, she found it easier and easier to balance her school, work, private, and married life with each passing week. Mer mother was still hesitant and interrogated her every time she visited, but Will could live with that; Susan was simply concerned for her safety. Lastly, Irma had invited her, her friends, and her husband out for a 3-day vacation to her cousin's cabin in the Canadian backwoods which Will was excited about; Irma had also invited Elyon and Will hoped her and Phobos could patch-up their relationship and finally act like brother and sister instead of strangers.

However, there were a few things that bugged the young queen. Cedric still hadn't accepted her and shot her angry glares whenever he could get away with it; Will didn't mind that since she didn't care much about the Lord herself. Cornelia still hadn't spoken a single kind word to her and has resorted to petty bullying at school; Will could weather that too since Cornelia hadn't done anything too extreme, just some petty insults, comments about Will's dress wear, and dirty glares. Next, Will hadn't been feeling completely herself for a couple of weeks; she wasn't sick, and she could eat and drink, but she simply felt off. The feeling wasn't too noticeable, and she often forgot about it, so she simply wrote it off as her body adapting to the new nutrition she was exposed to. There was a popular fruit in Meridian called bitter-plum which, true to its' name, was bitter. Will tried it a few times and even tried a liquor made of it but couldn't get past the tongue-biting bitterness. Lastly, her husband was a workaholic.

She knew, when she married him, that he would work every free moment, but it was getting ridiculous whenever she and Phobos decided to do something together. Now, with only 3 hours before they had to get ready and meet the girls before Cedric's bookstore back on Earth, Will was resting in bed waiting for her husband to finish the last batch of letters addressed to his cousin in Ero. She hadn't seen him since dinner, so Will wasn't too worried about his health, but she couldn't sleep without him by his side. The bed felt too cold without him.

Annoyed, Will got out of bed, wrapped a warm, emerald green, robe around herself, and made her way to his study where she knew she would find him. As expected, when she reached the threshold to his study, she found him bent over the table with a neat stack of letters in front of him. Will just rolled her eyes and walked up behind him; wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her head against his. "Would this husband of mine please come to bed? We have to leave for Earth in 3 hours and the bed is too cold without you."

"In a moment, my dear. Let me finish this last letter to the Morovian general and I will join you."

"I am not leaving until you come to bed." Will hummed and gently ran her nails against her husband's jaw. "Besides, this room sees you more than I do."

"Wilhelmina, you are exaggerating at this point," Phobos replied and leaned his head back against his wife's chest to listen to her heartbeat. "You know I am just doing this so Morovia doesn't decide to go to war while we are gone."

"You don't trust Morovia enough to leave them alone for 3 days?"

"I trust them only as far as I can throw them." He replied before signing the bottom of the letter and sealing it with wax. "There, the last letter signed and sealed. My attention is all yours."

"Great, now come to bed for a power nap before we leave for the cabin." Will quipped and pulled her husband by the arm. Just before reaching their bedroom, Phobos leaned close to his wife's ear and whispered.

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