Part 6 Things

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Back at the Cabin, Irma gently knocked on the door to Hay-Lyn and Taranee's room to see if the girls needed anything. Unexpectedly, she heard her friend Hay-Lyn respond with a "Come in."

The door was unlocked since Hay-Lyn was side awake this time and simply sat on the bed, with her feet covered with a quilt, reading a book she had brought with her. Taranee was out like a light and snoring away happily in the knowledge that Janet wouldn't get to her again. With a tired smile, Hay-Lyn put her book aside and greeted her friend. "Hey, Irma. What's up? I heard a thud downstairs; is everything alright or was Janet just being herself?"

"Yeah, Janet was being herself and played grabbsies with princy-boy. Of course, he didn't want to play and got his knee hurt. Will got sick earlier so her and Elyon are gone to the convenient store. Do you need me to take over your shift or are you good?"

"Oh, is Will going to be okay?" asked Hay-Lyn as she got up from the bed.

"Yeah, she says she just overdid it with a snowball fight after breakfast, but I have my doubts." Replied Irma and leaned in to whisper. "I think we might soon have a new Meridian Royal."

Hay-Lyn's expression fell flat, as did her voice, and she asked her friend. "Irma, do you lose sleep over those fantasies of yours?"

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you wouldn't be excited over the aspect of Will having a kid."

"I would, but not if she and her husband didn't plan it." Responded Hay-Lyn and rubbed her eyes. Irma was just being Irma again. "Look, can we discuss this another time? I am thirsty and would like to grab a soda. Could you please keep an eye on Taranee and make sure Janet doesn't get through that door?"

Irma hung her shoulders and agreed to keep an eye on the room while Hay-Lyn went downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, Hay-Lyn looked into the living room, where the prince was sitting on the sofa with his leg propped up. Like the others, she was unsure of what to think of the prince. He hadn't done anything malicious since getting married to Will and, from what she heard, the kingdom was doing fine. Still, she didn't know what to think of the guy since she hardly knew him. "Hey, I heard Janet got you hurt. You gonna be okay?"

"I will live, it is just a hurt knee. I am just hoping Janet doesn't develop a taste for blood. I have lost enough of that in my life. Thanks for asking." Was his flat response and he didn't even look in Hay-Lyn's direction; he didn't mean to come off as rude; his mind was just on how his wife and sister were walking through the path in the woods. He hoped they were safe and that they would return soon as the stinging sensation began to develop in his chest; for the time being, he could deal with it. Hay-Lyn simply shrugged and went to the kitchen for a soda. When she returned to the hallway, she spotted Katja at the foot of the stairs lazily blinking at her. This was the closest Hay-Lyn had been to the old bobcat and his fur looked incredibly soft; naturally, the wind-witch felt compelled to pet the big cat and reached out her hand to touch it. Seeing this, Katja got up, rubbed against the girl's hand, and walked down the hallway to Sheela's bedroom; he stopped once to look back at the girl.

"Oh, you want me to follow you?" Hay-Lyn asked with a whispered giggled and made to follow the old cat. As they walked, Katja looked back at Hay-Lyn a few times and the girl giggled in response; it felt so silly to follow a cat. However, Hay-Lyn fell silent when she and Katja reached the back of the cabin where Sheela's bedroom door stood ajar and from inside the wind-witch could hear a hushed argument. It was Danny and Sheela.

"What the hell is wrong with Janet?"

"She is special Daniella and that is all you need to know."

"Bullshit she is. I have never heard of a mental condition that could make her act the way she is. There is more wrong with her than just 'she is special'. Has she ever been evaluated? Janet is a danger to everyone. She scared Taranee and attacked that Philip-guy. They could sue us for emotional and physical damage and, if they did, I couldn't say I would blame them. Could we at least get a social worker to come here and have a look at Janet? It is clear she is too much for you to handle on your own."

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