Part 10 The End + Teaser

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Irma really didn't want to go into the woods with her cousin Danny, but she couldn't just abandon her. Her friends had offered to come along, but Danny refused in Irma's place and insisted that only the two of them were needed. Begrudgingly, Irma got dressed and forced herself to eat a few bites of cold meatloaf before the two of them headed out, following the path with some difficulty, as Danny hadn't had the chance to clear it of the snow. All the while, Irma wondered why Danny insisted that only the two of them were to go. In the past, when Danny wanted to play with Irma alone, it was usually because something bothered Danny; she could always confine in Irma to keep any secret and the water-witch had a feeling this was the reason. Clearing her throat, Irma chose to break the ice. "So, is there a reason why you wanted me to come along?"

"Well, you are my cousin," Danny replied and kept her eyes on the trail ahead. This made Irma feel uncomfortable; Danny was never the type to stay quiet. She always had something to say, always had something to do, or a story to tell; sure, the previous day's events would shake anyone to the core, but Danny had lived through years of living with her abusive sister Ella, so surely Danny could weather this as well. That was then Danny continued. "I have some questions and hope you can answer them."

"Sure, I can try to answer your questions. However, I have to warn you, I am not good with history questions or math. I can't help with that." Danny chuckled at Irma's blatant attempt at humor.

"It is about your friends...The two married ones." Irma began to get a bad feeling in her stomach. "I saw something that I don't really understand."

"Well...when a man and a woman like each other very much."

"NOT THAT!" Danny snapped and waved her hand as with trying to swat away a fly. "This happened yesterday when I helped them escape." The sinking feeling in Irma's stomach grew. "When I found them, I saw what looked like a multicolored dome on top of them. It acted as a barrier to protect them from the crawler. Nothing in the notebook suggest that Skin-Crawlers can do that; it would also be counter-intuitive since the thing was hungry. I tried to think of any conceivable explanation, and I can't come to an answer."

Now Irma understood why she had been feeling the sinking feeling. It was already difficult enough to keep their secret from their parents. Sure, Susan had found out about their powers because Will decided to be completely honest with her mother, but none of the rest had come out to their parents about it. Irma knew that Will and Phobos hadn't meant for Danny to discover their powers, and Danny didn't know what she saw, but it still didn't help. "Well, are you sure it wasn't the light of a flare? Perhaps the thing was afraid of the light of the flare."

Danny only shook her head. "No, that definitely wasn't a flare. Tony taught me about flares and what I saw was no flare. I just want to understand what I saw, and I don't know if I can ask Will and Philip."

Irma inwardly cringed and felt like kicking herself. She didn't want to tell Danny about her powers, it might even bring Danny into danger should another crazy ruler show themselves in Meridian, but Irma knew her cousin. Irma knew enough about Danny to know what she would never stop investigating until she found out the truth. Clenching her fists and grinding her teeth, Irma forced herself to answer Danny. "Danny, there is more to our family than you think."

"I know, we learned yesterday, but that isn't what I meant. Will and her husband aren't related to us."

"That wasn't what I meant either." Irma interrupted before Danny could continue. "Danny, there are things about me and my friends that you don't know about." Danny quietly stared at Irma as they walked, waiting for her to continue. "I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't know how you would react, but my friends and I have magical powers."

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