The Transfer

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Yoongi pov

I walked quietly beside the humvee filed with annoying human soldiers. I have no boots on like them nor do I have a helmet or vest I'm just walking in uniform. Why are they barking orders like dogs aren't I supposed to be the wild animal here? 

"Hey, bitch move slower, would you?" they screamed laughing. I glared at them with my red eyes shutting them up immediately. 

"Monster." I hear them mutter under their breaths. I help up my middle finger at them.

"It's not my fault you pathetic humans can't keep up!" I growled.  

I'm a hybrid half wolf and half vampire. I could turn this whole place into a war zone in a second but I'm a good boy. I don't like drama but I love bloodshed. Is that so wrong? Plus a hybrids gotta eat. I need blood and meat.

The only human I don't hate is Jimin he the one who asked for my transfer to his base I hope I don't regret this. Should I put on some boots I hate it when Jimin lectures me?

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