Happy Birthday Hope

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Yoongi's pov

Hoseok is on a mission with the rest of the pack. Only Jimin and I are at the base with the other stupid humans. Jimin and Jin are yes human but they are the only ones I'm okay with. 

Today is his birthday. It's Hoseok's birthday. And I have no clue what I'm gonna do.

We were looking around the shops around the base when I saw boxes of condoms stocked in rows different flavors too. Jimin follow me and saw what caught my eye then choked on air. 

"What are you even choking on it's not like you have Jungkook's or Taehyung's dick in you mouth." Jimin started choking and coughing even more. Jin saw Jimin choking and freaked out.

"Oh my god Yoongi what did you even do to him?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing all I did was look at the shelf."

"What shelf?" Jimin pointed at the shelf filled with condoms and Jin rolled over laughing his ass off.

I scoffed at them and grabbed a basket and swiped my arm across the item on the shelf into my basket. After I filled up the basket I grabbed an empty decorative box and brought it to the cashier. 

As the cashier scanned the boxes he stared at me in awe.

"What my man has a lot of energy?" 

"I wish you luck soldier." Jin says patting my back.

"Shut up lets go back before they come back home." I snapped. 

"My ass is the least of your worries human I can smell another being in you from a mile away." he froze in shock.

"What do you mean?" he asked in disbelief. 

"I meant exactly what I said. What? You didn't know?" The look on his face was so priceless that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well congrats man now you know." he looked frozen in fear.

"Jin come on man this is a good thing." I stopped laughing when he started crying. 

"Jin this is a good thing right?" he shook his head crying even harder.

"No I mean it's good but we have a mission coming up. It's gonna die Yoongi." he looks at me with so much sadness. Why did I tell him? 

"You don't have to go alright! I'll go instead!" I growled.

"But Yoongi it's your day off to spend with your mate." 

"So?" I scoffed.

"He can wait a day or two." 

Jin hugs me. "Thank you." 

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