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Silas frowned at his men, a disapproving look in his steely eyes. They had their heads bowed, knowing that their leader was angry with them. His lead scientist stood behind him, watching and waiting for what would play out. The scientist knew that Silas was cruel and unforgiving, but even after being with him for so many years, the leader still often times surprised him. He honestly didn't know just how punished these men would be at Silas' wrathful hand.

"You were unable to locate her?" Silas asked coolly.

The man who was in charge of the squadron shook his head. "That is correct, sir."

"You understand the importance of this girl," the leader asked, a stern edge in his voice to hide the boiling anger.

"Yes, sir," the man said quietly. "There were complications, with the global earth quakes and all the freak storms."

"They should have provided you the perfect cover!" Silas told them, his voice raised.

Each of them shifted uncomfortably. They knew they had done bad, and were probably going to pay the price for it. "Sir, the equipment was hardly usable in that situation. And you can't expect for us to have found any civilians in school, or hardly anywhere for that matter. Almost all of the entire earth was in lock down!" someone spoke up. The rest of them cringed.

"You are out of line, soldier," Silas hissed through gritted teeth. "While that may be true, I expected better from all of you." 

The men each nodded once. Knowing that they were dismissed, they turned sharply, their movements as one, and left. They figured punishment was coming, but right now, their leader had to come up with a new strategy.

"I want that girl back," Silas growled, turning to his most trusted second in command, the lead scientist.

He nodded in understanding. "Our experiments with her were not yet complete," he agreed. "And now that we have gained more knowledge of our robotic friends, there is more to be done. Such as providing her with the same thing that gives life to them."

Silas cocked a brow. "The blue substance is not what makes them alive?"

"That is like their blood. Blood has to be pumped by a heart, and we must have a heart to survive. It is the most important piece of our biology," the scientist answered.

"So you're saying we need to give her another heart," Silas concluded. "A robotic one."

He nodded. "As soon as I find a means of obtaining one, I can learn more about it and investigate how it works. Once I have a good understanding, I can figure out how to apply one to a human, such as her."

The leader thought for a few moments, before a hint of an approving smile played his lips. "Alright, then. All we need to do for now, then, is obtain a robotic heart. We can recruit the girl afterwards." 

His lead scientist nodded in submission and turned slowly, ready to begin right away. Silas liked that about him. He smirked to himself and slowly strode out of the room, thinking carefully how he could plan this out. His thoughts slowly dawned upon the girl, frightened and innocent, and another woman's face played into his mind. 


That girl had looked like her in almost every way, except for the shyness and hair and eye color. It made him soften only ever so slightly, but there was something else. He desired so badly to make her the perfect weapon, the perfect creation, but not only that. He wanted to destroy that innocence, that sweetness. Make her cold and hard like him, force her to see things his way. He could see in her eyes when she had been strapped to that table that he was already on his way to doing so, and the thought made him brim with pleasure.

His thoughts once more fell to the Carol, the only woman that he had ever softened up to. He stopped in his tracks, his body first soft and then rigid. How dare her question him. No one understood his plans other than those who shared his vision, and she had not been one of them.

Aw, come on, Leboy. Don't be like that. You love the movies.

The scarred man shook away his betraying thoughts, his chest feeling tight. He cursed at himself for being soft, and straightened himself, retaining his authoritative stance. He would not allow himself to be swayed from his choices, his vision. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he continued to walk down the hall and plan for the future. 

MECH would not stand for failure.


I know this is a short prologue, but I couldn't find any other way to make it longer! >O< Don't worry, my chapters will be just as long (maybe longer) as my normal chapters in Guardians. 

Speaking of which, I'm still having a hard time believing I FINISHED a book in such a short time, and am already on the second one! Yes, for those of you who didn't know, this is a continuation of Guardians. (Duh.)

I drew and colored the cover myself! I hope you like it, I'm terrible at colors and actually drew it on paper and took a picture of it on my phone. Because I can't draw SQUAT on any form of technology. 

Again, special thanks to @multifandom-doctor for everything she has done for me! I WUV YOU FWIENDO! *hugs*

AND a special thank you to @lovegirllovelee . Thanks for all your words of encouragement! I'm so glad you are enjoying the story so far! *pulls into hug* yay we all fwiends now.

Anyway, see you guys in the first official chapter of Charge!!


*waves excitedly*

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