Chapter 22

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My body was aching terribly as my eyes fluttered open. I started open a moment later, sitting up from my sprawled out position. My vision darted to and fro, and my heart sunk when it saw that I was surrounded by darkness. I could barely make out anything, the only source of light a dim purple bulb at the top of the room, which was so high up I wouldn't have been able to reach it even while standing on Megatron himself. 

I jumped again as memories flashed in my head, the freshest being Ratchet screaming my name as I disappeared. I could nearly feel Starscream's cold, thin digits around my waist. They were nothing like my guardian's; where Ratchet's chassis held comforting warmth, the seeker's was as cold as his spark. My eyes darted over my body, making sure I wasn't severely injured, a force of habit, grown from everything that I had been through, and the fact that I was in love with a doctor. I almost breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the worst of it was bruises, the source of my aches. It was probably from the Con's stern grip, since he in no way cared about how hard he held me as long as I wasn't squished. 

Then again, why on earth had Starscream taken me? I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, trying to concentrate. Starscream had obviously been after the Omega keys when he originally started his plan. He had succeeded, too; I remembered seeing the keys in his grasp, and hearing Bulkhead shout that he had taken them before the coward had run. And I knew there was no way he was affiliated with MECH anymore; they had backstabbed him and now where no longer is business. So Starscream couldn't have taken me to be rewarded by them.

I not only felt my spark clench, but I felt a pain in my shoulder burn terribly as another thought filled my brain. Starscream, and he wasn't the only one, knew that I was more than human. I wasn't sure just how aware of how different I was, but I knew that my wretched father probably informed him of some details. Megatron was also a Decepticon that had seen me before, full scale attacking with blasters and blades. If anything, he was the only Con that knew I functioned on Energon. My spark clenched in fear, along with my human heart, as I realized Starscream had taken me to please his former and current master.

Do they know I have a spark?

Almost on instinct, my hand flew up to my upper arm and squeezed it. My spark was hurting, and I had to guess it was because I was stressed and terrified. Although, I had never imagined that those feelings would cause the biomechanism to feel pain. It didn't make sense, really; if this were always the case, Autobots and Decepticons alike would have felt it almost constantly because of the emotional pain war brought. I prayed that that wasn't the case. I didn't want my family, especially Ratchet, to feel like this all the time. 

At the same time, it was certainly reason for concern. If this wasn't normal, that meant something was probably wrong. 

Again, I felt my spark clench, but this time, the pain subsides as an abrupt emotion flooded my spark, and then my chest. Tears formed into my eyes and flowed out quickly, and as much as I normally cried, it felt like these tears almost weren't my own. Neither did the emotion feel like mine; the terror and sadness so strong, I could hardly count it as my own feelings. As my spark started to clench, I slowly realized that most of those emotions, the ones I could strongly feel in my biomechanism, were in fact not mine. They were those of my guardian, Ratchet. Coming to realize this sent another wave of questions into my head. How was it possible that I could feel how he was feeling? What kind of significance did it have? Why was I feeling it now? Why was I feeling it at all?

I wasn't allowed to dig deeper into my thoughts, however. A moment later, there was a loud sound, and light slammed into my eyes. This caused me to hiss in surprise and squint, my vision having been in darkness before. Fear convulsed into my body, quickly replacing those of Ratchet's emotions, as I tried to make out the figure standing in what I know knew was the doorway. I was thrust into terrorized shivers as I saw the thin seeker smirk at me confidently. I huddled my knees to my chest and scooted backwards, raising a hand protectively to cover my face.

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