Chapter 2

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A whole day had passed now. It was getting more and more stressful for the Autobots, and the other children, myself included. I wasn't used to them being in such a scattered frenzy. While Ratchet had stayed back, working on the GroundBridge, the others had all been frantically searching for anything that could lead to their leader. I had been staying farther away from my guardian than normal, mostly to give him space. It hurt to see him so distraught, but when he focused on what he was doing he would seem to settle down. I would watch from the sidelines. The other Autotbots would come and go, each reporting nothing. I would hold conversation with them, doing my best to help by scanning for any signals, something Ratchet had taught me while he was healing. When one would pop up, they would thank me and take off instantly. Ratchet didn't bother to say anything. The kids were all at school for most of the day, and now Miko was in detention and Jack was at work again. I had stayed behind the whole day, deciding to skip. Now Raf was sitting at the couch, studying. I was off on the rails, watching Ratchet as he worked under the GroundBridge.

Sparks flew slightly, catching Raf's attention. He stood up and walked over, his eyes finding Ratchet and widening slightly. He scooted over to me and leaned in.

"Is he actually turbocharging the GroundBridge?" he muttered. "I thought Miko was kidding.."

I smiled at him, leaning on forward on the railing and nodding. "Yep, he's been going for a while."

"I'm just tinkering," Ratchet piped in, looking up. "No need to get anyone's hopes up just yet."

Raf shot him a grin, nodding. He was obviously excited, and still wanted to help. He waved at me slightly before running back over to his studies. I sighed a little and looked up at the screen. Arcee's signal was at Jack's job, signaling that he was finished with his shift. That meant they ought to return to base soon. Bulkhead was probably waiting for Miko, and Bee was close by. With another sigh, I looked over to Ratchet. I wanted to talk to him, I really missed our conversations. Now that he was silent, I was realizing that I was the only one he would really talk to, besides Optimus.

That shouldn't make me hopeful.

I stood up straight at the sound of Arcee's engine. Jack took off his helmet and shook his dark bangs out of his face. Casting a glance to my guardian, I sped off to greet them, grinning. I waved at Jack as he got off, and up to Arcee when she returned to her bipedal form. Jack saw me first and returned the wave, his face getting a little more cheerful.

"How was work?" I asked, stopping just in front of him.

"Fine, thanks." He looked up to his guardian. "Thanks for the ride, Arcee."

She smiled lightly, nodding her helm once. "Anytime." She nodded to me as well, before walking off to check on the monitors. Probably to look for anything else.

Both of us perked up when we heard Bulkhead arrive, and Raf joined us. Miko jumped out with a huff, but when she saw the three of us, she brightened. As Bulkhead transformed, she ran over and tackled me with a hug. I stumbled back, a cry of surprise falling from my lips.

"Taylor!" she cried, before letting me go. "Where were you at school today?" She waggled an accusing finger at me.

I shrugged with a shy smirk. "S-sorry, I didn't feel like going today."

"None of us wanted to go," Miko whined, gesturing to the boys behind me. "You're lucky you have a guardian that doesn't like to take you anywhere!"

I knew that she didn't mean that as an offense, but I cringed on the inside anyway. "T-That's not it!" I protested uncomfortably. "He's.. he's just busy right now."

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