Chapter 8

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Weeks went by like hours, and the time flew past me before I could catch it. A muscle in my leg had been torn terribly, but thankfully Nurse Darby and some hospital doctors saved it in time. My cut was stitched and it only brought me slight pain when I strained myself. I had almost been put in a wheelchair, but after a few days of trying it out at the hospital, they decided that I was okay with crutches. I only used them in school, which I returned to a few days later. When I went home to base, I would rest, per my guardians strict instructions. He never allowed me to move myself, and if I wanted to see anything or go anywhere in base, he would take me gently. It didn't offend me at all; it was sweet, and I was actually grateful.

For a bit, Ratchet was in a foul and regretful mood again. While I was still healing at base, Bumblebee lost his wheels. It brought back painful memories for the medic, who hadn't been able to fix his voicebox so long ago. He tried his best to make things right, and almost gave up his own T-Cog in the process. I had been scared for my guardian and the scout, being at base for the whole thing. Thankfully, they got Bee's T-Cog back, and Ratchet's faith in himself was restored when he repaired. I was overjoyed when I saw Bee speeding away, Raf in tow, while Ratchet laughed after him. It lifted my heart and spirits.

However, with so many things happening, me and Ratchet still really hadn't had the chance to be together. We weren't talking as much as we used to, and he was so busy with my and the other Autobots help, and I was occupied with school and my recovery, that neither of us really had the chance to. We were still around each other every day, but it wasn't the same. I missed it.. but I knew that it had to be that way at times like this. It was sad and disheartening, but I would be okay.

It was a calm morning now, and I was itching at my cast as I tugged my sweater back over my head. Last night had been full of strange dreams, and I was ready to get my mind off them at school. As I reached for my crutches, I saw Optimus approaching me. I looked up as I grabbed them and smiled.

"Hello, Optimus," I said.

"Hello, Taylor," he greeted back, leaning over to speak to me as I tugged at my cast some more. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "My leg isn't really aching or anything, and the stitches are coming out soon. I'll be healed up in no time." I smiled cheerfully.

His derma turned up ever so slightly in his own kind of calm Prime smile. "I am pleased to hear you are recovering well, Taylor." He paused, glancing back for a moment. "How are you and Ratchet getting along as of late?"

I stiffened for a second before sending him a smile of assurance. "I mean, we've both been occupied lately.. we aren't interacting as much as we used to, but he's making sure he's taking care of me. It's okay, really." I tucked my sweater into my pants with a sigh.

He cocked his helm as I spoke, listening. His optics turned the tiniest bit playful, and I bit of the innocent Orion I saw before peeked out. "Ratchet has informed me several times," he told me, outstretching his servo, "that he regrets not spending as much time with you as of the past few weeks."

This made me beam happily and my cheeks burn a berry red. "R-Really?" I asked hopefully, carefully stepping on his servo.

He misses it, too?

The Prime stood straight and walked away from the human area where I had been getting ready. "He enjoys spending time with you, Taylor," he said. "I am glad that you changed his perspective on human kind."

I giggled. "I don't know about every human," I joked. "He's still on edge with Miko."

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Optimus was holding back a chuckle. Instead, he hummed deeply as he bent over and let me down by the exit, where Ratchet would be waiting to take me to school soon. He had just saved me the trouble of walking down the stairs with crutches, which I'm sure my guardian would be thankful for. I smiled gratefully up at him, my face still pink.

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