Arrival into Mario World

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Another portal opens up and another Abyss is shot out. In his mind he complains 'Will this kid ever take a break of making Abysses left and right?'

-Author: Nope! Thank you for all your hard work!

Abyss sighed as he knew his existences literally stems from a single kid's imagination. Most Abysses are grateful to him others hate him because he made them too OP. Either way. Abyss will just let this child do as he pleases within this world. During the times he doesn't write he will enjoy life the way he wants it to be.

Abyss fell face flat on the ground. He groaned knowing this is something he must endure. Turning around he was relieved to find his body intact without broken bones. Looking around he saw many strange things. To begin with there were mushroom style buildings.

The first thought was "Did I enter the Smurfs? I know the person writing this is childish but really..." Upon closer inspection though he saw toads. Abyss smiled as he said "Thank god its not the Smurfs! I would have killed them all!"

Standing up he decided to visit princess Peach. Why does he know there was a princess Peach when he just arrived? Simple, he has played Super Mario before just like his creator and his creator will make it so he meets her.

Abyss began jogging for an hour before arriving at the dick shaped town. He chuckled thinking it this way. There were some advantages with the structures being like this but seriously someone must change this kind of architecture.

Many toads stopped to stare at him. Abyss looked around and chuckled. This poor innocent fools. He was not the kind of Abyss that would act as a hero for some special reward. He was the lazy kind that doesn't mind what others do while they don't mess with him.

It took another hour before he reached the castle gate where two toads were guarding seriously. He was about to laugh but held it in. Walking over with a forced smile he said "Can I see Princess Peach for a moment?"

The toad looked at him and said "Do you have an appointment?" Abyss shook his head and said "I just got here. Tell her that a man from a different planet came here by accident. I want to settle down and enjoy life."

The toad ignored him though as it said "No appointment no entrance." Abyss grinned as he said with surprise "Incredible for such strict toads to exist but... there is a small problem."

The toad looked at him with annoyance as it said "What is it?" Abyss chuckled as he said "I do not... take no as an ANSWER." His voice was dangerous low at the end. This caused the armed toad take a step back as it felt Abyss becoming a frightening existence.

Abyss smiled as he said "Are you not supposed to protect your princess? How could you back down when a dangerous person stands in front of you?"

Hearing this Toad felt embarrassed and said "How dare you threaten Princess Peach! I must arrest you!" Abyss laughed evilly as he said "Try catching me then." He jumped onto the gate and began climbing at a alarming rate.

The toad was momentarily shocked as it said "Open the gate! Get the guards to secure the entrance!" Abyss though had already reached the top and jumped off with a playful smile. Landing on the ground safely he turned around and waved "See ya."

Abyss began running away ignoring the yells of the approaching guards. He who no longer held back ran at an alarming speed eventually entering the castle before word got there. Many toads were surprised by the sudden arrival of Abyss but considering that no one could enter without permission they somewhat ignored it.

Abyss walked to one and asked "Do you know where Princess Peach is?" The toad nodded and said "She is at the plaza garden having a tea party with Maria and Luigina." Abyss nodded and thanked the toad "Thanks! Also if guards come here tell them I flew into the air."

The toad was confused but just shrugged it off.

The Guard Toads soon arrived and question the nearest toad "Where did a man about the height of this spear go?" Toad looked up and said "He flew up into the sky."Silence...

The guard toad said "I quit. I'm sure Princess Peach will be alright with Maria and Luigina with her." On this day a guard toad decided to quit its job for a more leisure life. He did not regret it for a moment.

Abyss soon arrived at a large garden after asking several toads for direction and telling them all kinds of stories of what they should say if a guard was to ask for him. One such story was him being a ghost and phasing through the walls. Another was that he was a fish and the toad helped him enter the sink to survive but the tap popped off causing him to sink down and disappear.

The remaining guard toads began regretting their existences as they were sent on several different goose chases. Abyss laughed playfully as he said "This time what should it be? Bowser appearing to eat me or King Boo taking me away?"

Abyss soon appeared in front of 3 girls. He sighed bitterly as he said "Aw man! I was having so much fun! Great! Now I have to take care of business..." There was a tinge of sadness in his voice. His small outburst quickly drew the attention of the three girls. The red shirt girl with overalls jumped and shouted "Who are you?"

Abyss shrugged as he said "I have 3 names currently so which one do you want to hear?" The red shirt girl with overalls became confused as she said "You have three names?" Abyss nodded as he said "Yeah. My original name is Abyss. The name that is most popular with the guard toads is Trickster and finally the less known one is a person from a different world. Well, I guess two of them are more titles than names."

Princess Peach stood up as she said "What do you mean you are known as trickster for the guard toads?"

Abyss shrugged as he said "Can I dine with you guys. It should be explained within an half a hour." Princess Peach quickly agreed with a smile "Sure."

So for the next 30 minutes Abyss spent it relaxing with tea and sweets. He learned that the red shirt and hat girl was named Maria and the green shirt and hat girl was name Luigina. He already could guess this were genderbent Mario and Luigi of the world. He decided to ignore it.30 minutes later...

"Found him! Finally!" The guard toad who shouted broke down in tears of joy and grieve. Several other guard toads followed shouting words of gratitude that their wild goose search was over.

Abyss chuckled at this while the girls were left speechless. Princess Peach looked at Abyss carefully and asked "What did you do to them?"

Abyss smiled playfully as he said "I told every toad in the castle a different story of my whereabouts so they could search around the whole kingdom for me." Princess Peach shivered hearing this thinking 'What a frightfully cunning and merciless man.'

If she knew that he almost sent her guard toads to Bowser and King Boo she might even call him the devil.

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