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I counted all the ribons that are tied around your wrist.


Twelve ribbons, none are the same. They are all different colors, different shades and hues. They somehow all blend together and contrast, and it looks beautiful. Just like you. Wow that was corny. Whatever. My favorite one is the sky blue-

I'm so fucking pathetic. Here I am obsessing over ribbons and the color of each and every one of them.

Please get out.

Get out.

Get the hell out of my head please.

Or at least fall into my arms instead.

Now I'm quoting a One Direction song because of you. Great.

What are you doing to me?

Why do you make my heart roar like thunder and have elephants stampede in my stomach.

I was just Parker before you.

Now I'm starstruck.

Starstruck over you.

I'm pathetic.

But you're not.

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