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I caught myself writing your name on the margins of my math notes.

And when the teacher called on me, I meant to say undefined.

But instead I said Jane.

Because I loved you before there was a 'definition' of who you are.

You used to be Jane. Undefined.

Not anymore.

I hardly see you in English anymore, I bet Luke convinces you to skip.

Or you convince him, you're different now.

English isn't my favorite class anymore.

I know it's not yours either.

Now I just sit here feeling foolish and stupid with tears brimming my eyes because I actually thought in those months that we spent together

That I somehow mattered to you.

When we were lying there, in the forest green grass,

With your eyes staring into mine, and a smile stitched on your face

And how you whispered to me one day, 'Thank you'

And how I didn't understand.

But now I do.

You were thanking me for not judging you, defining you, you thanked me for seeing who you are and not believing others posionous words full of venom and hatred.

I wish I could've thanked you.

For being you.

But it's too late, and you're not you anymore.

I miss you.

I wanted to show the relationship between Jane and Parker a little more becuase I kind of just skipped so yeah Jane and Parker got really close in those few months, but when she started to date Luke they don't hang out anymore:(

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