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"Oppa, are you going to school now?" Sofia asked, I smiled at her before I ruffle her hair which made her pout.

"Yep, don't worry. After school, Oppa will be home immediately." I assured her.

"But you know that's not the reason why I asked you..." she said.

My smile disappeared but flashed it back in a second too.

"Oppa will be alright, no ones going to bully me like before."

Before Sofia could say another word, I gave her a kiss on her forehead before bidding goodbye.


"He's the weird kid, right?"

"He got strong guts coming in this school,  knowing he's a half race."

Those were just few words I kept hearing ever since we decided to live here in Korea.

I was 5 that time and upon entering the door of my new classroom, everyone keeps on saying awful things about me.

But I didn't give a damn on them or to their insults, all I care is a proper education.

Classes begins and like usual, no one talks to me for---like they always say---they don't like hanging around with weirdos.



I looked up to the wall clock and eyed the time.

'Classes went by in a blink of an eye...' I thought.

I stood from my seat and began fixing my things, when I'm done I walked out of the classroom.

But like before, there will always be someone who'll ruin my peaceful day.

"Hey Chwe, I see you're not leaving school yet, huh?" The campus' well-known bully, Wooseok stood in front of me.

Instead of answering him, I walked passed him. But before I could take another step, I found myself on the floor with my things scattered around.

"No one dares to ignore me!" His voice roared around the hall.

Again  I didn't pay him any attention as I pick up my things and put them in my bag before facing him.

"Well, I dare. Don't act as if you're a king, Wooseok. We are all students here so don't act as if you're higher than me." I said before turning around.

But before I leave, I told him something that even I didn't expect to happen.

"I'll show to you someday that I could be a successful guy that even you would not believe it."


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