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I still can't believe I confronted Wooseok earlier.

Part of me is proud that I defended myself but in majority, I feel guilty.

What if he or anyone who had grudge at me report me to the Principal?

What if they call Mom or Dad because of the commotion I did?

What if----

"Aww..." I whispered.

Due to overthinking, I didn't noticed I bumped into someone.

"Oh, we're so sorry." Says the lady with a notepad on her hand.

I shook my head no before apologizing, saying it's basically my fault.

I looked at the lady's companions and they seem to be observant.

"I'm gonna go now, Ma'am. I'm sorry again." I said before walking through the station.

I fished out my phone and look if Sofia or my parents left a message to me.

I smiled upon reading my sister's message saying 'be home safe, Oppa.'

There's also a message from Dad which says the same thing with an apology 'cause he's at work and that he can't fetch me home but I replied with 'it's alright'.

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited for the train, but then someone tapped my shoulder.

As I turn around, I saw the same lady I bumped earlier along with her----uhm---- friends?

"Excuse me, you are the kid we bumped earlier, right?" Asked a guy beside her.

"Uh, yes... why?"

"Are you somehow interested in becoming an idol?"

I stared at them for a moment.


This is your chance, Sol. Prove Wooseok,'s wrong about you, that you are not a weakling and can stand my own words.

"Maybe I should ask my parents first about this..." I answered, they smiled at me and handed me a card.

"Just call us if you already made up your mind, uhm?" She stopped which made me realize something.

"Chwe Hansol." I said, she shake my hand and told me to just call her Ms. Kae before leaving.

I let out a sigh before staring at the card they gave me on my hand.

'Pledis Entertainment'


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