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"What you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your low quality English."

"Low quality? Low quality?!"

"I'm the best quality!"

I can't help but to laugh, same goes to Mingyu hyung who's enjoying watching us argue with Seungkwan's English.

I eyed Seungkwan who's now sulking upon me calling him low quality. I walked towards him and ruffled his hair.

"Stop it, Hansol!" He whined.

"Come on, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." I apologized. He stared at me before slapping my cheek, in a joking manner.

Yes, I am now in my third year of training, this guy with me is Boo Seungkwan.

He joined a month after me and I must say, I enjoy his company.

We get along so well that the others thought we knew each other for so long.

"You know, Hansol. If the thirteen of us debut together, you will be one of the members who'll introduce the group to the international fans." He said, opening up a topic.

"May I ask you, Kwan?" I started, he looked at me.

"You already are." He jokingly answered which made me smirk.

"Why did you come to me the first time you joined us?" I asked.

"Because I find you cool." He answered, briefly.

"Besides, the other guys back then told me to come along with you since like me, you were just a newbie." He added which made me look at him.

"They told you that?"

Seungkwan gave me a nod and a smile.

"I know being half is hard, because others judge you but don't think like that when you're with us."

"We will fully accept you just like how the company did to you, to Jisoo hyung, Myeong-Myeong hyung and Junhui hyung."

"If we managed to debut all together, fans will love you and I assure you that."

I can't help but to tear up upon listening to his words. For the three years we've been together, he surely know how to cheer me up.

He patted my shoulder and like what I did to him earlier, he ruffled my messy hair.

"Thanks, Kwan..."

"You're always welcome."

Just a little bit of VerKwan💕

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