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"Wow, Hansol! You topped one of the polls of idols with good looks, nice~" says Seungcheol hyung who's busy scrolling down his phone.

I chuckle upon the compliment and stared at the television where we're reviewing our performance earlier.

"To be honest, our fans were right. You are undeniably handsome, Sol. Well, bot as handsome as me though." Jun hyung said which made the others cough.


I can't help but to laugh on his innocent look, the members doesns't seem to agree with him.

I looked at my phone and saw it's already 8 in the evening, we just finished recording in one music shows.

It's already 2019, time surely passed by. We're about to come back in Japan soon and ofcourse, we will celebrate our group's 4th year anniversary.

"You seemed to be in a deep though, huh." I was brought back to reality when someone sat beside me and offered me a can of soda.

"Kwan..." I murmured but he must have heard it 'cause he looked at me.

"Hyung, Sol and I will be in the rooftop for a while, okay?" Seungkwan said to one of our managers as he grabbed my wrist and walked out.

Like what he said , we went to the rooftop where fresh air welcomed us upon stepping out of the door.

"I never thought we would come this far." I started.

"Remember what I've told you before?" He asked, I gave him a confuse look which made him chuckle.

"The one that if we all somehow to debut, people, especially our fans would love you." He continued.


"We may not debut along with the others who left but I know wherever they are, they are proud of us like how proud we are on what they're doing now."

"I didn't actually expect all the love I've been receiving. Given the fact that I am half---"

"That's what made you popular, Sol. Being half is not and will never be considered as a misfit. It makes you unique."

"Don't mind those bash you get back then and just focus on today. On how Carats love you as Hansol Vernon Chwe, as Seventeen's Vernon and as a half race."

I gave Seungkwan a smile before nodding, he ruffled my hair and gave me a smile as well.

Before we head back, I pulled him into a tight hug and whispered the words I always forget to say to him every time he comforts me until now.

"Thank you."


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