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"Are you sure about your decision, sweetie?" Asked Mom after I told them about those people who scouted me.

"Will you be mad if I say I want to?" I asked, worriedly.

Mom and dad put their hands on my shoulder and gave me a smile.

"We don't want you to experience stress in an early age, Sol." Dad started.

"But if that's what you really want, we won't interfere." Mom added which made me smile and hugged her.

"Mom.. Dad... earlier..." I started, kind of nervous for I decided to leave school.

They looked at me curiously and worriedly while Sofia looked at me from the living room.

"I... didn't mean to but I kind of talked back rudely to my schoolmate... it's just that... he keeps on picking on me ever since I transfered there and it pissed the heck out of me." I explained.

"Sweetie, why didn't you tell us about that back then? Come're." Mom spread her arms for a hug which I immediately comply.

"We were sorry. Us being busy these days got too far." Dad commented.

"It's alright, Dad. Don't feel sorry." I assured.

"But Oppa, how about school? If you accept the training, wouldn't it be too hard for you?" Sofia butted in.

"I'll keep up through homeschooling. I won't forget my studies no matter how tight the schedule will be." I answered.

Sofia get up from the sofa and run towards me before hugging me tight.

"I'll miss you, Oppa." She whispered, I ruffled her hair and give her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Me too. Don't worry, if I have time, I won't forget to check you guys out."


"Everyone!" Mr. Han's voice roared through the small green room, taking the boys' attention.

"Today, another trainee joined. I expect you guys to welcome him and make him feel at home." He said before patting my shoulder and leave.

"Woah, are you American?" Says one of them, I looked at his shirt which has a print that I assumed is his name.

"H-half..." I answered, nervously.

"Oooh~ that's nice. I'm Ming Ming, a Chinese member!" He introduced.

A little kid walked towards me with a bright smile.

"We're both half, hyung! I'm Samuel~" he said which made me smile.

The rest of them also introduced themselves to me.

This is it, the start of me as a Pledis trainee.


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