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On the planet Cybertron, many years in the past where the beasts known as predacon's ruled the planet, there was a young femme sparkling.

She lived by herself, all alone, her sire and carrier abandoned her when things had gotten to strange for their liking.

But the little sparkling did not care, for abandoned in a cliff cave she was taken care of by someone unexpected and not the likely possible caretaker one might not think of.

In all the eons nothing stirred until when the sparkling was born, the one and only Primus watched over her, showing her the history of the planet through images made by a fraction of his power.

That is what caused her abandonment in the first place, over the time watching her Primus had learned that once she learns something she remembers it well.

It was morning once again and Primus made a small energy version of himself appear in the cave, there the sparkling slept until a familiar presence entered.

Jolting up from the ground she smile big "Primus!" She chirped happily as she scrambled to the glowing figure.

He chuckled lightly as he bent down and petted the little one "hello, MidnightSilver, did you recharge well?" The sparkling smiled "yup! I slept even better cuz Serena told me stories!" She squeaked happily.

Primus raised a opticridge "who is this Serena my dear Silver?" The sparkling smiled bigger "she's been my best friend before I met you and she's also my other me!" Silver clicked her glossa a bit.

"Your other you? Do you mean like your other half?" Primus stared as the sparkling nodded her helm furiously "yup! But she can only come out if I let her unfortunately." Silver put a tiny frown on her face.

Primus gave light chuckle "are you able to show me what she looks like?" Silver instantly smiled again "sure!" With a small squeak she offlined her optics.

With some interest Primus watched as the small hole on Silvers chassis glow slightly from her spark, for being a caretaker he gave some of his power to her for her to be safe.

He thought that maybe he made a mistake and it was to much for the little one to handle, but he soon found out that she was a natural.

She sometimes created small images to entertain both him and her when they were together, she even did it perfectly every time with no problem.

So he waited a little longer until some light blueish-green light swirl around the ground before a figure started to form beside Silver.

Curiously he watched as it became more detailed and changed into something he's never seen before "hi!" The figure spoke as it leaned on Silver, them both being exactly the same height.

Still on his knees he bent down a little more "are you the Serena that Silver was talking about?" The figure smiled before hugging a smiling Silver "I'm the one and only." Primus gave a small smile at the pair.

The little figure did look very strange, it didn't even look cybertronian in anyway, but it had a femme like feature to it probably meaning that it was.

After looking for a bit he watched and smiled as Silver and Serena both started to make images swirl around which made them both giggle as they continued.

But it was shortly ended when they both stopped giggling and shifted the images form together in a window, Primus had taught them how do use the power he had given to look more into the future.

He frown as he watch both their faces turn to faces of horror as they look at the window before Serena hugged tightly onto Silver and began to cry.

Transformers Prime FanFiction: Two Unexpected Halves (On hold for rework)Where stories live. Discover now