Author's special

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(Hello all my lovely readers! I'm back after a 3 month long disappearance thanks to schoolwork and examinations. Since I need to re-read everything to remember exactly where I left off, here's a tiny Chat Noir x Reader fic that I wrote during my school days! Hope you enjoy!)

Yawns escape your mouth as you continue writing your essay, an assignment that was supposed to be completed two days ago. You groan, internally slapping yourself for procastinating so much. The damn thing was due the next day!

As your eyelids are about to shut, a tapping noise from your window makes you jump in your seat. Startled, you turn to face the window, only to be met with a pair of glowing green, cat-like eyes.

"Ch-Chat Noir?!"

He smirks, clearly amused by your reaction and begins to fog your window up with his breath. He begins to draw little lines on the glass, eventually forming the words, "Let Me In". You hesitantly trudge toward the window, rubbing your eyes tiredly. As soon as you lift the windowpane up, he leaps inward and onto your bed. "Hey (Y/N)! What are you doing this late up at night?" he asks, tilting his head to the left. "Hi...ugh, I'm writing an essay that I'd procastinated on doing 2 days ago, and here I am. What are you doing here?" you reply, a questioning look in your eyes. He blushes under his mask, avoiding your gaze. "W-well, I was....lonely...and I didn't th-th-think anyone would be this up late so I came here," he admits, his usual pride strangely absent in the tone of his voice. "Fair enough," you say, turning back to your work along with another yawn erupting from your lips. "I need a damn good energy boost; and I don't want coffee!" you sigh, throwing your head backwards.

The corners of Chat's lips pull themselves into a smirk. He gets off your bed and pulls you away from your seat. You look into his twinkling green orbs, asking "What is it?". He pulls your waist closer to his body and responds, "I happen to know the perfect energy boost for you, ma cherie."

His soft lips press against your own, one of his gloved hands making their way to your cheek. You freeze momentarily, enjoying the sweet taste of his lips before slowly snaking your arms around the back of this head. He begins to kiss you harder as a response, making his way to your bed with you in front of him. Your body hits the bed with a light thump, with Chat kissing you  even more passionately every second. He slowly begins to nibble your bottom lip, making you moan lightly with the sensation. As soon as he gets a chance to, he shoots his tongue into your mouth and begins to explore every little inch of your lovely mouth, sending sparks of electricity throughout your entire body. The both of you kissed for a few more minutes, until you pulled away, a blushing and panting mess. He smiles a little smile at you, admiring your beauty. He gets off the bed first and helps you get up as well.

"Uh...I..." you stammer, gazing at him "Th-that was amazing..."

"Thanks...I's my first kiss..." he replies, a pink blush dusting his golden-tan skin.

(A/N: I know you guys are probably screaming "It's his third/second kiss!" The thing is, in the other two/one instance(s), he was either under an villain's control or it was accidental. This is his first willing kiss! Okay, back to the story >~<)

"Well, are you staying?" You ask, secretly hoping for him to remain with you a bit longer. "No, princess, I have to leave. Farewell, my fair maiden," he replies with a bow and a chuckle. With a small giggle, you whisper "Bonne nuit, my knight in shining armor. That was one of the best energy boosts I've ever had." before pecking his cheek.

He glances at you for one last time before leaping away, leaving you full of energy and with pleasant memories as you continue to finish your work.

"There are millions of stars in the sky, but I think I may have just found the brightest one of them all," Chat thinks to himself, gazing at the stars twinkling above him in the beautiful Parisian night sky.

(Woohoo! 695 words!  I hope you enjoyed it even though it sucks real bad. I'm no good at writing kiss scenes, so I tried my best! I also have another mini-announcement to make. So recently I've started to lose interest in Miraculous Ladybug for a couple of reasons, some including the fact that I have become an otaku and I'm into so many other shows now. That doesn't mean I won't update the story; I'll do my best to finish the story since there are only a couple of  chapters left. I hope you bear with me, as I really need to catch up on a lot of stuff!)

(Also, have an Attack on Titan x Miraculous Ladybug crossover:

(Also, have an Attack on Titan x Miraculous Ladybug crossover:

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See all you lovelies later! Bye!)

~Artistic <33

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