7-Or Maybe...

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Saturday. One of the only days Andy could actually relax and stop with all the worry about school and her projects. She sat at the computer in her room going through possible wedding venues and when they were available; and this is what she was living for at the moment. It had been three days since James had kissed her, and she was still working through why she felt more comfortable with James than she did the man she's been dating happily for the last three years. As she pondered her predicament, she found a beautiful venue for the wedding. It was a simple little farmhouse with a done out barn that had been decorated with fairy lights; petals and rustic looking accessories. 
She could imagine walking down the aisle in the place; so she shared and sent this to Orson, hoping he would love it as much as she would. She continued to look for other places, but she was certain that the barn was going to be their venue. Looking at the time, she reached for her phone and called her mum to see what time she would be home for dinner.

'Sweetie...I don't think me and your father will be coming home tonight...we are swamped here and the kids need our help tonight.'

"Okay, ma. Have a good night and kiss dad for me." 

Her parents volunteer at the local children's home and they helped out as much as they could in that community because of how much they helped their daughter, they thought maybe they could help others. This meant a lot to Andy, knowing that they changed her life for the better and were trying to improve the lives of the other kids.
For a while, she looked at more venues and then turned off the computer and switched on her TV to watch her favourite show on Netflix which was Queer Eye-she loved it-and watched with love in here eyes for the things those guys do other people, and teach them to be more open and how to look after themselves. As she was watching, her phone rang. Looking at the screen, it was James; and Andy froze. She didn't know whether or not to answer because of everything that had happened just days before. But, she knew she would have to face it eventually, so she answered the phone.


'Andy, I just want to tell you I am so sorry again and I was wondering if we could just forget all about...that.'

"Listen James; I would love to just forget about it but I can't really forget it. It's been playing on my mind and it's really messed me up."

'How has it messed you up? It was nothing.'


'Yeah. I know what I said and all that; but I think now it was just a spur of the moment thing. I'm not interested in you in that way, you're a good friend and all that shit.'

"Wow, James. Listen, what I said, I meant. I like you and I gave you a chance to show me you're not just another jackass bad boy like I originally thought...guess I was right the first time. See you Monday."

With that, Andy hung up the phone. She did like James, and that was the truth, but she was never going to do anything on it because she may just like him,m but she loves Orson and this has just confirmed she made the right choice. Staring at the phone, it made her jump when Orson messaged back about the venue, yeah he didn't like it. He said he wanted something more high class and grander look. Sighing, she didn't even reply because she knew if she replied she wouldn't be nice about it, and she didn't want to have an argument with him at that moment in time. So she just ignored the message, then five minutes later, the phone rang and it was Orson, kicking off.
In short, Orson hated the idea of getting married in a barn because he thought it would damage his growing image in the corporate world. As the argument went on, Andy had just about had enough-and ended up yelling.

"You didn't like my original dress; you don't like my venue ideas and I'm gonna guess you're gonna try and turn everything about this wedding into a law party for you and your buddies. So here's what I'm thinking-you can plan this wedding on your own and if it turns into a disaster from the second I get to the venue, I'm turning on my heels and walking away. You're move, Orson."

She threw her phone across the room, suddenly feeling suffocated-she needed to get out of there. So pulling on her shoes and grabbing her bag, she called a taxi and went to her new favourite place which was the cliff overlooking the beach that James had shown her. When the taxi pulled up, she payed the fare and stood out the car, plugging her earphones into her ears and standing at the edge looking over the edge of the world. 
She had not felt this low in a long time, and she just burst out crying. The tears were falling fast and hard; she tried to calm herself but to no success. As she cried, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see the face of James, which resulted in her shoving him away from her and ripping her earphones out.

"No. You don't get to touch or talk to me after what you said. I have had a shitty day and I don't need you here now. Since you showed me this place, I'll go. I can't handle this right now. I have lost control of my wedding planning; my fiancee doesn't give two shits if I'm happy; and you! You hurt me."

James didn't say a word, he just walked over to her and pulled her in for a much needed hug. Andy was tense at first, but soon let their bodies meld together and sunk into his embrace. The hug went on for a while, until she pulled away and looked up at him, his brown eyes boring into the head. Before anything could escalate, Andy pulled away from James and looked back on the water, James' arm still around her shoulders. 

"Hey, Andy..."

She looked up at him, hurt riddled his eyes.

"I lied. I do like you and I know you like me, too. How can you marry Orson if you like me? Why don't you just...be with me?" 

Andy stepped away from James' embrace, shocked at his proposal. She shook her head and looked to the ground. She knew that if she left with James then her parents wouldn't be proud of her and think she was making the worst mistake of her life! Making eye contact with James again, she smiled slightly.

"James, I do like you. If me and Orson weren't engaged then maybe I'd think about it. But...no." And with that, she walked away. She will never get this opportunity to be with him again, and she was okay with that. Orson, even if he was an ass, was hers forever.


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