9-Night At The Fair

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Andy looked into her dads eyes, tears filled both of them and he pulled her in for a hug. They stood there for a little while; and then her dad said something. 

"Baby girl-we love you so much. We wanted to surprise you so we came to the college and saw you with that man and the bike. We were shocked at first, but you looked more natural with him than in the three years of being with Orson. Now, you're in so much trouble don't get me wrong, but we can see that he makes you more happy than Orson has in a while. Just, make sure you make the right decision, and when you have, do the right thing correctly."

As she listened, she heard the roar of James' bike and looked towards the window then back to her dad. He kissed her head and ushered her towards the front door, that made her smile. Her dad knows that she will make the right choice-and to her dad (personally) would be this new man. 
Andy bounced down the stairs and jumped on the back on the bike, speeding away with her arms around his waist. As they drove, James hung his hand down and stroked her leg as he drove, which sent chills down her spine and to cuddle up closer to his back. After twenty minutes of riding down the road, James pulled up outside a fair and helped Andy off the bike, watching her as she smiled, looking at the bright lights and sounds coming from the fair.

"My god, James! This is gonna be fun."

He smirked, and grabbed her hand to pull her through the main gates and towards the amusements and rides. They walked around for a little while, hand in hand and laughing at each others shit jokes, but it was funny none-the-less. After they walked around for a little while, they decided to go on the bumper cars first. They both climbed into a car and ran into other people; barging and got barged by others which made them laugh loudly. This went on for five minutes, then they climbed out and looked at the photos that were taken.

"You know, I never told you how great you look tonight." 

Andy smiled at James and pulled him away from the photos, thanking him in the process. As she dragged him, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they went towards the haunted house ride-Andy loved haunted rides, but she never went on them because Orson hated them. After the ride, James bought them both a photo from the ride, and then they went to go get food from one of the burger vans. 
They ate, walked and talked-enjoying each others company for the rest of the night; going on rides and eating food that they would probably regret the next morning; but they really didn't care. After a good couple of hours walking around; they walked up a small hill and sat at the top, looking over the fair, enjoying life. Andy rested her head on James' shoulder, feeling so content with life at that moment, and she never wanted it to end. 

"So, do you wanna talk about how you're really feeling about him leaving?"

Andy looked up at James and sighed, shaking her head. 

"To be honest; I don't want to talk about him at all. I don't even want to think about Orson at this moment-it'll spoil the night. Besides, I was already having second thoughts about meeting you tonight."

He looked at her, and asked why. 

"My parents saw us together today."

James looked shook; he didn't want to be the reason she had an argument with her parents. Then, she told him what her dad said and it made him smile. James would be welcomed with open arms into her family, but it would be a shock to everybody's systems to see Andy with somebody that wasn't Orson, and that didn't scare her as much as it would've a few months ago. 
Instead of moving, they decided to sit there and talk about everything and nothing. James told her about growing up in the rough areas of where he was from, and how when his parents told him the truth the wrong kind of people became his chosen family. Andy went into detail on how she got into art and music; saying she could play four different instruments and that she could perform for him one day. 

"You play guitar?"

She nodded.

"Well, we could always go back to my place and you could perform for me tonight...if you want."

Andy wanted to go back to his place so badly, but she knew what would happen, and it wasn't the right time for them at that point. So, she denied the offer and they went back down to the bike so he could take her home. On the ride back, though, James took a detour and they ended up at the beach. Turning off the bike, Andy looked confused as James beckoned her to follow, and when she did, he picked her up and took her into the water, making her scream slightly. 

"James I swear to god if you put me down I will get you!"

He smirked, "What, like this?" 

Seconds later, Andy was covered in cold, salty water which made her scream and splash James-making his white shirt completely see through. Andy couldn't take her eyes off his chiseled body as James pulled her into his body, placing a soft kiss on her lips as the water splashed around their legs. Pulling away, James had a smile on his face. Not his usual smirk that sent a feeling to Andy's places, but a real smile. This sent other feelings through Andy; she felt complete when he smiled and kissed him again, shocked when he picked her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he walked them back to the sand. Pulling away, he didn't put her down until he sat her on the bike, going back in for more kisses. 
As the kisses became more intense, Andy realised time had gone by and James was shirtless and her jacket was thrown onto the sand. Quickly realising, she pulled back quickly and breathed deeply; making James worry he had done something wrong. 

"Are you ok?"

She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah! Oh, god don't think you did anything wrong! It's just...I wanna do this so badly, James. I really do-but as of right now, I'm still engaged to Orson. It's somewhat bad enough we're making out whenever we can, but the next step is just something I can't do just yet."

James nodded, handing her back her jacket and pulling his shirt back over his head. After a quick laugh and a giggle, they were on their merry way. When they arrived back at her house, she noticed her parents watching through the window, and she sighed and looked back at James. He noticed her parents, and smiled. He hugged Andy and waited until she was safely inside until he drove away.
Andy timidly walked to her parents, who ran up to her and hugged her. They were smiling. 

"Oh, honey. He waited until you were inside before he left. I've never seen Orson do that for you; just...make the right choice." 

She nodded at her mothers words, and then bid them goodnight before going up to bed. The picture of her and James was placed on her bedside table and she fell asleep looking at the picture.

She thought about making the right choice-but she didn't have as much time as she thought...

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