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2 more sessions left.

"Love increases through righteous restraint and decreases through impulsive indulgence"

- David A. Bednar

Ada couldn't believe her current state when she awoke from last night's slumber. She couldn't even come to grips with the vivid dream that had she had experienced last night. Nothing like this had ever happened to her. Vivid images of two bodies pressed against one another, the scene was beyond passionate. The man was strong, and loving towards this women yet aggressive. Ada was hot, she hadn't had a dream like this in forever. She was wasn't sure what signs were being sent to her, but she didn't mind.

Having gathered herself, Ada took a cold shower and got dressed. She took her time getting to work, because she knew she would arrive early. She needed to time to fully gather her thoughts.They were currently throwing her out of the loop

The devil was working hard in Ada's mind. She knew this dream wasn't just any kind of coincidence.

She couldn't even speak to Shauna this morning when she walked into her office. She knew she would hear a mouth full of words from her, but her thought process wasn't really working with her.
She entered her office and glanced at the time above her.


Amaru would be here any no time. Ada noticed from his recent punctuality. Her mindset going in today was strictly focused. She knew she couldn't go any further with Amaru. She knew that if she was put into another situation with Amaru in her office, she wouldn't be able to control herself.  She still had a job to do at the end of the day. She continued to sit at her desk and finish some papers dealing with her other clients, when she  was interrupted by knocking on the door.

"Stay focused", she silently said to herself.

She opened the door to be faced with Amaru wearing his signature gold chains, and another silk shirt. Just in that little of time, all of her self control got up and walked out of the room.

"Goodmorning Ada", Amaru said glancing over her.

"Good morning, Amaru. Come on in, make yourself comfortable", Ada said as she turned away from him and walked towards her chair. It was beyond evident, the attraction was overbearing. They both knew that.

"Ada I've got some good news, just the other day ", Amaru shared , as he saw Ada's face light up.

"And what is that Amaru", Ada asked eager for his answer.

"I've been talking recently with my aunt, and I've decided to hear her out", He spoke, almost in shock with his self. Ada was more than proud of Amaru. When he had first entered her office he was this closed up, aggressive individual. Now he was turning into the man, Ada believed he truly wanted to be. He was opening up, and was handling his anger better. She was so happy, she was helping him become a better person.

"I'm so proud of you Amaru. You are really making great progress", Ada said as she smiled at Amaru. She was beyond thrilled, that Amaru would decide to hear his birth mother out.

"Thanks Ada, but you really are the only one who made this possible. I wouldn't have been able to even consider a conversation with her", Amaru said

"Why are you just now deciding that now is the time to hear her out", Ada asked. She knew she had helped him, but she wanted to know the final factor it took for Amaru to realize it was time to patch things up with his birth mother.

"I remembered you telling me, that if you can learn to forgive someone, whatever they have done to you could be released from your life, but if I continued holding that hate in my heart and not forgiving her. Her actions will continue to have a negative impact on my life", He spoke reflecting on his past sessions with Ada.

Of all the clients, Ada helped throughout the years. She couldn't compare Amaru's progress to anyone. She couldn't believe how much she had helped his damaged spirit.

"Amaru, I'm so happy to hear these words from you. I'm so proud of who you have become in our little time of knowing each other. Do you have a date or anything when you are going to meet with her?", Ada questioned

"Yeah she's coming down this weekend, I'm just ready to get this over with", Amaru responded.

"Are you fully prepared Amaru? Do you think you'll be able to handle seeing her for the first after everything that has happened", Ada questioned. Yes she was excited but she wanted Amaru to be cautious. She knew of his previous anger problems, she didn't want to him to degenerate.

"In all honesty No, but I have some time. I'm going into it level headed. I wanna be able to hear her out but I don't want my anger to get the best of me, if something goes wrong", He said staring at Ada intently looking for a solution.

"I know Amaru, but listen you have my number. Give me a call if you just need to talk or if your nervous. I want to be there to help you thru this. You are a strong man, you can handle this. I know you can", Ada said. She wanted to be Amaru's source of encouragement. She knew he would be able to make it through this, it would simply be just another barrier he would have to get over

" I will definitely call you Ada, you know how to make me look at shit from different viewpoints. Our talks have been really helping me thru this. I really appreciate everything you have been doing for me", Amaru finished he stared at Ada adoringly.

She truly didn't know how much really she meant to him.

"I'll be waiting Amaru, Our time has come to an end. I know you can do this, don't hesitate to call me . I'll be there", Ada said standing up, as Amaru did the same.

" I will, Ada thank you for everything", Amaru said but what he did next shocked Ada. He opened his arms, and walked towards her. Amaru embraced Ada, and she couldn't do anything but take in his sent. He smelled so good to her, it was intoxicating.  His strong arms wrapped around her was enough to send her back into the state she was in this morning. The hug lasted for a moment, as Amaru pulled away.

"Have a good rest of your day, Ada", Amaru said leaving her office with a beyond evident smirk on his face.

"Have a good rest of your day, Ada", Amaru said leaving her office with a beyond evident smirk on his face

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Hey guys sorry this update took so long, I recently was on vacation, and didn't have the time to update. Please comment and vote and let me know what you guys think. Thank you all so much for the continuous support.

- Amaru got Ada feeling some type of way👀.

- How do you guys think the meeting with Amaru's birth mother is going to go?

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