Chapter 7: Just Friends, Nothing More

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A few months later.

"You're home," Maddie sighed in relief. "Where were you? You didn't call and I was worried sick."

"Sorry," Rory giggled. "I went to see a movie with Jamie."

"You two have been hanging out a lot lately," Maddie pouted. "I feel like I have to beg you to hang out with me nowadays."

"I'm sorry, Mads," Rory sighed. "It's just...well, Jamie's really nice and I like being around him."

"What's with the sparkle in your eyes?...Oh, don't tell me you like Jamie," Maddie moaned.

"No way. I've told you, we're friends, nothing more. And that's all we'll ever be."


"Hey, you're here," Danny smiled. "I'm so glad you could make it. You haven't been answering your phone much lately. I was starting to get worried."

"Sorry," Jamie chuckled. "I've been hanging out with Rory a lot lately."

"I've noticed," Danny laughed. "We never get to hang out though. Can we change that?"

"Of course, we can. I'm really sorry, Danny," Jamie sighed. "It's just that...Rory's super sweet and kind and funny. I find myself wanting to be around her all the time, you know?"

Danny nodded. "What's with that twinkle in your eyes? Don't tell me you've fallen for Aurora."

Jamie smiled sheepishly.

"You like Rory?!"

"Maybe," Jamie chuckled. "She's really beautiful, Dan. And I'm not just talking about looks. She has a great personality and she's really caring and I just- I really like her."

Danny sighed. It was a bit weird. He had known Jamie since they were young kids and he had known Rory since they met in the eighth grade. To think of two of his oldest friends as a couple...something about it made him uneasy. Personally, he felt that Rory could do much better, but it wasn't his place to say. Instead, he said, "Well, I wish you the best." Though, secretly, he felt that Jamie didn't have much hope with Rory. She always had men flocking around her. Many of them more handsome than Jamie, with more to offer her.

"Thank you," Jamie smiled. "What about you? Do you have your eye on someone?"

"Yes," Danny blushed. "But I'm pretty she doesn't like me back. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to die alone."

Jamie gave a small laugh. "With your green eyes and dark brown hair, not to mention you personality? Nah. You'll find a girl. I'm the hopeless one."

Danny scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"It's true. Sofia came to her senses and dumped me. Even if Rory liked me back, I think she'd realize that she's too good for me," Jamie frowned.


"Have you ever noticed the way Jamie looks at you?" Maddie asked, taking a bite of pizza.

"No," Rory said slowly. "How does he look at me?"

"Well..." Maddie stammered.

Rory groaned. "Madelyn Ann Dalton, just spit it out already."

"If I'm wrong-"

"If you're wrong," Rory interjected, "we'll deal with that later. Now, how does Jamie look at me?"

"He looks at you he likes you," Maddie said sheepishly.

"God in heaven, I hope not," Rory moaned. "He is so not my type. The thought of us together, -like together together- it repulses me. I love him dearly, but ew."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic."

"Too much?"

"Too much."

Rory laughed. "Nah, it doesn't repulse me exactly. It's just not exactly the most pleasant thought. Besides, even if he did like me, I think he's realize he's too good for me."

"I, personally, think you'd make a cute couple," Maddie shrugged. "But go ahead and think what you want."

Rory thought for a moment. "A cute couple, eh?"

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