Chapter 9- The World Is A Small Place

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Once we'd finally arrived back at Mia's apartment we got to work on the stuff we'd found using a laptop Mia had provided us whilst she was sorting out her cut with some band aid.

I was looking through the file trying to make sense of it all whilst Damon was trying to run the tape through the laptop.

"There's nothing much about the terrorist attack in this file, it's more about some crook who was part of the CIA," I announced.

"What crook?" Mia questioned walking over to me and starting to examine the file.

"Well that's the thing," I sighed, "there's no name, I think it may have been on the paper that fell."

Mia's eyes were fixated on something on the sheet of paper.

"What is it?" I asked slowly trying not to intrude her thoughts.

"Nothing," she hesitated.

The tape broke through mine and Mia's conversation.

"I've managed to rewind it to a few days before they were killed," Damon informed.

We watched the tape in complete silence, I bit my lip trying to stop myself from balling my eyes out when seeing my parents faces flash up on the screen. Most of the time there was no noise just the odd 'hmmm' or 'aahhh' or 'yes' etc. Coming from them as they sat at the centre of the room hunched over pieces of paper probably from the file.

Just when it felt like we were going to find nothing out of the footage my mum's face popped up on camera. She looked extremely worried, my dad was packing up in the background.

"Anyone who finds this!" She screamed at the camera, "They're after us, they've found us! They know we're onto them! Please take care of Kayla don't let her get into any of this mess. They're going to kill her!"

"We should've never listened to Andrew," my dad's voice sounded.

Then the tape went all fuzzy. My eyes widened as her voice rang through my ears. Who? Who was after them? Andrew?

"Maybe the person in the file, who they were talking about is this Andrew," Mia suggested.

"No," I stated, "Andrew... he's from the Patriots, he's the one who got me away from the house and to New York. I don't know what he did but he's not the person talked about in this file because the pronoun used is 'she' so I'm guessing a woman."

Mia took a good look at the file, once again her eyes fixated on one particular spot. Me and Damon exchanged glances not knowing whether to ask what's wrong with her. He eyed me telling me to ask, I shook my head at him.

"What is it with you two?" Mia exclaimed, raising her arms in the air frustrated.

"Damon has a question," I quickly added before he could open his mouth.

Mia looked at Damon her hands folded across her chest.

"We... well you seemed kinda fixated on something I was just concerned." He replied throwing me a death stare.

"Jeez man up will you can't even ask a question straight," she snorted when she caught him throwing me a stare. "Where have your balls gone now? Hibernating? Look, someone's been tampering with this file."

She pointed at the piece of paper the file was opened up to. There was a difference in the colour of the paper, the rest of the papers within the file were an off white colour, a little worn out like the rest of the pages but this sheet was a distinctive white colour like it was an extra addition to the file.

"All the pages are numbered," She explained, "maybe whatever was on this page was something important, maybe even a threat to someone so they removed it and replaced it with this sheet so no-one realises there's a sheet missing. It's a copy of the first sheet it has exactly the same thing written on it."

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